Flying... Here's the truth

What content does flying allow you to skip? Trash mobs that give no rewards or exp? The game happens on the ground and flying gets you to the game faster.


It allows you to skip everything in the world between the quest and the questgiver. What’s the point of populating a world that your character is a part of if you are just going hop on the dragon you carry in your backpack and fly over it all

That’s exactly it. Players will spend obscene amounts of time doing banal content if given the choice to do it when they want and for however long they want. Did I really need that Frostsaber to progress the game? No, but I did it anyway because I wanted to. Same thing with Conqueror; that took the better part of a year to get, but I dedicated a lot of my play time to it because I wanted to.

Forcing players to do things at the pace you dictate to access the fundamental content of an expansion (War Campaign) is counter-productive. Players who are having fun will spend more time in the game doing random BS tasks because they enjoy them and want to do them.

#You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


Which is why I’m a firm believer that flying should be disabled in Warmode.

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I enjoy pathfinder a lot…because it forced me to play the story…which I never did till pathfinder. Im a dungeon, bg gear and leveler. Pathfinder got me involved in the story, and flying at end is awesome reward. Stop trying to make game into phone app convenience bah.

Cata was the only expansion that we could fly from the start and it wasn’t any faster leveling than the expansions before/after. The content that is being skipped after max level are world quests that atm only give gear slightly better than what is being worn.

I’d argue that having the ability to run heroics over and over at max with LFG getting gear to get into starting raids/mythics is far more problematic for eating through content than flying can ever hope to be.

Fixed it for you.

So I buy a flight from the flightmaster and skip 70-90% of ‘everything in the world’. What’s different, besides the game playing itself for me?

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Yeah! And rogues and druids totally don’t just skip all of that trash by stealthing! Nobody ever just skips trash, whenever I go to a dungeon I make sure to clear all the trash in the way first, like a proper brawl. /s


Keep lying to yourself. You defend it for what reason?

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I merely fixed the phrasing in the title of your post. What you posted wasn’t ‘the truth’, but an opinion. It’s fine to have opinions. It’s not fine to present them as an objective truth. Because in doing so, you summarily dismiss everyone else’s opinions.

That was the sum of my post. I made no mention of my own opinion regarding flying in WoW.

It’s an absolute truth, however.

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In case Blizzard wonders what pebbles lead to an avalanche of people leaving retail.

Honesty the truth when i fly i get saddle sores

They want flight gone. Still do based on their complete denial that it even exists until youve played everything flight might have helped you with. Flight is an afterthought for this current team because, frankly they just arent talented enough to take it into account when creating new content and we all know it.

Sad because being shot down off my flying mount is literally the only death in PvP that was memorable. The only death Im still talking about nearly two years later.
If they’d give us busy work that wasnt about fighting every stinking trash on the continent trying to farm a node and instead made the game with flight in mind…star wars instead of star trek…so the fights near the objective instead of always out in deep space along the way…they could incorporate flight in a way that made this the best game on the market again.

Being shot down by AA batteries trying to get to quest objective would be flipping awesome.
THEN working to get rep with that faction so they stop shooting at us…THAT would actually give me incentive to want to get the rep because THAT would make logical sense.
Telling me that my FLYING mount just forgets how to fly until Ive appeased every group in the new world…not so much.


I’ve never cared much about whether I fly or not lol. I won’t turn it down but I’m one of the lucky ones who am just happy enough jumping around a city queuing for crap.

Though I don’t believe flying needs to go because those who do enjoy it deserve to have fun too.

I’d say Pathfinder is a good compromise, but could be toned down a bit, maybe explore all zones and do main story of all leveling zones in that expansion. With no part 2 nonsense.

ive never bought that ‘compromise’ thing.
They wanted flight gone and when players tossed fits, they then FORCED PF on us. There wasnt much compromising to it.
But yeah, they need to tone it down, but they wont
Theyre still trying to get rid of flight, so expect every new PF to get even more annoying until so few bother that they can just stop allowing flight in new content at all and there wont be enough complaints to matter.


FFXIV gives flying for practically free at the end of the game. They are maintaining players just fine with flying in place and the content isn’t all that different from WoW. I’m still subscribed to that game even though I’m not playing it at the moment.

The problem wasn’t flying: Its the content they created. LFR took the bite out of raiding. MoP depended heavily on dailies, which in later expansion they swapped with a much superior world quest system. If they left, its because they didn’t like the content they had available to them. They didn’t exhaust the content because of flying. The content got exhausted because it was shallow and repetitious.


Ground mounts let you skip everything in the world between the quest and the questgiver.

a hearthstone skip everything in the world between the quest and the questgiver.

Stealth/invis skip everything in the world between the quest and the questgiver.

See where I’m going with this?


Look at ESO…WoW SUPPOSEDLY was too ‘small’ and needed some entirely pointless portals removed to make it ‘bigger’ (all it actually did was irritate farmers such as myself in reality).
But ESO is a far smaller game yet has 8…9…10 portal points (wayshrines) in EVERY STINKING ZONE!
And you dont actually have to find a wayshrine to portal to a wayshrine.
You can just (M) map and immediately portal to any wayshrine in the game or to any of your player houses.
So apparently ESO isnt having ANY problem with their smaller world being too ‘small’ as blzzard seems to be claiming WoW feels with a few more petty portals around the place.

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