Flying... Here's the truth

I’m so tired of not being able to fly everywhere after I take a really long break from playing.

Gg blizz.

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should b able to fly in dreanor by now our bfa maby pay gold option
blizzard wants us to pay to play their game
yjrn howabout given us something in retrun for once


Eh… it kind of was a big deal for pvpers. Everyone those who liked ganking realized there were less people wandering around helplessly/able to escape. And design realized you could just fly over trash content and do quests quickly.

Flying is great but it needs to either be killed off or fully embraced. And by that I mean make flying dungeons, mobs you can fight in the air, cloud nodes, whatever. Not just ‘its a form of faster travel’.

So they need to space out the mob packs more, bfa zones i have to pull 20 mobs getting from point a to b, its annoying, in this enviroment im pro flight.

Give some breathing room and id rather not fly other than maybe a reward for clearing a zone or whatever.

I just dislike the whole concept of a beutiful field jam packed with mobs with denisty of new york city. Im im the wilderness ffs give it some room so i can move. Olderzones had more breathing room.

Also they need to keep portals to instance island continents, waiting for a boat isnt fun. Id be fine with a 15min run bit the game iant designed like that unfortunately.

But then i feel there are much more pressing issues that need to be addressed

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That was when I started to not play as often.

This is truth. 3 120 level Alliance characters came through Ghostlands the other day and killed every last NPC in Tranquillen. Me and several other low level (15-30) Horde people were just trying to turn in quests and they followed us around the town like they were daring us to turn on PvP. That’s just one scenario, i have had so many in the past.

Flying mounts and not traveling to instances was the beginning of a long line of mistakes that ruined the game.

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While I disagree about flying I always felt that people should have to go to the instances in order to queue for them. Like going to the summoning stone and clicking on it to find a group. There was a lot of fun to be had waiting for your group to form at the entrance to an instance.


I LOVED mage tower. It was a very challenging (well some of them. Some were faceroll) and rewarding experience I didn’t mind grinding. I think you pretty much summarized what I couldn’t word properly in my head.

Why do I hate the gating and grind of pathfinder but loved mage tower grind. It pretty much is what you said. The grind in mage tower was for an awesome goal that was really cool and unique thing to have, yet pathfinding is a chore that you have to slog through just so you can get something that has been in the game since BC.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. The exploration part of the game should be while you are leveling. When I hit max level I wanna fly for a 1 time gold payment like before. I don’t speak for the other pro-flyers but 1 thing I would be ok with is if it is just pathfinding part 1. That isn’t too bad (because of no time gating) and atleast it gives us flying for free.


There’s lots of things on WoW that i don’t do! Because there boring, time consuming and subjugating! Blizzard can keep that crap!


This is gonna happen with water walking too, just wait.


I suspect they’ll be able to remove water walking completely. It’s just harder to remove flying from all current content if they want to keep the sweet sweet store mount money flowing.


Better… More tolerable…

Six of one, really.

Don’t give them ideas.

They won’t remove Flying because they know what happened last time they tried to. They won’t risk it. They aren’t that stupid.

They are pretty stupid though.


As a consumer, that’s the reality that I can’t believe anyone should think is ok, especially in unison with Pathfinder. Spend $25 for a flying mount in the online store and then not be able to use it in the game for a year and a half. The cognitive dissonance boggles my mind.


Again I have no problem with flight removal as long as they make the terrain bearable. I find no problem with ESO/FFXIV system because I do not feel like I am fighting the terrain all the time. This is the exact opposite case with WoW. The Terrain since I would say MOP/WOD has been awful. It is a constant challenge trying to find solitary pathways up mountains, constant hidden drops to your death as if Blizzard planned it that way, etc etc.

If Blizzard wants to remove flying, why not make the terrain a little more manageable on the ground? You would get way more support that way.

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There is a distinct shift between the wide-open, mostly flat, rolling plains design of MoP and the convoluted mazes of WoD. It’s like, once they thought they could keep us grounded, they decided to see just how tedious they could make the ground experience.


The terrain design goes hand in hand with Pathfinder. WoW’s terrain took a drastic change in design with WoD (it’s like there’s two versions of environmental and quest design from Vanilla to Mists and then Warlords to BfA). The terrain is now designed to lengthen the completion of open world content. In the past, it was the combat that served this purpose. This is another reason gameplay was more engaging in the past, you spent more time in actual gameplay and less time traveling.


Spite my Friends… Out of spite.


I don’t know that it’s spite - though admittedly it often seems like it - but the world design has definitely moved from “created to facilitate travel” to “intentionally designed to get you where you’re going via the slowest possible route”. Even if it’s not spiteful, it’s opportunistic: “Hey, we’ve already slowed them down by taking flying, let’s slow them down further now that they don’t have an option besides slogging along on the ground.”

Even now that we can fly as soon as we hit Pandaria, the zones aren’t designed in such a way that I feel I HAVE to hit my spacebar in order to get from point A to point B. There’s no comparison between even Kun-Lai, the most mountainous region in Pandaria, and Spires of Arak, or between Krasarang/Jade Forest with Gorgrond.