Flying... Here's the truth

I agree, i have not had Flying for 2 expansions, i do lore master no worries but being forced to be able to have Flying is excessive. I want to farm matts efficiently and enjoy crafting and Flying around.

I am curious at the % who has Flying.


Wowhead says 63%of profiles have PF-1 BFA, I suspect the number with part 2 is less. So maybe half the people?

This is a problem. Pathfinder separated flying into haves and have nots. Given its criticality for any outdoor content I think it’s a mistake to do it and I also think we’re seeing a drop in subs because of it.


I agree and those stats are very interesting.

Pathfinder for years has always been in the forums being very unpopular. Why Blizzard doesn’t do anything about it just baffling.


The key word is spite.

There’s no advantage of having it other than increasing play time.

Any way they can do that without adding actual content… They will do.


I don’t think spite is the correct word though I cannot deny hubris may be a large component. I think the goal is to remove flight, and if they can’t do that they’re going to use it to compel people to run minimal content over and over to make it appear as though we have more content than we do.

Thing is, if they’d stop with the terrain horrors, stop treating pathing puzzles as content, stop trying to copy games like Mario Brothers and jumping puzzles, and focus on the RPG aspects of the game they might pull it off. Instead they try and sell these things which are entirely for their benefit of cost savings as something the players would want.


Which is a very bad lesson to teach people.

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Soooo… Does Classic not have flying?

Have you played classic yet?

I want to say again – the fact that flying is here I’m playing more, I think. It’s WAY more enjoyable. If next expansion I can’t fly most of it I may reconsider or I may just play a few weeks each patch.


If you treat it like a chore (like brushing your teeth every morning), it will take around two weeks.

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Are you stupid?

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I just came back to the game after several years absent. I now remember why I quit, but am trying to wade thru the requirements to fly in Legion. I just bought the expansion and am wishing I hadn’t! I think I would quit again if I hadn’t just spent over $100 for the expansion and more game play!


It’ll be like that for the rest of the game life. You have Ion to thank. Their spiteful ego has lost them so many valuable loyal customers. Hell, that’s why alot more are switching back to classic!


Probably never played it bro.

You’re correct Goregroth. One of the reason I chose this game over others is flying. I love the feeling when my toon is flying. I wish I could fly in real life. I play WoW to get away from the stress of everyday life, job, etc. I want to fly in current content, without the hum-drum rep pathfinder crap grind.


It’s really sad.the once Titan of a game has become less than it’s former self

And there were incentives to get the rep like cool mounts, gear and toys.

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Haven’t bought an xpac since I was suckered into WoD. No fly, no buy. Just. That. Simple.

Oh, and EFF Pathfinder.


Flying should be disabled in Warmode.

Enable it from the start while not it WM.


stage a boycot of the next blizzcon, that should hit them hard