Flying... Here's the truth


cannot be said enough


all part of blizzards new brute force grinds design

no subtlety, just hammer to the face time-gates and grind gates

and for seemingly smaller and smaller value rewards across the board (thus the creation of the endgame AP/azurite systems to throw another reward system at us)


That was the casual friendly era of WoW. Now with seasons and the focus on esports has really nosedived WoW’s ability to have open ended activities. Now it is all a narrow predetermined on rails path aka patchfinder.


Imagine that, another person with demands but no suggestions.

You didn’t read what I just said did you?

I “suggested” they make better content…

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Nah Bobby did. Need to get that expansions flying out the doors to make money even though it’s not finished (BFA)

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Remove patchfinder.

Make it costs gold once you reach level cap. Flying tomes for alts or an account wide unlock.


Blizz hand me my holiday bonus this is easy. Just hit the red button and do it! :woman_teacher::man_teacher:


A solution so simple its complexity is mind-boggling.


I actually do not have an issue with flying not being available at the start of the expansion. I do have an issue with the fact that we have to do boring chores in order to get it. Grinding rep is not fun for me in anyway and I hate being force fed it in order to unlock a feature of the game.

If Blizzard really wants to time gate it then just lock it behind the expansion story and when they want it released you complete the quests that you would naturally do as part of the story campaign and voila you unlock flying. Get creative with and incorporate it in the story some how.


That’s too simple man. They want to make everything that much more difficult. For everyone.


That is the whole point of pathfnder. To keep you logging in every single day to do your chores. Otherwise people will do the story, see the art and then unsubscribe until flight is available.

Pure spiteful BS from the kids at blizz


Lets see what shadowlands has because I predict player pushback with how they are designing shadowland zones to be self contained separate maps.


After blizconn and the answers that were given. Im unsubbing. Its that big of an issue for me. I am sick of pathinder, and I am sick of the constant gating in this game. I have a few hours left on this sub, I wish I never bought it. I have been playing since the fp beta in 2003, and have let some issues go that have never been addressed. I cant do this anymore. I hate this dev team. The direction (rather lack there of) is pitiful.


Been going on ever since the certain people took over during WoD


That is unfortunate to hear. This is because a lot of players have given it a shot and were neutral toward flying/no flying. But over time the crowd that likes flying has grown while the anti flyers have become less and less.


The argument is rediculous as to getting rid of flying.

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Instead, they either (a) don’t buy the xpac (me for instance) or they buy it, max level, unsub till they can fly. In the case of Legion and PF that is 18 months.




every other MMO: doesnt even have flying.
wow players: well since i dont immediately get flying this game doesnt give a single f about us and blizzard is going downhill and the company will crumble in a matter of years.

just came back from a break, and just yesterday unlocked flying. omg its so much better.

  1. it was so night and day i have to assume it contributes to my burnout with the game. (and when i burn out i dont pay a sub)

  2. i actually appreciate the landscape and the world they built when i can fly around and take it all in. once its not a hassle to get from point A to point B, i actually appreciate the design of the world.

  3. i cant believe they are still PUNISHING PAYING CUSTOMERS by not having flying available at level cap.


When did you start playing?

Flying was the in game basically from the start… The fact the devs after years and years of having it decided to take it away… That’s the issue.

It’s just as much part of the game as dungeons and raids.