Yep and then I never would have come back and wasted my time here. You can always not fly if you don’t like it.
I just unlocked flying today. Didn’t feel like a chore to me. I took a break for about 10 months and when I came back, did mostly emissary quests and a few dailies with contract, while strutting on my horse.
Tortollan was the worst in my opinion, as the quests are pretty dull and you have to travel all over. But overall, I had the idea that I’d get flying once I get it, and there are so many flight points that it didn’t matter too much.
Not horde btw, can’t stand that horrible city they got. Maybe I would have felt I absolutely need flying…
Don’t understand why players cannot grasp this concept .
I’d rather players like you didn’t play you guys ruined WoW.
I played when BC launched. No one complained then. It was even cool because it opened up different parts of the world and blizzard actually put in effort regarding how the world feels when you’re flying. But hey you’re about to get your wish. I’m planning on leaving after BFA unless blizzard actually makes the game fun again, i might quit sooner.
It’s funny salty people like you aren’t happy with the fact that we essentially get flying for less than half an expansion with massive timegating and/or grinding to boot. i think you’re problem with the game trying to kill everyone’s fun.
I played back then too. I remember people complaining about it a lot I’m glad I’m not wasting my time on retail.
If you’re not playing retail then stay out of retail decisions. The only complaining was the mount costs, had nothing to do with the mechanic itself unless there was some corner of the forums i never saw. The ironic part being the cost is a gate, hence the same problem many people complain about now.
I’ll post where/when I want. if you don’t remember people pointing out all the issues with flying I assume its because you have a bad memory we were telling Blizzard flying was hot garbage from the start.
You must have a bad memory if you ever think you were a majority. Hence pathfinder was added
When did I say it was the majority? I said people were telling Blizzard about the issues that flying would cause from day 1 not that EVERYONE was nice reading comprehension flying was and is bad for any mmorpg.
I don’t remember any of these “issues” you say was spoke about.
So i guess you’re just talking about yourself then? You deserve to work at blizzard. "You think you do, but you don’t " it’s not really a relevant talking point to say "we saw it all along as an issue " when you were clearly minorty and most the player base doesn’t agree.
Dear god your a special kind of slow
Its all about player metrics, flying is time gated to keep people logging in each day. They dont care about if your having fun, just that you feel obligated to login each day/week.
Their war against flying has cost them. So be it.
Nope. You just admitted you were a minority in your concerns (even if it wasn’t just you. i said that comment as hyperbole,
if we’re talking about minorities there’s no limit on how small they can be). yet feel you must assert your will in the rest of the player base. That’s crazy controlling. You are probably the most narcissistic person i’ve talked to in a while. Clearly you’re in the minority yet everyone else is the problem (or stupid). Lol!
If Ffxiv can do 3 whole expansions with flying without their subs bottoming out, I’m pretty sure the game they took most of their inspiration from can do the same.
Flying was a selling point in coming back to wow, otherwise it would have been rift. Got my skyscale in GW2, am super happy with it. Will never be taken away from me as long as those servers are alive.
I suspect as more of the player base experiments on games with flying or even without that have better graphics/gameplay Wow’s popularity will bleed and probably already has. I think the playerbase is getting fatigued with blizzard’s arrogance at the price of fun.
I changed my mind, think about it like this and you probably won’t have issues with pathfinder: If you’re queued for LFR, pathfinder doesn’t feel like a grind. It’s not necessarily fun, but it kinda is when you’re already waiting for LFR. LFR queue times are long enough that you can do a whole tier of raiding and get a great deal of progress done if you have the time. I explored every zone for part 1, did 100% of the war effort questline even though I only had to do up to the first part, did a bunch of world quests, got revered with a rep. It’s only bad if you try to do the grind without being queued for LFR. Then it is really bad, like if you’re setting out to just do the pathfinder grind. That’s something nobody would ever do imo, but if it’s just to pass time while LFR queues… it’s much easier.
When I was exploring zones though, I wasn’t even looking at my screen, as soon as the explored notification came up I immediately turned direction and went to the next one. I can’t say that it is a good way of making players appreciate the art at all. I don’t feel really good about it because the only way I can make it tolerable is by reducing the experience to a mindless distraction. It’s good for that, but I don’t feel that is good or acceptable design. I can get it done for sure, it still doesn’t feel right. I think it is good for questing because you can’t just fly to the objective, drop down, and fly back to quest giver, but… I am so powerful at this point that I just aggro everything along the way and aoe it down in one rotation. It’s much less annoying now than it was to quest when I first got 120.
I’m not sure how I feel. Like I feel that I did a great deal with my time, experienced a lot of cool stuff, but I’m not entirely sure what it was. I’m not entirely sure it matters either way. It’d be different too if I didn’t do so much content in one sitting I’m sure. Being in LFR queue while grinding pathfinder was the biggest gamechanger for me.