Flying... Here's the truth

At least with Cata the end game zones were nestled between other lower level zones on the continents. But player feedback was that the zones were disjointed so I am surprised they are choosing to do Argus 2.0 for shadowlands.

I linked it earlier in this thread.

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BFA sucks! It is the worst xpac ever and I never thought you could get worse than WOD. All I do is xmog farm old content and raid with my guild. I hate the new zones Nazjatar and Mechadon. I don’t and will never WQ there.


You argued that you haven’t played past WoD, how are you going to tell someone to enjoy the game your own way when you havent even played the last two expansions, or claim “it is the game”, honestly your opinion on the matter isn’t really valid. If flying is the only enjoyment you get out of the game, there are plenty of flight simulators you can play, look them up.

There is nothing inherently wrong with PF, the only issue is how long it takes to roll out, THATS IT. Their excuse of giving us the chance to explore the game and its content just doesn’t hold water when I can see everything in less than a month on the ground. It really is a poor excuse.

I like the basic concept of pathfinder. Do the content, then you can fly. That would include completing the story line of each zone. It might then include a singular end-of-tier quest line, probably culminating in the first raid, at which point you earn flying. This does:

A) Let’s you experience the quest lines, story, and lore of the expansion as intended by the developers.
B) That is it. Nothing else is needed. You played, experienced, and for all intents and purposes, beat the game.

This version however does not include: Rep, loot chests, killing specific rares, etc. as none of that has any real value or effect on the story. As soon as patch X.1 comes out, or it has been 3 months (to give a fair playing field pvp wise), flying should be in game to all who have done this. This would be the case up until the Pre-Patch of the next expansion, at which anyone who has for whatever reason yet to earn it (lazy, new, etc) can simply purchase it for a nominal sum of gold. The previous expansion is old news, and only serves to give people something to do to keep them logged in, and slogging away on foot in a trivial zone is not going to do that, it becomes a chore.

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Again. They weren’t forced. It was a conscious design decision to allow flight at level 60 in the old world. If they had stuck with flight at max-level as done previously, none of what transpired could have occurred. Players would have leveled on the ground in the new Cataclysm zones and once they reached level 85, they could fly in all of the old world and the new zones. Wintergrasp’s no-flight zone issues wouldn’t even have come into play as there would be no need for separated flight/no-flight zones.

Why they considered the need to allow flight at 60 is harebrained because regular testing should have shown the resulting issues with leveling 80-85. They simply should have stuck to the rule of max-level for flight in the old world. Because there was no overriding rationale to allow a level 60 to fly in the old world since at level 60 the player has moved on to Outlands. Level 85 required for flight in the old world. Done. Players would have accepted this given the precedent in previous expansions.

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I do not know what they were thinking in designing those zones.

Mech had potential if they actually put less vertical scale on the western side of the zone and turned it into Timeless Isle 2.0.

But Nazjatar is like Boring Shore and Argus having a baby to create Nazjatar. So bad.

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I don’t like flying but I also don’t like the design of world quests making flying feel necessary.

I don’t want a flight simulator. I want to use the flying mounts and abilities I have had since 2007 and I want to use them throughout the expansion after I reach max level just like we did for ten (10) years before Team “Can’t Do” took over.

Happily there are other MMOs that offer player flight without strings attached and without any tedious grind, chorelist, or absurdly growing time-gates.

Oh, and none of them are “flight simulators.”

And my opinion on the game is just as valid as yours. I was smart enough to try both Legion and BfA before I shelled out any bux for either. I ended up deciding that neither was worthy.

That neither devalues nor invalidates my opinion.




Imagine other mechanics of the game being stripped away. Those anti flying players would be complaining


Ummmm… because there are 24 zones in Kalimdor. 29 in Eastern Kingdoms.

Mmmm hmmm… flying in Southern Tanaris, Southern Un’goro, or Ahn’qiraj and stray too close to Uldum? Splat. Spirit Rez.

