Completely rediculous
I don’t agree with you so I am in denial…we’ll, thanks for clearing that up.
I love all the anti-flying people, desperately trying to convince everyone that they are the correct, majority opinion, when all evidence points to the contrary.
I don’t know any “anti-flying” people. Flying has always been part of WoW. How can anyone be against that?
There has been a very long argument in the forums between “We demand that Blizzard change its rules” people and people that disagree with that.
That is not pro-flying people and anti-flying people.
That is pro-“players choose the rules” people and anti-“players choose the rules” people.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
― George Bernard Shaw
And Blizzard does not care.
Exactly! The tips during the loading screens even tell you something like “You will encounter fewer enemies if you stick to the roads”. Why are there roads then? Why are there fewer mobs on them? Roads let you Skip Content ™, right?
When I’m on my way to a quest objective through an area I’ve already seen many times, I get on my (ground) mount and just run past mobs as much as possible. I’m to the point where I’m so bored fighting stuff that has nothing to do with my goal, that I don’t care if I pull too many and die. I just want to GET WHERE I AM GOING without being molested by irrelevant crap.
They must really hate flying, to the extent that they instituted the Flight Whistle, which is an immediate “teleport” that allows you to Skip Content ™ way more than flying. I mean, the screen goes black and you magically show up at a flight master. How is that better than allowing the player to simply take to the air??
New player here. We exist:)
The grind is daunting and overwhelming. And it sucks.
Despite cringing at some of the graphics, I quite enjoyed questing through the old world on my first character. When I got flying at lvl 60, it was exhilarating! I spent actual hours flying around Kalimdor and EK, just finding new places. I even swooped down and picked up some quests. I decided to pick up archaeology. Keep in mind, this is with slow baseline flight speed!
The world opened up. I appreciated views from the air. I experienced things in the game I never would have if stuck to the ground. Because of my level, I think I mostly skipped Cata content (but will hit that with my first alt), but Northrend and Pandaria were also great.
Then I hit WoD. And suddenly this flight ability which I’d earned and paid for was mysteriously taken away… and hidden behind a ridiculous time-sucking grind. I probably should have just hit wod level cap and moved to legion, hit that level cap and moved to bfa, but I was actually enjoying the gorgeous scenery and building my garrison AND I actually like experiencing the story somewhat chronologically.
I got WoD pathfinder several weeks later, and moved on to Legion where I discovered Pathfinder had been divided into 2 parts !?! It was around this time that my wife and I started experiencing a lack of fun and excitement with the game. Instead of exploring and doing what WE wanted to do, we discovered that the game had taken over our choices.
Instead of WANTING to log in and quest, explore, dungeon (whatever), we felt OBLIGATED to log in to do dailies. To me, dailies signal the death of my interest in a game. For example, I quit Warframe because they went all-in on dailies. It’s not fun to feel like you have to log in every day to perform a specific (usually repetitive) task to progress or even stay current.
TLDR: For new players, Pathfinders (especially for past xpacs) are pretty rough. If I had to do it over again, I’d rush to BFA (flying, professions, and lore along the way be damned).
That’s not true. Pathfinder is a spiteful power play against the players that fought for flying not to be removed from the game. The people who support the time gate on flying or want it removed are absolutely anti-flying.
Typically I now log-in, contemplate my chore route and then log out and play Civ VI or something. Its rare that I login and actually do the full round of chores in both zones. I’m not against a type of unlock but this design is garbage.
That’s the issue
There is a strong vocal group against flying on these forums. If you don’t understand or know that than how can anyone listen to your point of view?
The DEVS need to read this a thousand times!!!
The rep requirement is a way to sugarcoat the real requirement, which is do a ton of world quests in each zone.
Pretty sure that was my post…Freedom!!! Im kindof a big deal now huh.
Lol… opinion not truth.
Hmmm… I recall back in Wrath having Flying AND doing the same Dailys for months.
I wish Blizz would offer the option of buying Flying on a per toon basis (once it was unlocked) or Pathfinder.
But if Blizz ever put it up for a vote as one or the other, I would chose the one and done Pathfinder over Gold for each and every toon I got.
Totally agree that flying is exhilerating and makes the game fun.
I don’t understand why a game would try so hard to stop fun entertainment!?!!?!
You get +1 from me OP just for this statement! I’ve been saying that since day one of Pathfinder
We think we aren’t having fun, but we are. The spreadsheets say so, therefore it must be true.
Agree entirely with this, I’ve been saying exactly that for ages. Many of us have mains that we play much more than other alts, and it is the main we want to have the most time-economical method of flight for. The rest we can work on as we have extra time or energy to do it. So let us get flight on a single toon that requires say Exploration, a questline to learn it and a flight license. Then if we want it account wide, that can be done later.
How does this not even get done? Is it too logical?