Oh, and we cant forget Dook Ookem in Pandaland. I’m like dang I haven’t played Duke Nukem in years lol. And flying ruins muh mersion lmao.
If shadowlands has flying without pathfinder I will resub, otherwise nah
Because I still do stuff in the world and it significantly reduces travel time. Why can’t people like you just exhibit some self control and put a ground mount on your bar instead.
Im actually scared how they’re gonna do it.
I rally hope they answer that today.
Be sure to hit me up with a link. I’m gonna be on the road and won’t have YouTube.
F#$K OFF ALREADY WITH THE PATHFINDER BS…my wife is a casual player and hasen’t flown since pathfinder was introduced. Get rid of pathfinder and let players pay in gold like we use to do…
I’m a casual player and i got it 2 weeks after returning.
Tell your wife to git gud.
She only play an hour a week?
Does it matter how often she plays or how skilled she is? A freedom she had (deciding how to accumulate the money to fly) has been stripped from her and instead there are chores she cannot complete.
Losing the privilege you shouldn’t have had to begin with is not the same as having a freedom taken away. Freedom is not a relevant theme here.
To be fair, LFR comes out after the initial raid release, and is released in increments, but I get what you’re saying.
Shouldn’t have had…for four expansions? Pull the other one.
Exactly, for four expansions. It’s like you want to downplay the impact the introduction of flying had on WoW. Some things seem so good that it’s impossible to even consider that it’s too good to be true, but it really was. Flying is the reason people stopped feeling that WoW was a special game. I played from dire maul to wotlk steady, and felt the decline. I thought it was me being jaded, but no, it was really that flying mounts took away a huge part of magic from WoW. I actually thought the problem was with me. How could I stop feeling the way WoW made me feel in classic? Clearly I had a problem, but now that I’ve played with pathfinder, I know that it wasn’t me that had the problem. WoW feels magic again, and you want to take that away for “convenience”, sorry but no. It’s a bad choice. It’s really really bad for the game. You might not have been around for vanilla, but I know what this game’s roots are more than any other part of this game.
edit: Also your fel reaver example was totally false. Most didn’t have flying to level in outlands. I don’t even think you could get it till 68. What made fel reaver cool, was avoiding it ON THE GROUND. Ironic huh?
Quoting myself from upthread. Flying is what made WoW stand out, what made me not even consider most other MMO because they didn’t have flying. Flying is magic, it’s immersive (we’ve had FLIGHTMASTERS flying us around since the very beginning), it lets us see the world in a whole new way. Burning Crusade was marketed as the game’s completion, the devs adding to the game what they’d wanted to be there all along. They also said at the time, they didn’t want WoW to be a game of endless expansions… it’s painfully obvious that the devs of today are nothing like the ones we started with. I’ve been roaming BFA with a blurred view of trees^rocks^trees^TREES^pyramid^trees^expansive ocean vistas. Not until I can fly will I ever be able to see the whole picture. A birds-eye view if you will. Odd that there’s a whole name for a type of vision that the devs claim the artists haven’t drawn for? That using this type of vision means that you can’t see?
Edit: sounds like I was late to the expansion as always, I did the quests at level 60 to fly. I was given the gold to buy it. Seems my distant memory of going faster on the ground than flying is accurate, though it’s definitely not now.
You’re free to believe all of that, and it’s partially true, flying is SPECTACULAR. nobody will ever deny that. Everyone against flying knows how amazing it is, we just know that it comes at too great of a cost for even flying.
You’re free to disagree, I just don’t think this is your type of game.
edit: Like did you ever consider they lacked the foresight to understand the impact flying has on their world? It seemed cool, everyone was super excited for years, but when that excitement faded we’re left with this hollow empty feeling world without magic. Pathfinder restored that, I assure you. As someone who started WAY before BC, I know that the feeling has been gone for a very long time, and it is genuinely restored now. It’s hard to appreciate what difference it makes when you never experienced the loss of the magic to begin with.
edit2: Also yes, bird’s eye view is a term, but it’s not entirely relevant. Also, you do get to see it, look around while you use flight paths. You don’t have to do anything else.
Pathfinder restores the magic for you? Your playstyle already is to do ALL THE THINGS on a single character, grind all the reputations whether you need them or not? Burst with joy once flight is unlocked for all your characters then go grind again for the reputations you need on the characters that need them?
This game used to accommodate more playstyles, is what I’m arguing.
It’s definitely not mine. I play whatever character I feel like exploring the story of, interacting with the world with their perspective and needs, getting them what they need to be successful with their professions. I’ve barely played any character but the hunter I sent to BFA because she didn’t have Legendaries to lose at 115 and the rogue I sent because she also didn’t have Legendaries and could gather materials. I miss my other characters, but there’s no point in even sending them to Zuldazar (or leveling the alliance one out of pandaria) when I can’t fly. I don’t play the rogue anymore unless the person I’m getting flying with isn’t online.
It’s not about playstyles or anything the player does. It’s about cultivating the world’s magic. That’s what none of you understand. It’s got nothing to do with the player and everything to do with the state of the game.
You are just trying to say that you are entitled to flying mounts in a really fancy and elaborate way because you know that that is all your argument amounts to. There is no substance aside from entitlement from anything anyone on your side says. If you want flying so bad, get out there and earn it. It’s not about having fun doing them, it’s about making relationships with the NPC factions so that you actually DESERVE to fly. You are NOT entitled to fly. This is an RPG. If you want to do whatever you want, play something else. RPGs have limitations and rules, it is what makes them possible.
Please explain how getting cozy with the gilgoblins in Nazjatar makes RPG sense with being able to fly in Kul’Tiras. Then maybe clue me in on how one character being beloved by everyone who exists anywhere makes RPG sense for all my new characters they’ve never heard of, also being able to fly if it’s not the player?
What was wrong with earning flight in the myriad ways we could for most of the game? How did spending gold we earned in game make flying not magic? I don’t get this whole dismissive attitude of yours. None of us who feel flight is immersive in the environment get your grand vision?
A game on rails is by definition not magic.
Yeah, within two weeks is not a casual friendly time frame. Stop lying.