Flying... Here's the truth

But those that created it are long gone and moved on to a different company. The crappers we got after them… THEY are the ones trying to take it away.


because they haven’t a clue about MMORPG design (that’s why retail is a frankenstein D3/WoW monster that is more like an online casino than a game) and they sure don’t know how to design content for flying. Make that, they sure don’t know how to design content.


I’m enjoying myself while unlocking flying.
Sounds like you’re talking about your truth, not the truth.

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Here’s the truth - give players options.

Give players option of either:
1, complete your dues in pathfinding, which unlocks flying on all characters, or
2, pay a hefty sum of gold, but only unlocks flying on that character that paid.

Give more incentive for completing pathfinding. A mount reward would be a great enough incentive, like the Soaring Skyterror for completing Draenor Pathfinding?


I agree with you partly, personally I don’t mind pathfinder at all, paying 5k for epic flying years ago on about 8 alts was nuts, mind you this was long before tokens existed so gold was much harder to come by. My only slight anger about it all was how long it took for them to release part two.

Well, yes, good point. We can only express our opinions/feelings about flight, other than those facts and other bits of information that support the opinions or conclusions about the reasons this PF mess even started in the first place.

What certainly is true, is that the flight “issue” that Blizzard created, was the direct reason that a lot of people bailed in May, 2015.

Hasn’t improved much, by a longshot, and that is jmo.



When the players are focused on doing the same crap only to log out when they’re done … that’s bad. It’s bad as a community.

Make engaging content not monotonous garbage.


I don’t even know if any of the originals are still around.

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Re-read your post man. And you’re right.

The requirements keep getting longer and more in quantity.

I almost stopped caring myself. But that’s what they want and they’re aren’t going to see my white flag.

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Worked on me. I don’t do it anymore.

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What a shame bro

The only reason Activision doesn’t like flying is because it allows people to blow through their minimal non-content faster.

WOW has always been been a series of dressed up timesinks.

  1. Just stop gating flying period because it’s stupid and they should consider themselves lucky if anyone even still pays a sub for this rapidly aging dinosaur of a game anymore.

Oh, that i agree.

Except we got a new regime in powah. And that regime likes to kiss da ground.

Flying? Bad.
Portals? Even moar bad.
But give refer a friend free summon because that brings in another sub? OK MON!!!


Design world content that is fun/engaging and players won’t howl in despair at their inability to skip doing said content.

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I recommended flying content years ago. Like mounted PvP. Mounted quests and such

That’s really an incongruent comparison.

In a way, “flying wasn’t a problem until Blizzard made it a problem” is absolutely true. How did Blizzard make it a problem exactly? By creating max level content that actually took place out in the world. With the entire world scaling up to max level and having relevant objectives and rewards in the entire space, you actually have reason to go back to those locations. Because of the fact that you’re asked to engage those objectives as legitimate content the same way you did when you were leveling is why people feel the sense of incompleteness. Everyone wants to hit max level, be “done”, and proceed to dive bomb objectives and slam dunk mobs for the fastest path to their next dopamine spark. Content isn’t designed to be “done” anymore (well at least not as immediately as it used to be) by giving it some version of replay-ability… as that is actually a concept beneficial to an MMO, despite everyone complaining that they feel like it’s just to increase time played.

For your examples of TBC and Wrath being golden eras of flying, that’s easy because there was effectively no content that actually engaged the player in the world at max level except for dailies spam in small areas. For people to reference “content designed around flying” like… idk having to fly to Tempest Keep or Skettis, as if that was any more satisfying or engaging than just a teleport pad or a hillside walkway. There was zero content of you engaging in combat, challenge, or some sort of active gameplay while on your mount.

Even worse are people that reference WotLK as having “flying content”… a majority of ICC and Storm Peaks are essentially flyover non-tent where entire sections are just packed with elites not meant to be engaged because Blizzard knew “Oh, once they have flying they’ll just skip all this anyway”. You coulda had the Ally/Horde airships just deploy you to quest locations in those zones and poof, flying is entirely unnecessary again because there’s no actual gameplay tied to it.

Take that idea for those 2 WotLK zones and apply them to the entire expansion of Cataclysm and you have the all-time worst, most unengaging zones in WoW’s history - everything is an on-rails, one track mess of a zone / theme or just straight up meme references, because hey… why not? Everyone is gonna skip it anyway.

MoP was a massive improvement in zone quality, but had no real mandated “you need flight for this” content, except the flying mount dailies (duh).

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Trust me, I want to fly in the new areas, but what’s the point now? You are required to do the entire stories of the zone, which I have no problem doing because I like to see the story and feel like I have completed the zone. My problem is that the requirements to fly now also require you to grind out world quests over and over, so by the time you have done the story quests, and done all of the world quests to get to exalted, you have done everything you can possibly do in the zone and there is no point to do that unless you want it unlocked for alts.

To be honest, by the time I have done all of that, I don’t feel like running alts through the zone again because you have already gotten all of the quest rewards, all of the mog pieces from the quest rewards, and it’s easier to grind dungeons on your alts if you’re trying to level them.

So by putting in such steep requirements to unlock flying, blizzard has literally made it pointless to unlock it because, again, you have already done everything in the zones you can possibly do.

So I do the factions with the best rewards, or the factions with an Allied Race I want to unlock. Take BFA for instance, Tortollan (spelling) seekers and Champions of Azeroth have no mounts, and no Allied Race unlocks, so I have no desire to grind out their world quests.

That’s just me, and I am in no way poopoo’ing anyone who does them all and gets flying. To each their own. Just for me personally, the requirements for it are stupid high and there is no payoff when I have already done everything that can possibly be done in the zone.

Now if the requirements were lower, or there was exclusive flying content as something to work toward, then I’d do it. But without something to do once you have unlocked it, again, it’s pointless.

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Liar. No one grinds every reputation to Revered on a single character. There’s no point. The enchanter will want the reputations that give enchanting recipes, the tailor will want only the ones that give tailoring recipes. The enchanter will have no reason whatsoever to grind the reputation that unlocks blacksmithing recipes. But all of them must be on a single character for any of them to fly.

Because people use flying to skip mechanics and blow through content then complain there is no content. If devs put up adds that were aggroed when you flew in you would still be upset. The only thing annoying about not flying right now is there are people who can while I can’t which makes warmode a tad difficult