Flying... Here's the truth

Just like with Bear Tartare.

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Genuinely curious.

When has this ever happened without them throwing a petulant man-baby fit and being spiteful about it?

Has it ever?


I’ve never heard a single employee ever say they are sorry. Even the one at BlizzCon was a half-assed attempt.

I wouldn’t care if the players never got a single apology. They could give us flying (or make PF1 award flying as soon as it’s done) and never apologize and I’d be happy.


Yeah don’t expect an apology but something has to change.


A new development team.


I returned to the game after 2 years away but I miss not having to fight my way thru mobs when I am finishing a quest. I agree pathfinder is a grind to me. I also used flying to scout out areas that I had quests in.; best place to land, how many and level of the mob etc. I have notice when I am ground running that I get dived bomb and get a hard look by the pvp crowd even though I am pve’g.


One other thing not flying related is the quests involving elites that require 3 persons to take down; Are you kidding me not going happen solo at my gear level.

I quit months ago lol. Got sick of t he daily chores, raiding was fun but you had to do all the other BS to stay on top of it. Missed the good old days where i Just saved up gold and bought training for flying. Made playing wow much easier with the limit time I have to play.


best thing to do is organise everyone to drop sub on a specific day - say 2nd December everyone who doesn’t like pathfinder in its current form cancels their subscription. Even if you resub next month and continue playing it still be potentially the only thing that makes a difference.


Ha! It could work… But good luck getting that to happen. There’s too many Blizz-fanbois that believe Blizz can do no wrong.

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Unfortunate but I can see this view point. And the numbers support this as the drop off with patchfinder completion shows this very case. Patchfinder will never be a compromise with the way it is structured and gated.


I’m not bothered by having flying, but I was basically the person you went on to describe from there, after attaining flight I pretty much stopped playing. That isn’t because flight trivializes anything though.

It’s because there was nothing left for me to do in the world and no reason to leave the capital city anymore having unlocked flight. I’ve got the allied races that I want. I’m not going to farm rep for basics like professions (which are entirely pointless at this time btw) and I keep WM off because “world pvp” amounts to “ganking lowbies”.

That being said, the only reason for me to go into the world is the pathfinder grind, when world content is essentially built as the ladder you have to climb to get flight and there is nothing more to it, that’s pathetic.

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just need everyone who spams complaints to take it on board - really even if they don’t quit just the subs dropping that much might be enough to get a report done on why.

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It worked on me. I don’t buy expansions anymore. Hurt Blizzard more than me. I have many other games to play.



I’d love for them to just get rid of flying.

World feels more alive when people are using ground mounts and you actually see other people.

I don’t see more people when people are grounded because of CRZ phasing and flight whistles I see less people. Plus, in BFA most people were in instanced content like warfronts, island expeditions, mythic +, raids, heroics, arenas and BG’s.

It seems Blizz is designing their game around instanced content in BFA while grounding players in the world has been a failure. Not surprising because this was predicted back in WoD beta.

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I always see tons of people flying around in any given zone. Tons of people at WQ objectives. Do you just not play the game?


The only solution to the negative impact of flying mounts on WoW’s social experience is to nerf flying…not remove it or gate it via Pathfinder.

Flying mounts would offer far less convenience but more interesting gameplay if they had many of the limitations of real birds and aircraft:

  1. Fragility. Standard flying mounts should land immediately or drop you when they take damage. Fly your mount in a single arrow and you might die to a trash pack. Elite mounts like drakes could have limited resistance to damage. Avoiding ground fire is gameplay.
  2. Frequent rest periods or your mount ‘fatigues’ to the ground. (Ascending versus descending should affect this fatigue). Route planning is gameplay.
  3. Frequent mount feeding or you mount ‘fatigues’ to the ground. Preparation with consumables is gameplay.
  4. Weight restrictions. Flying should imposed serious limits on what you can carry in your bags. Stacks of 200 metal bars? No. This would make flying very inconvenient when you don’t need to fly…thus more ground travel. Bag management is gameplay.

Only if flying mounts become impractical without intentional planning would WoW become a world-based mmorpg again. This would require a major rework of the game and probably won’t happen, but this is the only way I can see this changing.

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Or instead of doing something stupid like that they can create better and more engaging content!

Everybody wins with that solution.

Don’t like flying?
Don’t fly.