Flying... Here's the truth

They’d get escorted out.

legendary pet battles. look them up, each one drops a rep item, made my grind much shorter.

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Nah, just increase the range on the net-o-matic and make it an instant cast item with no cooldown.


How is it, that you can’t play this game without flying and enjoy yourself?

nobody starts this game with flying, and no expansion should carryover flyers or gold-hoarders just like that.

You must be sarcastic…

Please tell me you are.


Flying is a option. If you don’t like it, then don’t unlock it or use it if you have gained flight. It’s your choice, as it’s mine to gain and use it. I don’t see why people, blizzard included need to force others to one way of thinking on this.


Walking is good, ground mounts are good, flying is good. I enjoy all of it. Even in retail I don’t use mounts all of the time and just enjoy using ground mounts or running. Blizzard shouldn’t put these things behind grinds.


666 likes! Lol

Them getting ganked over,over,over,over,over,over again equals more sub time needed to level and increased hatred of opposite faction till they yearn to mercilessly to kill them all;yes I’m saddened to not be able to mount the skulls of each and every horde skull on my pikes in my garrison.

There’s only two things about not being able to fly that both me at all:

I want it to be easier to level my new characters. We have to admit that leveling is easier when you have flying.

Then waiting for someone to summon you to a dungeon or raid. It just makes me feel lame. That’s my own hang up, I get it, but still.

I understand that going through nearly every quest for every zone gives you the whole picture, but I liked when my main motivation was that I liked the story or I was rep grinding to unlock items or mounts or whatever. There are some zones that I just dread trudging through. I guess I’ll get there eventually but for now I’ll be just like every other annoyed, grounded person.

Still enjoying this expac more than a lot of other people I know though.

It’s been part of the game longer than some other mechanics. Imagine time gating lfg or LFR.


Im fine conpleting,the storyline…bit not flying for WQ grind and boss farm is crimimal…and quickly goes from appreciating zones to fustration.

Pathfinder is not fun. I have to wait months to unlock flying,due to rep grinds, including,factions that only offer lame browser games…and its time gated…


Why not time gate other features of the game?

Why just flying?

Ahhh, because spite.


I like flying.

I understood learning cold weather flying in Northrend. I even understood it in Mists.

What I don’t understand is how a certain faction “liking” you impacts your flying skills in skies you’ve technically been flying since flying was put in the game.

EDIT: Let me clarify. I don’t mind EARNING flying. I mind a pointless rep grind that makes no sense for an MMORPG.


I don’t have the time to dedicate to raiding and for me the game basically entails a chore list of emissaries and dailies to complete to get a piece of gear upgraded and perhaps complete an achievement here or there… nothing else, the story means NOTHING to me and neither does rep unless I’m needing it to unlock flying and an achievement.

I could go back and farm titles or mounts but I just haven’t been motivated by that empty world endeavor. I fought Classic and thought it was going to be dumb but honestly I’m playin it and nothing else (for now). Retail pvp? boring, pve? I’m basically finished all quests for BFA and scratch my head looking at my toon in retail. Ive watched the guilds I usually played with dwindle and disappear over the year and I’m hoping for one day having professions mean something again like they did at the end of Wrath

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Glad you posted this. I honestly feel this way. All I really want to do is chase whacky achievements because, if I can’t raid, I need to do something of equal dedication, but that also allows me to help my lady out when she needs it.

Instead I’m chasing WQs, not having fun, and I walked into work today with an email from her saying I’ve been “Way too plugged in lately.” A challenge at any point - but I’m not even having fun currently.


That’s probably because people found out about their plans for no flying on the instance podcast, in an episode recorded at night at a hotel during blizzcon weekend, before it was posted on the forums.

Iirc Greg “Hi I’m Ghostcrawler and I’m off the leash” Street was a guest on that blizzcon episode and broke the news before it was conveyed through other means.

I came back a month ago and I have an experience with trying to get flying.

For the most part WoW is kind of my side game I play along with FF14 which is more of my main game but I play both at the same time a lot. I quit playing WoW because I wanted to focus solely on FF14 since the expansion just came out. However I did everything in FF14 and beat all the raids so its kind of in a content lull so I was like now is a good time to come back and play some WoW.

Before I quit I did pathfinder part 1. Now I just need pathfinder part 2 to get flying which requires the 2 new factions to revered. I found this to be tedious and so very boring and outright not fun to do. You have your world quests and daily quests that give you very little rep. I estimate it will probably take over a month of doing wq/dailies on a daily basis to get flying.

I can compare how you get flying in FF14 which is done much better, you have to explore the map, do most of the zones quests, and find aether currents (green wind balls on the map) . This can be done when your at level cap only really takes like a few days to unlock. Now you can fly and enjoy the rest of the expansion with flying.

This is done so much better than the way Blizzard makes you unlock flying.

I am just like hating myself for spending what I feel is a waste of time doing these dailies/wqs for flying. A lot of the dailies for flying have abysmal drop rates too on the collection quests. Such as the quest where you have to get manta ray meat that usually takes around 20-30 min alone cause they made the drop rate so low.

Why make your players do such a tedious grind to get flying. Final Fantasy doesn’t do it and people still play that game and it is just more enjoyable doesn’t feel like a grind when doing it.


I love pathfinder… it gives me a visible goal. Please don’t kill that for me…