Flying... Here's the truth


GW 2
Revelation Online

to name a few. All of these games have player flight.


Let’s have some no-flight servers where players are grounded throughout the entire world, regardless of level. Let these servers even have 310% speed ground mounts.



Fair enough I trade off

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Flight was never available at the start of the expansion – it had to be earned by reaching max level. By then it was no longer “the start of the expansion.”


The running vs ground mount threads for a server like that would be epic!

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I totally read your name as Tesla lol. Kind of a fitting/funny name for this topic lol

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The dev’s war on flying is the only reason I’ve not bought SL. I won’t buy it until flying is in the game. I’m tired of padding their metric and playing when the game isn’t fun.


I recently got my wife into World of Warcraft and after she hit 120 i was flying her around to get all the content done. After a couple days she asked me, why are we doing the same quests over and over again. I said because we have to do this in order to get flying. She said with no passed game experience or knowledge of world of warcraft, “this is bad game design”…my jaw dropped. I was like you are completely right. they should not do this. Blizzard if you want to create a good game. Create content that is new and fresh. Create Events that happen daily and are in a 1/10000 cycle so we will rarely see the same content. You can get creative about the world quests. Killing a rare monster that takes 10 seconds to kill isnt fun. What would be fun is having to group up with others and go on a Saga. Saga is a world quest even that takes you through stages, every stage complete the rewards get better and so does the reputation. Meaning the longer you do world quests the faster you get reputation instead of mindlessly grinding our souls away with the same content. Just a suggestion.


You may see “tons” of people (not) but they are not on your server. They are all ported to the same place by CRZ.

You can always easily identify them – they all have asterisks (*) by their names.

You cannot guild or trade with them. But they all make nice window dressing to make it seem as though the game world has people in it.

Or just let people reach max level their way and sell them a flight license straight off.



Most people who say they like seeing people on the ground are the gankers who cry and whine when they can’t corpse camp people. B-B-But muh pvpz!!!


Got news for you. They’re doing that anyway because they’ve realized there’s no point in doing it before flight is available.



There’s no sense in adding useless garbage. Then lock it behind a year wait!


It is very intuitive to anyone that it is bad game design.

SL is going to face major problems if they make BFA 2.0. SL has to basically ditch the WoD/legio/BFA paradigm and make changes to previous PFs and current PF for anybody to truly care.


Make a druid that already allows you to fly without the rep grind

I don’t think druids are exempt from Pathfinder. You have to earn the reputation and do the chores to take to the skies like every other class.


They are not.

It is immersion breaking for druids to be grounded half an expansion while other classes are not restricted this way with their movement abilities. You don’t see DH’s being restricted this way or Rogues.

The lack of consistency in game design is startling.


Now the game isn’t about enjoying yourself and having fun. It’s about doing the blah blah qq moar

You really sound so pathetic, you’re the worst kind of player and I’ve encountered people like you since I started playing back in BC. Seriously, you can’t have fun in WoW because you can’t fly? The game has no enjoyment factor whatsoever because your character can’t fly? Or because you’re forced to play through the story missions on ONE of your characters?

As a representative of the druid community I wholeheartedly think you are completely wrong. Once upon a time we didn’t even have flight form, so your outrage is silly as a whole. Pathfinder is great, I prefer it to spending the gold overall, my only gripe about it is staying grounded in zones once we have unlocked it, would be nice to fly in those zones once you’ve completed PT1, however this is not a game ender for me at all. Really stop trying to use lore as a reasoning.