Flying... Here's the truth

Thanks. Just for that I’ll throw some money at the ESO team. They just earned their keep.

The reality is ESO and FFXIV, continue to compete on increasingly equal footing with WOW doing the things WOW’s current game designers said ruined the game.


well lemme warn you about that.
ESO is fun and all but they will bleed your wallet dry if you get started buying crowns.

If only SquareEnix knew how to build a website and had customer service better than Popeyes. :confused: My love hate relationship with them over those two is why I quit and go back about twice a year. lol

Pathfinder is simply an attempt to force the flight removal by making it so tediously annoying player will simply stop doing it

If people grudgingly do it then Blizzard will proclaim pathfinder a success but if we refuse they merely say well people DONT want flight as much as they claim thus itll greenlight flights removal which is what Blizzard wanted in the beginning only now there wint be enough people upset to actually make any difference

Basically theyre giving players the Kobayashi Maru


absolutely agree!.
They’ll make it more annoying and drag it out longer and longer every time till their aint enough voices to keep them from removing flight entirely.
And the game will be dead to me and Im sure lots of other players at that point, if it holds out that long given we’re hearing about another lazy, brain dead AP grind coming.

If anyone wanted to know how to suicide a once great RPG/MMO, blizzard can certainly show them how its done


They should just remove it instead of being disrespectful to their playerbase like this. People love flying, they want to fly. I also don’t play this game just to fly, but it’s really hard to rationalize engaging in anything else within the game when I don’t have flying yet. But, whenever I try to get flying, I end up quitting and logging out. I have now unsubscribed because I know I don’t have it in me to do the grind. I could theoretically just ignore flying, but I’m incapable of it. I just end up sitting in the major cities mulling over what I have to do to unlock flying, then log out after assessing that I am not up for it.

I don’t want to do ANY of the content required to unlock flying, let alone a little bit of it. It’s all completely irrelevant to what I want out of the game. Literally 100% irrelevant. It’s like when I was at my Oma’s birthday party and my aunt randomly pulled out her bagpipes that nobody knew she even played and proceeded to force us to listen to 3 songs. She was horrible at it, and we were a captive audience. It was sad. That’s what WoW is like for me in BFA.

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They tried that back in WoD and it bit them hard in fact on the very same day Blizzard announced no more flight Square mentioned it was being added to their game

Square smelled blood and went right for the throat

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Yeah well commit to what you try or don’t try it at all you feel? Half baked decisions just make the team look insecure, and they are insecure.

Either give us flying and make it normal instead of a grind that is meant to give us a sense of meaning and accomplishment, or take it away so I don’t have to put up with this manipulative bs. It’s tiresome and incredibly offputting to anyone new to the game. It’s different when you’re a long term subscriber and are already sunk deep into the game, but when you’re a new 120 it’s like “ah forget this”.

It’s just cringey what blizzard is doing with this game. They should be deeply ashamed. I really want to play, but I know better than to involve myself in something so incredibly unhealthy.

Well you have to look at who is the current development team for WoW 98% of them were formerly working on Diablo 3


Yeah I can see a lot of that in the loot model. It works for a simpler game like diablo, one where you can literally endlessly farm gear, but in WoW it’s just discouraging.

It’s hard to say how much issue I would take with it if I could actually get over the lack of flying, but I respect my time too much to force myself into doing the necessary steps of unlocking it. It’s not worth it to me. I get that it’s easy, I just don’t want to do it, let alone pay a monthly subscription to do it. Give me a mage tower style challenge to unlock flying. Maybe give 3 separate routes, the pathfinder grind, flat out gold cost, or a one and done challenging solo quest/event. Maybe 1-3 players. Maybe 2 players. Anything that makes it so I can get what I want, by doing what I want to do. I won’t tolerate being forced to do content I don’t want to do just to unlock something I should feel entitled to use like flying. Or don’t let me use flying at all until I unlock it end game, like, in vanilla zones, in any zone. It’s so frustrating.

Im ok with no flying till level cap. After that, bring it on.


They did commit. Back when they sneaked the announcement of no flying to a third party site in the afternoon of a Friday starting a long weekend, they meant to not allow flying in any future zones.

They lost so many subs that they were forced to reverse their decision within three weeks. And they’re still angry at us for that.


I enjoy the now fly period at the start of the expansion and the fly period at the end. I think it’s well balanced. We even have gun so dismount flying player in Warmode!

It’s funny to see afk people or group quest bots in the sky suddenly drop like a rock to their death!

If pathfinder is truly the hold over from an act of developer malice against the game’s playerbase, that is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. That they would tear apart a game I love just because they felt spited when players decided what they were changing turned the game into something they didn’t want to play anymore.

the truth is: pathfinders is bad, achivements to fly its bad, bring back my gold fly lesson, its was fun in bc and wtlk, they shouldnt change that!!


I agree 100%.


The dismount gun is a genius idea.

Getting flying is boring in its current state. It’s just lazy on the developers part to get flying the way we are now. Grinding world quests is the wrong way to get it. I have T-minus 3 days until I get flying…

It should be something on the lines of completing all of the current expansions quests and one cool quest line. Make the game fun, not boring.

Where they went wrong it’s thinking that it be enjoyable to do the same crap for an arbitrary amount of time. What should be done is flying to be locked behind the main campaign. And once you achieve those achievements flying is unlocked.

They should have removed flying years ago.