It did for alot of players.
It’s also interesting reading others players trying to defend PF.
It did for alot of players.
It’s also interesting reading others players trying to defend PF.
Finally came back and decided to get flying. It was an unpleasant slog and at the end of it you don’t feel excited, it’s more like “oh hey I can finally play without being annoyed by the zone design/terrain”
A better “compromise” would’ve been flying being made available with 8.1 and pathfinder 1. Pathfinder should never again have a part 2!
Seriously, i hate hate hate how blizzard funnels players into how they envision the gaming experience.
“Hey guys I cant PVP with my 2 hours of free time because i need to farm Rep”
Thank you for keeping this thread going. The player base needs more like yourself to be vocal about this atrocity that is the war on flying.
Easily one of the worst decisions in gaming history.
I feel like they wanted to focus more on wpvp, and thought flying would hurt that in the beginning of the expansion. Side note, the current way flying is time gated, is going to be the reason I dont purchase the next xpac.
i didn’t finish the WoD quests/grinds to get the flying archiev…because is the most painfull thing to do in WoW over all expansions…
So, when i leveled up one new toon, in WoD i just walk…it’s bad because i will never see the beauty of the WoD lands…but i’m not going to do the painfully quests just to unlock flying on one location that i rarelly go…
I don’t see why players I have such a hard time understanding this.
Great that you have a free schedule 95% of the time, I don’t. I’ve played through all the storylines in Zandalar, I’d like to be spending time in Kul Tiras & Nazjatar & Mechagon. but nope, I have spend some of my limited playtime grinding world quests that I don’t care about if i want to fly. It makes no sense other than to waste my time.
Furthermore explain rouge’s stealth… That allows players to skip adds just like flying.
Maybe you shouldn’t play a game you don’t care about though lol. Right? I think what you want out of this game is loot and power. That’s what blizzard is trying to dissuade players from, only seeking loot and power.
Idunno. It’s hard to say because you can’t have it both ways. Pathfinder is necessary for this game to feel the way it feels for those who truly love and accept WoW as it is. If they removed pathfinder to appease people who only want to do what they want in the game and nothing else, then they are catering to the wrong demographic imo. I would cancel my sub if they removed pathfinder lol, so sorry.
Well the fancy thing about that, is it’s always been a privilege to play rogue. Just like mages can conjure their own food and teleport to all the major locations. Some classes have very good perks. It’s not immersion breaking even remotely to just sneak into an enemy camp and swiftly take out the objective. That’s rogue-like. What is immersion breaking, is flying 10 feet above all the enemies, landing near their leader outside of the aggro radius of everyone surrounding the leader, killing the leader on his own, and flying back to the quest giver. That is not cool.
so is your issue with not being able to fly immediately when you want to or having to grind rep to get it? Either way you’re going to have to work towards it, somehow.
funny, I mostly quit this game, although I come back every now and then to catch up a bit, but maybe in the last 5 years I’ve had less than one year of activity. When I do come back I always want to fly right away, and can only think about when I’m done with the grind, and in my head I wish it wasn’t necessary, but it always happens that once I get flying the game once again becomes boring. I recently got flying and it’s been a month or so and I haven’t been logging in. Maybe it’s not just because I can fly, but because I don’t have that goal in mind, I don’t have the most important thing to work towards. Either way, it’s true in life we don’t always know what is best for us, or in the case of WoW, what is best for the game and the players. In my head I just want flying but once I have it, then what? The game is not better, I can do things slightly faster, all that is different is that I’m not thinking about how much I want to fly and working towards a goal.
You people think you think you speak for everyone when you don’t. This topic is been covered; everything that can be said has been said. Maybe if you keep complaining you guys will get your way, like children. There are definitely things in this world that merit people taking issue and protesting, flying in WoW is not one of them, yet people will whine and whine for years and years to come because it was once different, and the biggest reason why, yet you can’t prove we’re worse off now. It’s just your opinion vs another’s.
Flying probably just ruined the game entirely. It destroys the scale of the world and just makes you want flying so you can get stuff done. It’s too efficient. I really hope they remove it altogether going forward but at least we have pathfinder being incredibly difficult to get for now. I am happy even if I never achieve pathfinder 2.0. I have learned to really really really appreciate the game on the ground, and I get to use my swift palomino more than ever.
I think the main problem with pathfinder is, people think that flying will absolutely change the game and make it something they love again. But really, they might not love WoW anymore. Then when they get flying it ends up feeling hollow, because they spent so much time on this pathfinder achievement in a game they didn’t even enjoy playing, all for very little gain. It’s fun to fly, it’s efficient to fly, but it’s not a better adventure to fly. That’s why I play WoW, because it’s an adventure in azeroth. Flying might just ruin the adventure, because it removes everything between A and B. You set a destination, and you arrive at it. Nothing but airspace in between. Empty eventless airspace. Sure it looks interesting from above, but that’s the extent of the interactions you have with the world beneath you: It looks interesting from above.
Wow. Nice projections.
Could it be possible, just maybe, that by the time anyone achieves flying these days, they’ve crawled the content many times over, have the entire map and secret zone discovered, and by golly, they earned the ability to fly - so…they…want…to…fly…?
Don’t want to fly? Stay grounded. Simple enough.
Maybe you should appeal to Blizz to make a 400% speed ground mount in case you fear I’ll get to that ore or herb node before you…because really, that might be the only think that affects you?
This whole flying/nonflying argument is trash.
If Blizz didn’t intend on anyone flying, they wouldn’t put treasure chests on top of remote flying islands.
Get over it already.
No flying is a big reason I’ll never like ESO.
I don’t think you are understanding. Flying wasn’t an issue back in the day. Before Pathfinder came out you bought it with gold and you had it and you can play the game without any fuss.
When Pathfinder came out you have to complete the campaign (which is fine with me) but the fact that you have to grind rep for weeks on end by doing the same monotonous World quests, that’s the issue I have.
Hold on. From Blizzard’s own mouth, they needed to remove flying for “gameplay reasons.” So what amazing new exciting gameplay have they come out in the last three expansions that flying so greatly interferes with?
A. Foot slogging.
B. Rep grinds for flying.
C. A fate in Legion involving gravity bubbles.
D. Prepathed grappling hook mechanics in Legion.
So the gameplay change was to make the game even more rep-grindy and annoying to traverse. Wow, I’m sure the entire playerbase felt like it was christmas for three straight expansions. That entire playerbase they lost for three whole expansions.
Flying doesn’t ruin anything. You still have the option to use your ground mount.
When I unlocked flying it wasn’t a feeling of joy. It was bitterness because we should have been flying 11 months ago.
It really bothers me the idea that I have to be famous to be able to fly.
So only the famous people can fly? What if I am a private type? Does that mean I can never fly? What does anyone’s reputation got anything to do with their flying?