I despise that quest.
Supposedly Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part Two has been completed by 47.3% according to World of Wargraphs.
Are you joking?
That’s all well and good but you should expand what you do as content to things that aren’t entirely written out. In fact (and I know this can be meta a bit) but you should decide for yourself what goals you want to make for yourself.
No, I genuinely feel that flying kills both immersion and the sense of world in this game. When people can swoop down, grab a quest objective, and then fly away? That’s game killing, that’s avoiding content. People claim it’s because they have done the content before, but if you could buy flying at max, they would outright skip it the first time too. Humans always take the path of least resistance by nature, and flying gives them the opportunity to take that path much faster when it can just be bought.
Only really started playing wow around mop i did not mind leveling up and doing the story be for i could fly made since
But mop felt more like a open world and less like a corridor game like wod and bfa feel like when i play my hunter i feel like this game feels allot like original doom i can only go where i am told and i have a gun want to get up on that small 4 foot slope to get to the quest person nope you got to run 4 miles around the mountains first
It’s more frustrating than any thing else dose not make me want to sight see since i am to busy not trying to pull every thing from where i am to the quest unlike mop loved sitting on top of all the mountains and in joying the view
Point is
Game feels like a corridor game more than a open world game
Ok… But when you have requirements as rediculous as rep it makes players focus more on monotonous garbage instead of focusing on quality content.
How many hundreds of WQ’s have we done over and over? Yeah… That’s not immersion. That’s hot garbage.
Flying has been a part of the game from day one, with flightmasters offering us rides in exchange for coin.
With so many others able to fly, whyever would we never get to> Even now with flight so gated, there are even more ways to fly like portals and flight whistles.
I’d like to know what’s so special about riding up, grabbing a quest objective, and whistling away (from the train of mobs following)? How is that more immersive and building the sense of the world? How is that not the path of least resistance?
You basically get flying for actually playing the game, i didn’t put any extra effort into it at all and got it as soon as it was available.
I feel like the same people who complain about flying requiring you to play the game are the same people who complain about how theres no content and nothing to do.
I played through the first half of Legion, got annoyed by the zone design and how that made the dailies a living hell. I came back to check out classic and decided to give BFA a fair try by leveling an old character of mine. I now have two expansions without flying because they staggered the flying requirements. People are saying its easier in BFA, but that’s probably because flying isn’t gated anymore due to part 2 being out.
Edit: Sorry, three expansions. Hopefully it will only be two if I can manage BFA.
It never feels good when the players get flying late in an expansion then it’s taken away in the new expansion. And nowadays players have to grind for a very, very long time just to unlock it again, late in the next expansion. It’s unfun, plain and simple.
It would be nice if Blizzard made flying purchasable at max level. Or if the cap isn’t raised in the new expansion (which would be refreshing) then perhaps players could reach Revered with the new, immediate batch of reputations then purchase flying.
Grinding, then waiting, then grinding, then waiting, then grinding isn’t a very effective or fun way to set up flying in the game, in my opinion.
How much time each day did you put into it, honestly.
Super casuals “which is the bread and butter of the game” can’t afford to put hours in every day. Which some players seem to not understand or not care to think about.
How often do people group to do world quest dailies? Is that a thing? I can see it becoming a lot more tolerable if you just zerg the zone in large groups.
Well youve had like a year to get pathfinder 1 you could probably do 1 quest a day and still get that. And pathfinder 2 you literally cant do more than the handfull of quest they give you per day. This idea that you can just grind it out by spending hours and hours every day is absurd. I do all of nagaland and mechagon in like 45 minutes to an hour before work. After that you cant really do anything else to make it faster.
Doing the complete story/campaign is enough.
Grinding for rep is just retarded. Anything more is actually retarded.
I miss farming gold for mounts and their skills. Reverted requirement is too much. At least honored plus a large sum of gold. That would add some value back to currency but token buying is another issue for another day
Flying is their biggest regret clearly.
They obviously don’t want it in the game anymore, they created a problem and their solution is to sweep it under the rug.
The truth is, Pathfinder isn’t going anywhere. Reject it if you must, it isn’t going to change.
You’re correct. Its crazy thou cuz its kind of like Disney saying they regret creating an animated mouse. Only stupid people kill the thing that made them an industry giant.