I resubbed august 26th and got pathfinder2 sept 8th.
So whatever that is.
I resubbed august 26th and got pathfinder2 sept 8th.
So whatever that is.
No wonder you sound like Ion’s sock puppet. He doesn’t design them for fun either. You two should get along wonderfully.
It’s not a game for fun, it’s a game for role playing. If you don’t like role playing games that attempt at making you feel like you’re actually accomplishing what you are doing in game, then I don’t feel WoW is the game for you. Clearly the vision of the game developers is that they want you to actually accomplish stuff in game. Real accomplishment, not artificial accomplishment based on a reward of flying for spending gold. That’s no accomplishment. Especially when you can literally buy gold without it being against the rules.
I bet I would get along with Ion very well. I really respect the way he’s made the game, I really respect that they are sticking with their RPG values.
I think this whole post pretty much clarifies for me where you are coming from. I get it. WoW is real for you. Other people enjoying it without paying proper homage to your reality disturbs you and you feel like you must correct this injustice immediately, 'cause that’s what a paladin would do…
Which makes this just about the stupidest thing I will see on the Internet today, and it’s still not quite noon…
Do you seriously feel accomplishment waiting for a year just for the actual achievement to be unlocked?
The basic premise of pathfinder is fine. Being locked out of it for 9-12 months is not.
Nice, you have no argument so you call me stupid.
edit: Also, WoW is not only real for me, but for you too. It’s a real RPG. You install it onto your real computer, and play it with your real peripherals using your real hands and eyes.
The reason for the lockout is to preserve the ground mount feeling for a healthy amount of the expansion. If it was not locked, new players starting in 8.2.5, like me, would not be in a game where people use ground mounts. I would have missed out entirely.
I get that you don’t like to wait, and you don’t like to play the game without flying. I don’t think you get that flying won’t make the game better for you. You can’t fly in raids, you can’t fly in battlegrounds, you can’t fly in dungeons, you can’t fly any time it actually matters. If you don’t like WoW without flying, you probably don’t like it with flying. You like some of what WoW has to offer, but you do not like the core experience of WoW.
Do i like pizza?
The amount of outdoor content I do in wow probably proves your whole post wrong but since you know everything about me I thought I’d ask
Nah. Flying is fun, and not needed in those places, but it is needed in the world simply to alleviate the absolute mundane nature of point a to b.
See? Mundane, I would not describe something I enjoy as mundane. Do you really not see how delusional your argument is?
edit: Also, doing content =/= genuinely enjoying it. Maybe you only do the outdoor content for the rewards or progression. I don’t know anything about you, let alone if you like pizza. Since you’re complaining about pathfinder though, I think it is safe to say you don’t enjoy open world WoW without flying.
Whatever you say. The majority disagrees, but that’s not really what this is about is it?
Lol wuh? That right thar is probably the funniest bs I have read in awhile on this forum lol. Played this game for years, and I know plenty of folks who don’t try to become one with with their pixelated cartoon characters, or what ever the erpy derpy role players like to do lol. For a lot of us just hanging out in vent chatting, telling jokes etc while maybe doing some quests, or dungeons whatever in game is how we have fun. Not a game for fun lmao. What is kinda of sad is I think you honestly believe videogames are not meant to be fun lol. And I’m pretty sure the devs would disagree with you also, because they have mentioned the fun word plenty of times before over the years.
OOO exposed! Well said!
No, Scooter, I said your statement was stupid.
Please learn to read the flavor text, character development hints are often contained there.
At the end of the day, your entire argument falls apart the moment you take one glance at the genre of WoW: mmoRPG.
It’s a game for immersion in a fantasy world that is living and breathing. It’s a game to feel heroic in.
Lots of games are meant for fun, like candy crush saga, and many others. WoW is meant for immersion.
Fun is a complex thing, because I am technically having the most fun when I am not having fun at all. I have to constantly catch myself and recover my immersion state, because I randomly get really really stoked about how much fun I am actually having. That’s the most immersion breaking thing I experience in retail WoW to be honest, having so much fun that I can’t focus on the game anymore.
SEE!!! I told you fun existed in this game!
Ya keep telling yourself that, if that’s what floats your boat. Or your fantasy boat I guess lol.
You are literally playing a fantasy rpg, if you’re not actually playing the game for those reasons, your perspective is really invalid. It’s like if someone who doesn’t like icecream goes into an icecream shop and starts talking about how it would be better if they served sorbet instead of icecream. It’s silly.
Living and breathing but the Champions who’ve saved the world over and over again get to purchase flights like chumps with the people in the world who DO get to fly. How is having a flying mount, and having to run on the ground with it, immersive in any way? How does it feel real to spend gold after gold after gold, more and more with each expansion, to hire a short flight from place to place? Why can others fly when I can’t? What makes them better than me?
thank you nameless hero number 7534 for saving the world from a god gone mad the endless minions of a demon commando army and a planet shattering dragon but sorry you cant fly here until you proven yourself worthy
after all we cant trust just anyone with flying in our airspace