Even if they couldn’t resist the urge to lower level requirements for mounted travel, they could easily have done the above. . . or at least. . .
Level lock flight in Azeroth to 70 everywhere but the expansion zones, which would be 85.
I’ll bet there are at least one or two code monkeys who could have made that happen.
Oh and while on the subject of Cata… I hated with a seething passion, what they did to Azeroth. I would have been much, much happier with a 3d old Azeroth. Playing Classic has made me appreciate what was lost in Cata, all the more. I never liked the new artwork and I would have been perfectly happy had they just opened up the new zones without wrecking the world first.
Besides, Deathwing left me flat after the very excellent and evocative Arthas story.
Fine and good, but why are you conceding Blizzard’s nonsense argument that flying is bad because you can “skip to the objective” when better quest design would solve the problem? You’re arguing for flight, but handing Blizzard points they just don’t deserve.
Don’t let their poor excuses control the narrative, man. Flying during leveling isn’t a problem unless you fail to design your leveling experience with flying in mind.
You’re falling into the same trap of accepting there’s some problem with flight while leveling.
There was never flight while leveling until Cata. I didn’t think it was necessary and I believed and always have that flight should have been restricted to level 70 and up.
I never minded having to play through content first to reach max level before flying in expansion areas.
I see your point and I should have been more precise in my language.
I’m for restricting flight while leveling and then rewarding unrestricted flight at max-level.
Blizzard’s stance with Cataclysm was “Hey, everyone is flying while leveling!” Well, duh. You gave players flight while leveling. Don’t do that and players won’t fly while leveling. They caused the situation with a design choice and then act shocked that the situation occurred.
This was only true in later WOLTK patches. Initially you were required to reach 80 before you could fly using your own flying mounts with CWF.
When the tome first became available it unlocked flight for your alts at 76. This was later changed to 68.
Finally, all players in WOLTK could fly as early as level 77 by using rented fliers from K3. This was to make it possible for players to have access to Storm Peaks content reachable only by air.
No one I know ever complained about flight until it was taken away.
You don’t have to give Flight to us easily. Just have us do a long quest-line once we reach cap level. Have this quest-line make us go complete some meaningful task in each zone. Once it’s completed, it unlocks Flight.
I havent played GW2 in years, ever since they blamed their customers for their garbage security measures, and havent played a FF mmo in over a decade, but I did enjoy it when I did play it, very different art style. No idea what rev online is.
IMO that is the perfect name for them. Lesser successors to great developers and management. So sad that so much time was invested in a great game to see it handed over to people like that.
FF14 is really kind of amazing once you get used to the graphics. Their version of pathfinder is a zone by zone “find the aether currents”. Once you do that, no time gate or grind, you fly immediately in that Zone. Takes about 30 minutes per zone to do.