I don’t get it why some people go up in arms over flying. Very few things in this game even forces the player to fly. It’s a choice. Don’t like it? Don’t fly. It’s really that simple. The problem is this doesn’t work the other way around.
I like to fly but being locked behind an achievement and worst of all - the time gating. It really gets on my nerves.
I do see the point that if some people are flying there’s such an advantage, especially in outdoor activities like gathering and questing, that others are compelled to fly. This is why using pathfinder as the sole means of obtaining flying is such a problem, it’s a stick not a carrot.
I also don’t believe there are many people who are actually against flying. You can simply not fly if you want to see the pretty pixels from the ground, people don’t talk to each other when they’re grounded anyway, and I’ve always felt that flight had some positives for WPvP (just part of the hunt).
At this point the the main opponents of flying are people that hate pathfinder more than not flying. I think, from a Blizzard perspective, that’s working as intended.
Well said. Blizz is all about the money maybe I should. See a little profit.
You can buy gold.
You can buy rep.
Gold is faster to acquire.
The real truth about flying is it only takes about 3 weeks to get, not months like everyone is saying… The truth is you’re just lazy, that’s why you don’t have it. Blizzard has actually made it easier, and there’s more complaining now. I remember back in WoD when pathfinder first came out, and people were praising blizz because they were going to remove flying all together for that expansion. It also took alot longer to get. Legion took slightly less time, and BFA takes the least amount of time, yet there’s more complaining now than ever. The truth is most of the people complaining weren’t even playing during WoD so i’m probably just talking to a brick wall…
Literally no issue in the history of issues has ever been an issue until somebody made it one. Does that mean every issue is a non-issue as you’re implying?
So you had it three 3 weeks after launch of the expansion?
Please tell us how you were able to do that?
Oh…you had to wait nearly a year too huh? Might need to rethink the words of the English language next time.
Actually what i said is “it takes about 3 weeks to get” which it does currently. I never said anything about how long it took them to release it lol.
So a person who never bought BfA could start and get it all in 3 weeks?
See how this works?
Wish they just put it back in as obtainable from the start.
Pretty much this. If blizzard would stop gating flight behind pathfinder and rep grinding it would make the game a lot more enjoyable.
What was the point of making an issue out of something loved by the majority of the playerbase?
The issues of mounts, per Mr. Mann’s opinions and thoughts:
- The game engine doesn’t work great with terrain. I can casually walk over a tree but a little bitty shin level rock? Nope. Are you kidding me? No, they are not kidding me.
- A way better middle ground would be similar to how Guild Wars 2 does it but I might argue have a “teleport book” of learned places. One could even purchase “books” of a list of places once the earned it through leveling or something.
- Following the previous idea, it’d be nice to be able to mark an x,y,z and teleport there. Your own happy place. Or a raid instance. Even cooler? A portal your friends can follow you to your happy place. Or to their doom.
- Flight paths are simply terrible. The fact that the team has not done anything with it outside of one dinky Legion zone speaks volumes and is, largely, one of the reasons I don’t do much herbing and mining. If something is simply too our of the way, I simply won’t do it.
- Flight paths are too slow. Especially if you have an empty bladdy, food on hand, and are in your mental grind zone.
- With the net-o-matic thing, there’s no reason not to allow flying right off the bat anymore. I can see an argument for RP realms but why not have an RP-PVP-NoFlying and a PVP-NoFlying and a NoFlying? If people love it so much, go over there.
- I’ve yet to meet a single person that’s bothered by having flying. I’ve yet to have someone go “well dang, I’ve done it all, might as well log now”. I have, however, seem more people doing world quests.
- We need more mounts with utility. Mining mount, fishin’ mount, etc.
- The AH mount is priced too high with the anti-gold attitude of the dev’s, IMO.
I really hope someone at Blizzard sees that OP’s post has 500+ likes and takes that into consideration and maybe wants to revisit their stance on flight.
It’d be really great if we at least had flying at max level again, instead of having to wait almost a year for it.
There’s a lot of things that the majority of people love that are terrible for them. In fact, they love them so much that they can’t possibly see any perspective that contradicts their love for those things.
I think PF as instituted is pretty bogus, myself. But…our perspective is not the only one that matters.
Are you trying to bring real life addictions to a discussion about fun in a video game?
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No. Are you avoiding the point by inventing an extreme analogy that I didn’t make?
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Fair enough. The problem is when flying is available we have a choice. Every single person I’ve come across that says the game is more fun on the ground becomes the world’s biggest hypocrite when flying is available. They refuse to play the game in the way they claim is more fun for them. My flying does not affect anyone choosing to be on the ground.
Keep this glorious topic up. Blizzard must see that their players want flying back and it can only help BFA. Pathfinder be gone.
Pathfinder is the ultimate proof that Blizzard, regardless of what their PR people say, are designing the expansion around artificially lengthening play time and therefore increasing MAU numbers.
If that wasn’t the case, Pathfinder would be removed in 9.0 with how absurdly unpopular it has been for multiple expansions now.