Flying... Here's the truth

Increasing their engagement numbers without having to design actual content and making a smaller land area feel bigger by making it take more time to navigate probably makes up the bulk of their reasons.


So not spite … Laziness


you underestimate the ability of Blizzard to go the extra mile when it comes to bad decisions especially with Activision in the background pulling the strings despite their claims of being autonomous from them

after all when most people typically shoot themselves in the foot its usually a flesh wound but when Blizzard does it they either use a flamethrower or go all out and grab a rocket launcher


Since you put it that way. Lol

It just doesn’t make sense to me. From a business standpoint.

Honestly if you care this much about flight then you’re the problem with modern WoW.

Since you care enough to make such an extreme statement, it seems like you are.

The problem is that people who are unhappy leave the game and stop paying. They don’t care whether you think being unhappy is a good enough reason for you. I know you’d be okay with only a tiny circle of friends remaining, but that wouldn’t turn enough of a profit to keep the game going.


I think of it more as reduced investment, which can come from various reasons. The game has the same basic subscription fee discounting their selling gold and items, which makes some sense given their initial investment in the title was much higher (compare the price of vanilla to BfA and the amount of content you receive). At this point it seems subscription numbers may be playing a role though we don’t know what those numbers are. I also feel they shuttle WoW profits to the development of other titles.

Past a point it’s all speculation. I think the reason for their war on flying are tied to a number of decisions they’ve made in response to diminished investment. Where the negative aspect happens is in their communication. Like in WoD, they kept saying they were bringing back flying but it seemed evident from the start that the expansion was designed around not flying with how flying would trivialize the design. They could have said we aren’t planning to add flying to this expansion but I guess that would have affected initial sales. Then their advertising how it was the largest development team ever flew in the face of a selfie cam patch.

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they sell mounts that… yet wont let you use em
yeah that’s makes lots of sence

What so flying over dire content makes it fun?

If you don’t care about aspects of the game being discriminated against then YOU’RE the problem with modern WoW.

Remember kids, being passionate about things is bad.


You phumbled again!


You are not looking hard enough, and are using flight as a scapegoat, because you want people to come looking for you to fight. Go to Voldun, and to the wq area where you have to kill the 8 beasts. Plenty of wpvp going on there yesterday.


I ran off a small mound and jammed into a small crevice yesterday in Nazjatar. My hearth and whistle were timed out, but at least I could go to Dalaran. I was the farthest away from a flight path as possible in upper left side.

They do such an epic job trying to make land impassable. Also those paths on the sides of mountains that are too steep, but look like paths so you spend 10 minutes trying to figure out why the path doesn’t actually go anywhere.

Plus the chests you stumble upon but can’t reach, so you spend 15 minutes, then search the web for 15 minutes, then find out you need to climb a distant peak and glide down to the branch and pray that you don’t overshoot it.

This isn’t content…


Or the ones that dead-end halfway up and 3/4 of the way around the mountain, so you have to jump back down and look for a different one.

Since WoD, half of the terrain design feels like the devs are trolling us because they can. Earlier zones don’t seem to have nearly as much “fakeout” terrain. It’s almost like the devs understood we were trying to get somewhere, and wanted us to get there…


I’m considering not buying the next expansion until flying is available (or just avoiding everything except welfare gear). And just chilling in BFA zones getting stuff done i couldn’t be bothered for before. Also the process of unlocking flying is excruciating. There’s so much livelock on the daily mechagon quests worth 850 rep it’s not even funny. The irony being it’s harder to get them done because of people with flying.


I can’t give enough likes to this post


Flying is part of QA for terrain problems. I’ve been stuck a few times and needed to hearth or res at the spirit healer since they started their war on flying. I can’t remember it happening before though I suppose the risk was there.

That’s fine if you are into PVE. I exclusively PVP and I tell you it’s a right pain to have to do all the rep for flying.


This wasn’t a problem in Legion even before they broke profs up by expac; the first legion recipes took 1 skill. I made a demon hunter a leatherworker and was making Legion stuff right out of the gate. Or, right out of the Vault. :laughing: