Flying... Here's the truth

The reality is, i have played the last few expansions a lot less than i would have because flying wasn’t available at the outset. Flying is a major feature of the game since TBC. Now let’s say they take away dungeons or PvP at the beginning of the next expansion and lock them away behind a year and a half of rep grinds and bull@%#$ and see how even fewer would play. Modern Blizz has shown themselves to be a bunch of idiotic &$^#wads who actively try to piss off their player base in the name of stretching out game time played. Hey, Blizzard? How about taking that same energy you use to think of dumber ways to take things away from players that they HAVE ALREADY EARNED A DECADE AGO and put it towards intelligent, fun, creative, and intriguing content that will keep players around even longer. What’s that? You can’t be bothered to? Ok, yeah, that’s what i thought. Next expac is gonna suck donkey too. Take your pathfinder and shove it, Blizz.


New players are guaranteed a month-3month wait time to fly depending on how often they play the game. During that time progression is slower and you’re subject to interesting gameplay on war mode. Personally I was an engineer so I can jumping off cliffs and gliding everywhere, I didn’t miss the flight but couldn’t live without it now that I have it. However I can’t imagine what it’s like for people without gliders… I literally glided thru half the map at times!

We all unsub and dun buy next expansion till is up…

Fly will be ready for us in 10.0 without doing a thing


Absolutely. I know I’m not playing until flying is close to being open. It’s just not fun at all until I can fly.


We needn’t worry about that if we properly handled things.

I don’t think anyone legitimately thinks this is a reasonable request. It’s hyperbole that isn’t combating anything because no one is asking for anything really like it.

Most people seem to be asking for one of two things:

  1. Flying at max level with gold per character like we’ve had since BC and wasn’t a problem until WoD.
  2. Pathfinder to be unlockable from launch without a part 2 that takes 8-12 months to drop.

Warmode exists, and we can do something about this. Flying doesn’t have to ruin wPvP, it’s just that the solutions are either against design or unpleasant.

  1. Make Warmode flight disabled.
  2. Make the dismount net instant cast but 40 yard range.

I’m not sure this is an unreasonable desire, though. Most of us would prefer a system that takes just as much time to get gear but all the gear is deterministic instead of random.

It was more fun in BC, for example, to know where my BiS pieces came from and the stats on those pieces were not subject to change. I might have to farm badges, or run the same dungeon a lot, or I might have to craft something.

A gearing system is always based on RNG, but we’ve placed the RNG on how good the gear is and not how likely you are to get it, and that feels like crap.

The other big MMO’s have even more teleporting than WoW does. ESO allows you to teleport to other players with no cooldown (and they can just be guild mates without grouping, of which you can join 5) , and both FFXIV and ESO teleport you to dungeons and raids.

The instant grouping thing might be a bit excessive, but the teleports to dungeons is hardly an unusual request. It’s fairly standard in modern MMO’s.

I suspect this is a symptom of inflation. Things cost more and more over time. Just like in real life, the moguls and auction house elite continue to have more gold to drive up the markets, and those who buy tokens for gold continue to have plenty, but the rest of us can’t always keep up.

Or, at least, we didn’t always have to work as much to keep up.

Considering I don’t want any Azerite levels, I’m not sure how to respond. I want faster Azerite levels because I don’t want to have to deal with the system at all.

I don’t find post-leveling paragon systems interesting. If it must exist, it should be miniscule bonuses that add up over the whole spectrum, not core game play progression.

You might find this interesting, but most of us don’t want everything instantly, we just don’t like the systems they’ve chosen to distribute things. So we request those systems be abolished.

It can seem like we’re just asking to have the rewards without the system, but many of us would actually be happier if a more palatable system existed entirely.

That’s because you don’t understand that they’re different people and different situations. You’re listening to a whole community, basically.

The community says:

P1: Classic is better because retail is too convenient, they’ve taken all the effort out of stuff.
P2: Man I really can’t wait for Classic, I loved Vanilla.
P3: They’re removing portals from Retail.
P2: WHAT!? That’s STUPID!
P1: Good, maybe they’re trying to walk back some of their stupid choices.

Person 2 might look hypocritical if you think the whole community is a unified group. It’s important to note that Person 2 never said why they loved Vanilla, and they didn’t strictly agree with the reasons Person 1 gave, they just added in their own “I’m also excited”.

You’re listening to three separate people having their own opinions, and you assume that if one person likes something (Classic) that they agree with the reasons other people like it. That’s the actual problem here. You’re not separating out the fact that the community is indivduals with their own opinions.

You’re also forgetting that Classic and Retail are very different games. I am 100% in favor of adding more portals to retail over time. I’d even like ESO/FFXIV style portals to every zone (and sometimes multiple per zone). I’d argue vehemently against that in Classic. This is not hypocrisy, though, because I’m not saying portals are bad on their own, or that they’re good on their own, I’m saying I’d like them in one place but not the other for reasons that I’d explain if that was the discussion we were having.