Flying in Moonglade, Wintergrasp (a section of which was moved into Hyjal), Felwood, Azshara, or Ashenvale and stray too close to Hyjal? Splat. Spirit Rez. What do you think would have happened if you were flying in Wetlands of Loch Modan and got to close to the Twilight Highlands? You guessed it… Splat. Spirit Rez.

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I don’t like how they punish ground mount travel with 100% daze mechanics now either. If the goal was to reduce players training mobs there are many other ways to accomplish that (eg shorter leashing). But punishing players that travel with ground mounts while purposely putting NPCs near roads with 100% daze doesn’t make sense.

I wonder how much of the team that designed Timeless Isle is still around. Mechagon definitely feels like an attempt at that, but like it got maybe 80% of the way there. The atmosphere of the zone just isn’t the same, unfortunately.

I can give people the benefit of the doubt if they weren’t actually around before WoD. Unless you saw the absolute customer meltdown and revolt then it’s going to be hard to believe. The only other time I’ve seen anything like it was when Blizzard tried to force people to use their real names.

That said, it’s becoming apparent that some people will just straight up refuse to believe it happened. Have to assume it’s because they don’t like the implications for the current and future state of WoW’s subscriber base and denial makes them feel better.


I personally like the aesthetic and what they were trying to do with Mechagon but the way it was executed feels wrong because of how poorly the zone was designed. Lots of wasted space on the west side of the island, and mobs are crammed on the eastern side of the island.

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The zone design is really weird, yeah. Some areas are really crowded where they don’t really need to be.

The big empty mountain wouldn’t feel quite so out of place if other areas weren’t totally jam packed.

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Ok, I’ll try to make this clear one more time.

All Blizzard had to do was make the revamped world require level 85 for flight for every single zone in both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, new and old.

There was no need for any barriers or no fly zones between old world zones and the new Cataclysm zones if they had done this. No character would go “splat” because only level 85 characters would have been allowed flight in the expansion.

That’s all Blizzard had to do to avoid the problem of characters alighting from one quest giver to another while going from 80-85. Something they should have been seen with regular testing. And it would have avoided having to build splat zones to keep low-levels out of end-game zones. Not to mention, there was no overriding need for a level 60, or 70 level character to fly in the revamped old world zones anyways since leveling content for those characters was in other expansions.


its essentially I gigantic mobile platform. I log in, complete my checklist and wait until they unlock the next day. Thats EXACTLY what I do on these free mobile games that are notorious for manipulating the human psyche to fleece money.


The Mechagon zone feels incomplete because it feels like there should have been some major raid boss on the western side of the zone.

Timeless isle had a terraced design to separate the several elements and progression of the zone. Not exactly like Isle of Thunder but very similar.

If you are going to ground players when they first play through these zones it would make more sense to make complete zones and spread out the quests a little more along with the NPCs. It is not like Mechagon is that big of a zone if they put more activity on the western side of it honestly. But the wasted space of the zones west side turns Mechagon from a zone with potential to a zone a lot of player dislike.

Nazjatar is just BS/Argus repainted with artists touch of adding some bright colors and fauna which replaced the fel theme and dark earthen color scheme from legion. The vertical scale is excessive and jagged cliffs, rock faces, and terrain in general doesn’t feel like an aquatic world below the ocean surface. Only the eastern side of the zone starts to feel better which has a feel like Azshara.

The eastern side of Nazjatar is also where it is easiest to find hidden treasures because it is relatively more “flat”.

I do not know how this was tested and what feedback they were provided but by navigating these zones on the ground you could tell right away something was off with these zones. These zones felt too much like Argus maps which had a lot of wasted space. Even Boring Shore had wasted space as the legion invaders were not that menacing when they would just send a few fel bats here and there to attack lol. The assault felt like a whimper honestly.


You will like how they punish air travel in the upcoming patch even less.