Uh…the issue at hand is the dev team MADE this a problem. OTHER teams have been able to do it…so there is NO excuse other than laziness and lack of ability for THIS team not being able to.
So then Im right…it IS laziness. good to know.
and YOU do know that people can just run out of good ideas…right???
Thats when you find NEW people to come up with NEW ideas.
The Lack of Rob Pardo and Nick Carpenter along with some others that left around that time(and earlier) was a really big deal. Chilton also was partly responsible for the end of Wrath(that created a lot of controversial systems) as well as the worst received xpac until WoD came along(Cata). Also, Chilton was lucky enough to have someone like Dave Adams designing amazing places in Wrath, hard to imagine Wrath without Adams.
I had/have a feeling he’s omitting certain details.
This game FEELS different after MoP.
If this were a movie it’d be VERY easy to tell that someone on the creative team had changed…a writer, a director…someone making it worth watching had moved on.
MoP was them trying to go back to what worked, while also pleasing the Chinese market. But by then they already lost too many people. As good as MoP was(compared to Cata) they’ve never been able to recapture the magic of Vanilla-Wrath and that is because they lost too many who were responsible for the magic.
Blizzards culture slowly changed and for the worse with each loss after vanilla.
yeah, you can absolutely tell the difference in early classic content…then cata, while I love some of it, they seemed to develop a bit of a sadistic nature (which seems to have been revived to some degree in parts of BFA).
MoP for me is the best part of the game. I absolutely love asian cultures so that alone is compelling enough to keep me playing for years to come (well, assuming they dont go full on mental defective with the changes next year and drive me away).
The farm and tiller and especially the cooking grinds are literally perfect. Not to long, not too short. Not boring, not overly comsuming.
whoever wrote it up deserves a Pulitzer prize, if that sort of award could be applied to video game content.
its pretty sad when I can sit here and say that I LOVE the game from level 1 all the way thru level 90…and then like WoDs subscription numbers…my interest nose dives into nearly nothing.
My wife asked me about getting flight for WoD and legion.
I asked her why i would waste my time with it. I honestly dont have a lot of reason to go back into either.
Again, if you had played in Cataclysm when it was current content, you’d know why.
They do come up with new ideas. Only Karens & Richards like you come to the forums screaming about them and trashing the devs. Which is why people like you are mostly ignored.
Rob Pardo resigned from his role at Blizzard on July 3rd, 2014. Warlords of Draenor was announced on November 8th, 2013 at BlizzCon. That announcement also included the news of delayed flight in WoD.
Nick Carpenter, who was VP of Art & Cinematic Development for Blizzard, left the company in September of 2016 just after Legion’s launch. So no, he did not “leave around that time” Pardo did. Nor would he have been in on discussions of flight anyways since he was not a member of the Warcraft team.
Except Jeff Kaplan was Game Director for Wrath’s development. Wrath was released on November 13th, 2008. Kaplan announced his transfer from the WoW team to the project that was known back then as “Titan” which eventually became Overwatch, in February of 2009.
You are also forgetting the fact that up until Mike Morheim’s departure, J Allen Brack was the ultimate say-so on WarCraft.
Exactly. I quit early into Warlords when flight was removed, and only came back when I was given a sub to play Classic. I figure Blizz lost $810 from me alone, just because of Pathfinder, and I won’t buy any more expansions if Pathfinder still exists.
Even the Pathfinder supporters encourage folks to end their sub and not buy an expansion until the last part of Pathfinder drops.
Again…you can deflect till the cows come home the issue remains…they were CAPABLE of using their own stinking game mechanics in the PAST…and NOW they clearly are too inept…or too lazy…to do so.
Which blows my mind.
If this is actually happening…and based on the number of times I see this remedy mentioned Id think it certainly is…blizzard is LOSING monthly sub $$$ for the SOLE reason that this pathfinder abomination exists in the first place.
I honestly would have been out of business a decade ago or more if I conducted mine like they do theirs.
Cata was utter garbage, pointing out once again that there were two world-building teams alternating on expansions: the good one (Vanilla, Wrath, Pandaria), and the bad one (BC, Cata, Warlords). Cata looked and felt rushed, the underground zone looked less than half-finished, and the morons littered Azeroth with Deathwing references that still remain.
It was so bad that the whole system seemed to fall apart during Cata. Pandaria – already in the works – was their last hurrah, and it’s been garbage ever since. The only good part of BfA was the devs finally dropping their whole “THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE! But first, you need to bring me six bear gizzards…” mentality.
Engaging content; enough of it in the expac so my alts have something to do after I’m done leveling. . . just like in the old days. And I’m a player who used to maintain a year round sub because I play a lot of alts.
Now they parcel out the thin gruel they call “content” in such tiny portions (anyone remember 5 minute weekly quests on BI?) that if you had to rely on them for sustenance you would starve to death.
Today’s devs produce thin, uninteresting content on tiny itty bitty crammed full real estate littered with trashpacks, spread out through artificial time gating over a period of two years (the average expac life). In fact, they can’t even produce actual content, you get fake content instead (mission tables, which are just timers).
VERSUS: the rich, full size areas, full to the brim with so much content that you literally could level three or four toons without repeating much, if any content (for instance during TBC I only took one toon to Netherstorm).
And the best part? After hitting max level, my toons could fly and discover even more to do.
Time-gating the nothing to do being produced in recent xpacs is the opposite of engaging – as empty retail servers clearly show.
When Wow was good, time-gates were almost unused except in dailies, heroics and raids.
I would go back to what worked for almost 10 years before Team “Can’t Do” took over.
Flight wasn’t really a problem in Cataclysm except for how Blizzard handled it — they gave it at level 60 instead of at max-level. Having flight at level 85 would have prevented the issues the developers pointed to as a problem (how players accessed the content while leveling). But it was nonetheless a problem they themselves created by changing the availability of flight away from the max-level model that had worked in previous expansions.