Bet you are a joy to be around irl lol. Guessing you are the ultimate buzz kill at parties.
In this game? That is hilarious. Especially with all the pop culture references that are made in it lol. My guess is you never met Rio, and Ian Duran in hyjal lol. Duran Duran get it? You probably have a great in game relationship with Haris Pilton in Shattrath to. Have you met her sister Paris yet? Immersion lmao.
I don’t mind the pathfinders, but there are some things that are a bit much. I still don’t have legion unlocked. Because suramar is stupid. The quest line is insanely long and requires a lot of grinding ancient mana that I’ve just said no to ever flying in that xpac at least until my next staycation where i can just invest that time. Also, I’m not flying in bfa just yet but i should be soon but it’s kinda dumb. Pathfinder 1 was fine. Enjoyable in fact. Pathfinder 2…nazjatar is fine. Mechagon needs waaaaaay more ways for rep than literally grinding for oscillators for a repeatable turn in. 1 world quest and a small handful of dailies isn’t enough. Have the mech dungeon award rep or something. Better yet, tie all pathfinder reps in hubs that you can grind through dungeons. Not like wrath and cata where you could only grind dungeons but like in mop where you mixed it up. Let’s try that
Funniest part about your statement is that people do love being around me in real life.
You know what is said about assumptions right? Figure it out if you don’t LOL.
If you struggle with immersion in WoW, sorry for your loss. Names bearing similarity to real life references being immersion breaking? A literal multi-verse coincidence is enough to break your immersion? Sounds like fragile immersion. Sounds like it’s never been existent for you with the way you open up by saying “in this game? that is hilarious” in response to a one word quote of “immersion”. It’s just interesting. I am fully immersed in WoW. Sounds like you have a personal problem.
You really think they give anyone(by anyone, I mean any NPC… to clarify, since it sounds like you might not understand, non player characters are real characters too) the right to use flight masters??? Holy moly.
edit: Also, when dwayne the rock johnson wants to fly to europe, he has to pay for a ticket. You don’t get free concessions just because you’re a hero. Not unless you’re doing a heroes’ task.
I just want to hold onto a chickens feet and soar theough the sky while emoting “Bombs Away!!!” while dropping rotten eggs on people. What about my emmersion?
Well, your immersion is important too. Problem is if you’re looking for that specific experience, it’s likely never going to come to WoW. The main thing about immersion is accepting the terms and conditions of the world you’re trying to immerse yourself into. If you don’t do that, you’re never going to experience immersion because you’ll only think about the lack of what you want, and of suggestions to introduce what you want. It’s already a complete experience, and it only gets more rich as content is patched in.
Your immersion doesn’t sound like something I’d want to do, but you could become a game developer if you really cared about your own immersion. Maybe you will make a hit mmorpg.
well idunno, get the job done if it’s important to you. I don’t think anyone really values you “just” wanting to do that specific thing enough to rationalize making flying something you get for gold or without a significant grind.
edit: I see that you’re trying to assert that being immersed in a world like WoW is ridiculous because you can do something like that. But imagination is ridiculous. It’s literally a world of magic. If you can believe people can conjure frost and fire from their hands and minds, how do you struggle to believe in all the other stuff?
Actually, designing the content in this fashion for an MMO — time-gating, multiple features locked behind reputation grinds, RNG not only in the acquisition of gear but gear composition, etc. — so that players don’t get a sense of staged completion is exactly why the game is in such bad shape. There’s a reason Classic is also so popular. Precisely because it lacks all these player-control mechanisms such as Pathfinder.
Players can control their own schedule of play in Classic rather than the game controlling their play schedule as BfA does. And, at various points of progression, players can feel accomplished. Now, players never feel accomplished because nothing has a finishing point that can identified before the player can move onto the next goal. Content feels like a chore and induces burn-out. Replayability is gone even though on paper replayability is supposedly infinite.
Everything I described is why hard-gates shouldn’t be used too often in an MMORPG and are better suited to games such as Diablo. WoW isn’t Diablo. But WoW is now using hard-gates to an extreme. It should use soft-gates in the content instead with discrete gearing points for progression.
Not exactly, immersion is subjective. I can say my little scenario is immersive for me because I could see myself doing it were I living in that world as my character but for many others it’s pointless and/or not immersive. Arguing about what is or isn’t immersive is pointless.
Just like imagination, immersion can be reasonable, logical, silly, or just nonsensical. To say something shouldn’t exist or you shouldn’t have access for however long because you don’t find it immersive is more egregious than me saying I should have it because, as with many other things, you all have the option to ignore said activity.
They don’t need to use a flight master. Everyone down to grunts has their own mount. Which they fly on. And sometimes give me a ride on. Because they’re better than me.
I can’t believe this post is still here. Blizz deletes posts about flying. They hate when we talk about flying in new content upon maxing our toons. Yep, they hate it. #flying
Flying is an issue because the 12 month gap between release and pathfinder allows them to finish the textures visible from the sky. It’s lazy and such a spiteful “compromise”. Embrace flying…
Why do you have such an issue understanding that once the tedium of an activity is eliminated the activity becomes more fun? We’ve done these WQs on the ground many times before so traveling the same path avoiding the same mobs becomes tedious. Flying eliminates the tedium and makes the game more fun.