(Classic is meant to represent the original experience so adding a bunch of portals would detract from being an original experience. However, I don’t think that it would harm retail given the way retail works. It doesn’t make sense in Classic, but it would in retail. Just like how brown gravy makes sense on a london broil but it doesn’t make sense on a fish.)


And yet, the ability to teleport to most major quest hubs is in FFXIV as soon as you reach the area and unlock the aetherite, and it works…fine. There’s still plenty of running around the map to be done, and then you’re free to move on to your next set of quests. It’s quick, inexpensive, and keeps you engaged in playing rather than alt-tabbed out on a taxi service.

I did not mind the tasks to get flying. (OK, maybe I didn’t enjoy Mechagon rep - but that’s because I hate that zone).

I did mind that no matter how much I played, I still had to wait nearly a year to get it.

The time-gate is what really sucks.


It’s a very easy concept to grasp. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is done to try and extend subs. Period. The longer content takes to complete, the longer most people stay subbed. Very simple.

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Upvoted x1000 in my mind.

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Let me repeat this for you. Very well said.


A lack of flying is why I’ll never participate in some of the game.
They want to force people to participate in ways people don’t deem fun. Then offer up flying like they are giving us something we don’t deserve. There’s a reason I’m off and on with this game for a while now.

Remember in WoD when it was supposed to be something you earn and it was going to be cool only for them to do a 180 and go “well we didn’t design the content for flying” and then do another 180 and go “well, grind this rep and do this annoying content only a few like”. It came off as passive aggressive and they were bitter someone higher than them said something.

Heck, they even flat out to believe there’s any better transportation than flight paths because that’s “fun”, to them. Probably watching paint dry is too.

Heck, they could even have “anti-flying” shards. I’m sure they’d be alone but that should echo in their ears “no one likes that!”

Truth is after you hit max level on your first toon – there’s no reason you should have to unlock flying. It should just be account bound and then some massive XP bonus for your alts plus flying. I’d even be ok with a massive gold and item nerf in exchange for flying+more XP.

I keep dipping my toes in FFXIV and it feels likes the WoW team just keeps pushing me away every patch.


Flying is just FUNnNNNN. I finally stopped doing content I enjoy and am working on rep. Guess what. I do the emissary and log off - not having fun. If I were to actually do what I want, I would PVP or do dungeons and play alts and spend 10 times longer having fun, but now I just log off after emissary because game is stupid.


You can’t just do it like that though. If it was 100% the case, then Blizzard would just make endless rubix cubes. They have to balance fun with time sinks., anbd they ae failing

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This is definitely the case, it makes things a no fun zone. Do X things, log out.


Incorrect. Flying has been not only one of the biggest selling points of the game, it’s also been a cash cow and a way for Blizzard to print money with the mounts in the shop. I’m quite appreciative of that as a shareholder.

As for skipping danger… please. I’ll have to kill those naga, crabs, & hydra a bazillion times between now and the release of 9.0. If I can’t skip them when they’re not part of a World Quest, I’d probably start avoiding the zone entirely.

Just because you’re bad at controlling the camera, in a timely manner to “inspect” another player, doesn’t mean everyone is, nor that Blizzard is bad Y axis management.

  1. The game is already slow/time-gated enough. Slow in-game travel isn’t a good value for my subscription dollar.

  2. If players escape your forced PVP too easily, learn what “consent” means.

As for content where flying is needed, you mean like Soundless?

Flying’s purpose is to bring joy to players who enjoy flying. If that’s not you, don’t fly.


How do you become a shareholder from blizzard?

When I played back in vanilla, I never bothered hitting level 60. Flying was the only thing that encouraged me to start maxing out my characters. If there was a rep requirement for it back then I wouldn’t have even bothered. TBC was the only time I ever started raiding and guess what? That was because flying was easier to obtain. I can’t see blizzard attracting new customers with their current stance on flying. People focus so much on making this game a day job that they forget, some people just play it to have fun. Its a game…


That is definitely the case for my wife. She loves playing together but anytime she loses her flying she is suddenly ready to log off. It’s a whole different and unfathomable economy to many players. She expects to need money to know how to fly but a 2-3 month rep and quest grind of doing the same, mind numbing tasks ad nauseum? How is she supposed to expect that, let alone accomplish it without the relatively large amount of research needed to figure out how and where to grind rep? Especially after we hit 60 and she can suddenly fly for gold, but no, lets take away that feature in most of the game areas for no reason other than Blizzard is a bunch of sadistic @%@ards that wouldn’t know a good idea if it bit them somewhere important.


Absolutely. We learn flying at L60. Why is it, every expansion now, we suddenly “forget” how to fly? It’s just nonsense gating. People who want to play will play regardless. People who rush to content, unsub, then resub are going to do just that. It’s the way people play. Blizzard shouldn’t punish people because of their game style. I do like being able to fly on my lower level toons, but the time gating is really a slap in the face. It’s not like we have 18 hours a day to play.


Make a financial investment.