I don’t find pathfinder the problem so much as the method to getting the reputations. I dont mind completing the map and quest etc. But the world quests bother me in that I feel depending on the day (and I only get two off) o feel I miss out if I’m not focusing my time towards the emissaries or if I miss one a week. At least bring back tabard or something so if I want to chain dungeon my day off so be it. I get some rep and feel accomplished. Even if it’s a pitiful amount to even out the same as doing world quests I dont feel I totally wasted my day doing something more enjoyable like dungeons or even pvp if the tabard system was brought back. But until I get my flying and close to all allied races my main fun things like appearance hunting farming old raids for pets and mounts or anything is on hold until I do the dailies I can. And sucks to be me if I work a few 12 hour shifts and miss an emissary i need. It’s not rewarding so much as its punishing if you dont do it.
all the people defending PF by saying well designing the world was harder for the dev team with flight funny though it didn’t seem to such a problem when they went back and revamped the entire old world to make it possible to fly but yet the current end game which isn’t even half as large as vanilla continents is too tough to manage
no one forced them to add flight to cata they did that all on their own they could’ve just as easily made magical teleporters for the areas in the sky but yet they went ahead and redid the old world by coding in flight
I agree pathfinder is a total catch-22. See more of the world than you ever really wanted . . . just to . . . move around the world with more ease later? Something feels off about that.
from the same people that gave us such great concepts as “do you people not have phones?” and the ever so brilliant idea of removing pvp vendors by claiming people couldn’t find them
Does kinda feel like the game is 100% designed for kids without jobs and maybe disabled players who dont work, doesnt it?
I work from home so I can play 24/7 if I want.
But my situation isnt the norm.
People who can only play a few hours a week should really just stop giving their gaming $$$ to companies who use a mode of travel to suck every microsecond of time out of you that they possibly can.
yup look at ESO. portals (wayshrines) every 100 feet, lol. Multiple portals per zone. WAY easier to traverse the world in ESO without flight than in WoW with flight.
Blizzard isnt fooling anyone.
Flight can very EASILY be integral to the game like it clearly was for a while until WoD and that fiasco, instead of being an afterthought.
Just takes not being lazy with making content.
Well the thing you’ve got to understand is that Ion is a liar. He lies constantly by saying things that are conceivably plausible but are not actually borne out in reality. Maybe he doesn’t even think that’s really lying.
PvP vendors were removed because Blizzard wanted to determine what gear people get and when.
He is still right and at this point Blizzard needs to stop being stubborn and let people purchase flight. They can keep pathfinder but it should be limited to BoA flight and the mount.
So blizzard should have ignored those people. These game companies need to understand when someone is complaining to complain and when there is a real issue.
People complain about major issues they don’t like and Blizzard will ignore it, but a few people complain to complain and listen.
The world of Warcraft world is huge , this is why flying was added. Now it’s bigger than ever when flying is needed and they make it a long chore to get in different expansions.
Before flying was given 2 levels before you hit max so you could start doing stuff as soon as you maxed out, now you have to do everything before you get flying.
I have no idea how they screwed that up and made it backwards but they need to change it, it’s annoying.
Or make pathfinder an option to get flying free and put a hefty price on flying. That way if I want to farm old raids for xmog/mounts and get gold I’m still progressing towards flight in a way I find enjoyable. I could care less if it takes twice as long so long as the journey is something I enjoy. Multiple options allow multiple types of people to be happy. Plus if they wanted keep a cool mojnt locked behind pathfinder. I wont get mad at those who have it if I didn’t have the time. Its then my choice on how to progress.
Maybe when these immature takes aren’t the popular ones these discussions can move forward. Come up with logical reasons why flight should be a feature early in the expansion instead of just demonizing.
When the city is small it doesnt need a subway or much public transportation.
When it expands, that becomes a necessity.
Blizzard is literally reverting transportation back into the dark ages by removing portals, etc.
Also, I don’t have to come up with a logical counter argument to refute Ion or some other nonsense like that… I can just say “hey, guy - I’m not giving you money.”
I didn’t buy BfA until two months before 8.2 & the pathfinder part 2 gate was about to open. I skipped all the bad bugs, my addons were updated and helpful, fan sites were informative, and the game was being sold for $25 on ebay.
The pathfinder grinds rapidly burnt me out on BfA and I’ve played this game less and less. Since Blizz plans to continue the same hard headed plan for Shadowlands, I’m going to quit playing wow until I hear flying is in sight again. It’s a lot of time to get over the BfA pathfinder burnout and I may feel like playing wow again. If I can buy the new expansion cheaply I may give Shadowlands a try near 9.2’s release.
The majority of the story line quests and exploration happen at the beginning of the expansion. After completing those as you level to max level, most of what’s left are the repeatable quests like world quests until the next patch that introduces new story quests.
Flying, as a utility feature for traveling in the open world, is perfect for doing max level daily tasks after you’ve explored the zones and completed the unique story quests at the beginning.