Tell me you’re joking. No one praised Blizzard for removing it from the game. That idiocy.
People praised blizzard?!
What an idiot.
A few sweaty weirdos did, yeah. Some people are so beta and rage-filled towards their fellow customers that Blizzard could punch them in the jewels and they’d smugly proclaim that it makes the product better.
The vast, vast majority of customers were furious though, given how Blizzard tried to play coy up to and including selling a flying mount with the collector’s edition.
Then Blizzard’s employees threw an epic tantrum and locked flying behind a grind wall at the very end of the expansion. And thus was Pathfinder born.
To be fair, as someone who enjoyed pvping, and still does, I wasn’t super heartbroken when they talked about not having flying anymore back in WoD. Or, at least the idea of a grounded experience didn’t bother me.
The problem is, the ideas can’t really live in harmony unless they made a flying and non flying server for those who prefer encounters on the ground. And the population base is too sharded and split as it is already.
Another reason I like classic as well, I like running into people.
That being said, I sympathize and understand people who love to fly, and I think being able to get it earlier isn’t really an issue now that people can choose to opt into warmode and not have to change servers/factions to avoid dying to dive bombs like before.
Maybe instead of a year with a grind with several reputations even after that year. Perhaps, a month, to two, tops three months where you get a cool epic quest sharing how you overcame not being able to fly. And also explaining why you couldn’t fly in the first place. Easy to catch up because the quest chain can be done all at once when it’s unlocked and makes for a much more involved experience than repeating world quests and grinding rep with no explanation as to why we can now fly thanks to being buddies with Nazjatar folks and mechagon.
According to WoW head, 29% of accounts have loremaster in Outland. I assume if you take into account rep requirements that number would be less. 30% have it in Northrend, 35% in Pandaria, 32% in Draenor, and 72% in Legion. I didn’t see the numbers for BfA.
While there are a lot of variables to explain those numbers I think one thing is true, most people don’t pursue Loremaster without have a stick attached to it. You don’t get it by “just playing the game” unless you’re in that roughly 1/3 of players.
The slimiest way to increase MAU numbers. When there’s a very good alternative: make your game more enjoyable… People will play it!
A crazy idea, but maybe it could catch on.
got slowed alright on my end because I was unsubbed for 7 months after finishing pathfinder 1 lol
If millions of unsubscribers didn’t affect them 500 likes won’t do crap.
Maybe… but perhaps they can be persuaded by arguments and an enumeration of reasons… maybe not. What’s the WORST that could happen?
i mean i dont mind a grind, shooot they should add more…itd what the people actually asked for…people wanted more inclusive grinds, pathfinder was just a step in that direction…i mean its more tedious than it is hard but its not a terrible thing
This right here I hate the two new zones and I am no longer trying for pathfinder two
People want a grind to achieve a goal they want – not to avoid something they do not want. This is a problem I think they don’t understand. People loved the mage tower, for instance. They saw a goal and went for it. Same could be said for a lot of things.
If they make the goal neat and interesting – people will want it. If they make the goal to remove annoying aspects of the game that aren’t gun – people want it to remove the less fun stuff but not because it’s fun or enjoyable.
I’ve only been playing since the end of Cata, but I’ve heard this game used to be a whole lot more grindy than it is now.
The thing about the old grinds, though, was that you could actually grind.
If you wanted Timbermaw rep, you could kill the mad furbolgs in Felwood to your heart’s content. If you wanted Cenarion Circle rep, you could gank the Twilight guys in Silithus until your eyes bled, if you felt like it. There wasn’t a limit to how much rep you could get in a day.
The Golden Lotus (I think? I’m kinda new) and the Saberstalkers were like this. You could choose to do dailies (or even a big weekly quest) for a chunk of rep OR you could grind mobs OR you could do a mixture of the two.
Imagine that! Giving players choices and options for how to best manage their own time, in and out of game!
My wife and I found a group and did the Saberstalker grind in 2 nights. We met new people in game and honestly it was one of the 2 most fun play sessions we’ve ever had in WoW.
Now we are slogging through WQ after WQ and our play sessions have turned into chores
Pathfinder + world quests have ruined the fun we once had playing wow. If Pathfinder awarded flying after 1) max level 2) story quests 3) zone exploration, and THEN you could fly around to do WQs, then perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad.
that’s because it DIDNT exist the people claiming to now dislike and or hate flying only spoke up now simply because Blizzard said something about it first
flying is not the issue its the fact Blizz decided its bad so now of course the self appointed white knight brigade have taken it upon themselves to defend them against any that disagree
When you give players a choice and the freedom to accomplish a goal multiple ways it makes the game much more fun.
Some of us enjoyed ourselves -while- unlocking flying. YMMV, though.
Pathfinder is fine. The spiteful time gate is not.
I speak with my wallet:
- stopped playing (raiding and pvp-ing) in WoD and been playing each expansion since for few months only.
That being said, no more pre-ordering xpac for me but I may buy it on sale if between 10-15 bucks. I had few play time cards which I sold and I have 20 days left on my last (i think) token.
Only thing left for blizzard is introducing even more micro-transactions to milk players for as much cash as possible but I aint going to be one of them…