I do understand perfectly. When I initially played WoW, it was for classic from dire maul patch, to the tail end of wotlk without stopping.
I know what it was like for it to be “good”, and I know what it is like to have pathfinder. I know that your opinion of what is good is different than mine, but that’s the thing. You can’t dismiss my opinion while I am recognizing yours.
Anyway I’m done arguing because it’s clear that blizzard has chosen to side with the people that respect and agree with their decisions as developers. I’m glad they are confident and not insecure. Insecure people tend to make a worse product than confident people.
Exactly what I felt when I unlocked mah’gar orcs. Because making us feel this way when we unlock flying clearly isn’t enough joy. They need to make us feel this an additional six to ten times.
I think you overestimate how much most people want to experience “joy”. For me the allied race grind is about feeling like you’ve actually become accepted and accomplished enough with the people for them to accept you as one of their own.
It’s an RPG. Please don’t try to take these elements away from me and the other players that appreciate WoW for what it is, an mmoRPG.
Again, what exciting gameplay did they come out with that flying interferes with? They are game designers. Its their purpose to create fun experiences for others to enjoy. They introduced nothing fun as a result of the loss of flying.
Do you remember how many people they lost when they said they were removing flying in WoD? I do. It was enough to kill several fledgling MMORPGs. MMORPGs need players and at this point so many of those players are not here to voice their opinion anymore because they’ve forsworn this game entirely due to stuff like this.
That’s not the relevant question for you to ask though. I want to bounce this one back at you because it is why I am supportive of pathfinder being the way it is: What exciting gameplay was lost when they came out with flying? They didn’t remove flying just so they could replace it with something fun because you’re sad at the loss of flying. They removed flying because it changed the way the world felt for the worse. Look at how successful classic is right now, no flying mounts ever going to be there. Flying mounts are not going to save mmos. I’m sorry. They hurt them.
Flying was an incredibly detrimental introduction to the game, but it didn’t seem that way unless you really think deeply because of how much efficiency and simple “fun” it enables. That efficiency and fun comes at a massive cost to the entire experience of the game though. That feeling has been more or less restored with the pathfinder grind. If you don’t like it, FFXIV has flying and anime girls.
When I was playing vanilla, one of the consistent pieces of feedback from players to the dev team was “wouldn’t it be cool if we could fly independently, like the taxi system, but free form.” It was a purely additive process. It added gameplay that wasn’t there before and took away nothing. Furthermore, it set forth the standard for when flying would become accessible and how to unlock it, which they stayed consistent with for four expansions. Ditto on new races.
This isn’t an anti-rep grind post. I’m fine with rep grinds being in the game as well as toys, mounts, and transmogs specific to those grinds. The devs promised new gameplay in place of flying. Something fun to make up for the loss of free-roaming sky taxis, and the reason they promised that was they lost so many people from trying to remove it they needed to come up with some excuse to keep people subbed.
Flying has never been detrimental to the gameplay. One of its closest rivals, FFXIV, literally lets players pick up flying in its zones as they level. FFXIV’s content is based on WotLK model for the most part with some dungeon and raid finder thrown in. No one is complaining.
Okay I am really done discussing it with you lol. You only care for your own position and you don’t give any consideration to the reasoning behind why flying is gated behind the pathfinder grind.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
“It took away nothing”, paired with you literally only quoting one sentence out of my entire post, disregarding everything else. You’re a disrespectful one.
Classic has no flying, you are right. But it is more fun to play then retail because the goal is different. It is more focused on the journey to cap when on cap play. You see so many different mobs, landscapes and read so many stories. It is also easier to avoid mobs while travelling because the roads are safe and you can easily circumvent them in case you travel across land.
Now look at retail which has little story, little landmass and the focus is on cap game not on the journey. Add to that the overcrowding with mobs, the obstacles that hinder your path and might even force you into big groups of mobs, and the roads are not safe.
Aren’t you playing games for fun? Flying is fun and without it modern WoW is just a slog through repetitive content. No flight whistle, flightpath, portal or whatever else they come up with for fast travel can replace it. Removing flight comes at a massive cost to the entire game experience.
I literally have given consideration to it. I’m disagreeing with you because there aren’t any gameplay reasons to remove flying. The devs haven’t given us anything and its most direct competitor, FFXIV, whose content mirrors WoW, gives flying as people level and suffers no gameplay issues from it.
Its most direct competitor is beating them with a feature that the WoW devs said was hurting WoW.
I disagree with everything you said in your post lol. Sorry.
I don’t play games for fun either. Life is fun enough. I play WoW for the RPG experience. Immersion and getting into the role. It’s not that I RP in character so to say, I respect those that do, but I definitely am roleplaying to a pretty high degree when I play this game. It’s kinda like, the whole point of an mmoRPG, roleplaying game. If I wanted to just have fun, hmm. There are a billion games that are a billion times better at offering fun. That’s not what WoW is to me, sorry.
edit: Also that other guy is now saying FFXIV is beating wow, because it has easy flying? I’m pretty sure FFXIV has lower subscribership than WoW, but it did just get a new expansion.
I’ve literally never seen someone that pays to play something “not for the fun”. That right there should invalidate any opinion you have.
You would be incorrect. I do exactly enough to satisfy PF1 and then stop content. Why? cause it is boring as crap. When I could fly in Cata and WOtLK, I did way more content. Now I’m being forced, I do only what is required and nothing more. As soon as I get revered, I dump all quests and stop.
Then why do you need to fly if you are not doing anything?
Agreed – It does not cost more…but when you are “rushed” to get something out the door and pretend like you had planned something…well…
Can see a few people(human paladins of course lol) trying to use the flying ruins muh mersion argument again lol. Immersion in this game is tossed out the window with all the stupid pop culture references that are made in it. Immersion goes out the wimdow when you run into npc’s with names like Rio Duran, and Ian Duran Duran Duran lol. Makes me want to log off, and open my iTunes up, and listen to Hungry Like The Wolf lol. Every time I see Haris Pilton in Shatt I just want to logoff, and go read People magazine, and find out what is going on in Paris Hiltons life lol. Immersion in world of warcrack lmao!
How many remember this: WOD – Buy the deluxe expansion (or whatever it was called) and we’ll give you a flying mount! After I bought it, oh yea, we forgot to tell you, you won’t be flying until we make you jump thru a whole bunch of hoops just for nothing…that is when I lost 60% of my interest in WOW and the exact reason I only purchase the basic xpac.
There’s also a place called the Deeps in Townlong Steppes, and a panda named Adele rolls from one end to the other, back and forth.
As Benspally needs a reminder of how it felt to play Vanilla and then Burning Crusade, I’ll bite. Outlands added new bosses that tromped through leveling areas, ready to crush any lowbie unless we could FLY which was amazing and go straight up once the ground started shaking where we’d be safe. If you flew too close to Legion strongholds they’d ground you right quick and you’d better be able to survive. I occasionally go back to Outland and try to find a Reaver to crush in revenge, but they seem to have been removed.
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Shadowlands Pathfinder… Here we come.
yeah thats gonna be a no from me dawg