The fact is Blizzard was going to remove flight as of May 2015. I don’t gaf what Bashiok did or didn’t say before that. The attempt to remove flight trumped anything that came before it. The player exodus that followed was undeniably triggered by that effort.
The content drought would have been much easier to bear if flight had been available at max level. No one wanted to slog through Draenor again on the ground on an alt, whereas lots of people would have happily played through again if they could fly.
Of course not everyone plays the same way, some players just play one toon and when it’s max, they’re done till the next content cycle.
Most of the people I’ve guilded with and played with across 6 servers over the last 15 years however, all have alts (some are altoholics like myself) and we all maintained year round subs. We would level a main, run dungeons, BGs or raids but also play through the expac again (sometimes several times) on alts.
Before WoD there was always enough content so that much of it would be fresh for alts. WoD, as good as questing was, only had that. Blizzard failed to capitalize on the Mission Tables, which could literally have been used to launch dailies to be done by yourself and your followers in the real world. But they decided instead to make the table a mere timer. PF just removes any chance of replayability, since you have to play through all of it on your main! Ironically, your alts can then fly in the expansion zones, in which they needn’t do ANY content. LOL and at the same time SMH.
Coupled with a lack of the usual cycle of content patches, WoD quite naturally alienated many, even before the no flight ever debacle. However, there is no doubt or serious debate that the May 2015 interview provided the catalyst for the massive player exodus, the likes of which never happened before or since.
The player base never recovered. Legion never had the population even of pre-WoD MoP. And within a few months, Legion servers started to empty out.
Blizzard’s ridiculous efforts to force cyclical players (players who play, then unsub between content patches) by imposing time-gates on every little bit of content and by ransoming the single most popular feature of the game – player flight – have only resulted in alienating even more players.
CRZ was neither never used nor required at any time before this new dev philosophy became the new WoW. Empty servers suggest that this game design is not as popular as the game was in the old days when flight was available from launch and the moment you maxed and had the gold, you could travel faster and by air.
I’m not suggesting that the ridiculous time gates, the razor thin gruel that passes for content, much of it redundant unoriginal and unrewarding (it’s more like a crappy full time job) have not contributed to player dislike. But adding insult to injury and withholding flight for increasingly longer periods of time, while imposing more and more chores on the Pathfinger list, has palpably and empirically caused more players to leave the game for longer periods of time, some, permanently, than any other single factor.