Flying... Here's the truth


Plus I’ve seen the same content for 12-13 years?! I’ve more than immersed myself with that same old content.

Unfortunately it looks like Blizzard is going to have to lose a LOT of subs before they change pathfinder. With classic inflating the numbers, as well as a global pandemic (only reason I am still here), no way is Shadowlands not getting pathfinder now.

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It depends upon how Blizz bends the knee regarding flying. To be honest they are going to rely on mass teleports for people to travel around in shadowlands which shows the immersion arguments are no more. This is because teleports do more to take players out of the world than flying every did because teleports are faster than epic flying.

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But really there’s no actual way Blizzard’s can justify or moving something as major as flying, from the game. It’s the same as taken out dungeon finder. it’s been in the game since the beginning basically. And for them just to remove it on a whim and lock it behind an arbitrary amount of crap, is ridiculous.


There were real problems with flying.

But War Mode solves any problem I personally had with flying. Those first few days of leveling in a new expansion while constantly having to keep my eyes peeled for WPvP gankers was not compelling.

Personally, I’m okay with Blizzard making flying difficult or challenging to obtain. A challenging series of quests or achievements that require some real skill or dedication to accomplish…

Just don’t waste my TIME. Anything but my TIME.

The only problem with flying was by PVPers who could no longer 5 on 1 some lower but able to fly player.

Flying is terrible and it ruins the game.
The only thing it is, is convenient, you lose out on the real world interactions you would get from other players in pvp, you lose out on seeing the world rather then brainlessly auto-flying from one objective to the other.

It was a mistake that was born out of necessity with TBC, and spoiled the community thinking they NEED it. I am happy with the compromise of having to earn it rather than just giving it to you, how is anything just given to you satisfying?

I agree tho, the rep grind can be tedious, but rather than looking at the system implemented with unlocking flying, it should be looked at at bit more closely.
AKA the rep grind, BFA and Legion both timegated the amount of rep you could get at a time, I think BFA took it even further, each WQ feeling more tedious cause you HAD to do them every day,

I rushed 7th legion rep at the start of BFA to unlock dark iron cause it was the race I wanted to play, so believe me I know the full extent of BFA time gating, and WQ bs slowing the whole game down to a crawl.

Flying is beautiful and opens up the world content. It turned some badly designed legion and BFA world quests into something doable. It allows gathering professions to actually to function as normally. And it also allowed people to be able to play their alts with in reason.

Flying, like the combat system and classes were the crown jewels of the MMORPG industry. But here comes the diablo B devs willing to throw the gold standard in the trash to remake the game into an action RPG with mazelike elements and layers of rental systems stacked on top of each other.

History will remember the diablo B team devs for what they have tarnished with WoW. No wonder diablo franchise improved as soon as the diablo B team was moved to WoW. The day they are moved again is the day that the war on classes, GCD and flight will slowly go away.

Flight in WoW was a symbol of large spanning worlds to explore and discover that had continuous zones and no loading screens.

The pinnacle of the diablo B team design in shadowlands will show case their vision of players meeting a series of loading screens to go from one zone to another.

Flying was the red line for many players for it represents the greatest form of player agency along with class and spec selections. The side effect with the war on flight has shown this dev team is willing to shrink the world, make quest rewards less rewarding, turn reputation system into junk, and also promote more instanced game play content (eg island expeditions and warfronts).

When Blizz tip their hand on the war of flight they showed what they would do to the rest of the game which is drag the game backwards in a gruesome fashion.

It will take a new dev team to show great care and love to restore WoW to its MMORPG roots and give back player agency.

Flight is big part of that player agency.


You can believe that if you want, but I feel like I actually see more of the world, and can get more done in the process. I was able to complete an entire Legion Invasion in about 10 minutes, as it was about to end, which would not have been possible without flying. Since this was for the Breaching the Tomb achievement, I would have had to wait for days to complete it, since the next one would have popped while I was at work.

I also love the idea of earning flying, but I don’t feel like the wait is reasonable. Pathfinder Pt 1 should allow flying in the initial zones, and Pathfinder Pt 2 should allow flying in the new zones. Ideally, earn flying for each zone’s Exalted rep, and allow players to buy it per character if they don’t want to do the rep.


Pathfinders are time gated content , that gives blizzard time to adjust and come up with new content.

As well it’s a both win situation because hard core players and “no one should get anything easy in this game” players can be proud when they get pathfinder in shortest time. I hate pathfinders with passion, but I got them just because it makes my game enjoyable. Hate being dazed, or get stuck on a leaf with my mount running in place.


You couldn’t of said it better. Paragon levels with AP, and all the random stats belong in Diablo. Not WoW.


Flight is not going away again. They will just do everything they can to string us along to keep subs going with the carrot on the stick.

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Hopefully the trend will stop

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They want us to play less content for longer. Pathfinder is one of their (many) cash cows!


It’s a time wall. Plain and simple.

You want players to play longer?
Make better content.


Pro flyers are winning by having a consistent message. Each day more and more people on the fence become pro flyers.

The flopping of island expeditions and warfronts really turned a lot of players into pro flyers because if this is the best that the diablo B devs can deliver for their “no flying” vision then no wonder players outright reject it all.

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So true! Unrelated, but lol warfronts! Why did they even make them if they weren’t going to be PvP? So silly.

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All I can say is I enjoy the game much more with flying. Idk why having more fun is bad for a game.


Because you have Av, Ab, Warsong Gulch, wintergrasp among others to get your pvp fix.

According to Blizzard… Fun is very bad