Flying... Here's the truth

Must be.


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Oh yeah?


It is the truth in all honesty.

Unless there is an emmisary or world boss up, I won’t do the new zones. Just can’t be bothered to rep grind anymore. I did it for my flying in WoD. I did it for my flying in legion. I did it for my void elf and lightforged in legion. I did it for PF1 and zandalari trolls in BFA. I’m just so over the concept of it.

I hate dailies and I hate WQs, stop trying to make me do bad content I don’t want to do.


That’s not a need in a strict sense, that’s a strong preference. The game is playable without flight. They don’t like the game without flight. You are both arguing under different definitions of the word need and under different understandings of “to play the game”.

The dont NEED flight to play the game. But the game NEEDS to have flight for them to return. Both these things can be true.


People don’t need to eat fancy or flavorful food. They just need to eat the bare bland basics to live. Once you realize that then you’ll understand the appeal of flying.


Yeah that really doesn’t do anything for the point I was making. They’re both going back and forth because they are both misunderstanding eachother. I am only clarifying.

I didn’t state any personal opinion in the post so I don’t really know what you’re trying to argue with.

Do you disagree the two of them are misunderstanding each other?

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All I’m saying and this is not necessarily directed at you but to anyone that says “flying isn’t NEEDED”. My point is flying might not be needed but filet mignon, 2-ply toilet paper, and sports cars aren’t NEEDED but they make people happy. Same with flying.


y’all are just saying the same point i was trying to make- flying isn’t a necessity; it’s a luxury/convenience. whether they decide to quit a game because they only want luxuries and conveniences doesn’t make it needed.

Nobody is saying it’s absolutely needed but it makes the game SO MUCH better.

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^ guy is…

If anyone quits over flying then it is necessary for them to enjoy the game. Not having the option to fly pushes people away from the game. It’s not as fun.

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Until 9.0 lol

You are correct sir/ma’am.

Semper Fi! :us:


Vodka or whiskey?

How is it nonsense? Flying shouldn’t be earned from grinding rep. I should only grind if I need something from vendors of the faction.


Posted that same response to that level 11human warlock blizz drone that loves to shill, and troll for gizzard lol. She posted a link to one anti flying thread from way back in 2011 lol. One thread haha. All the others she linked were made well after the blizzcon 2013 no flight in wod announcement. And then tried to convince everyone that they were made before then lol. And that 2011 thread was just the classic wow nostalgia freaks who got upset that they enabled flight in the eastern kingdoms, and kalimdor for the cataclysm expansion. Blizzard has been in desperation mode since mop in that they are only interested in slowing people down, so they can make their pixel world smaller, and put less time into creating things that keeps people interested in playing. Gating flight does nothing but piss a portion of the playerbase off. That is all they succeeded in doing. The have fun our way, and only our way, or gtfo attitude. Seems a lot of folks chose the gtfo one lol, and went off to start throwing their money at other games. Not just because of the flight fiasco of course, but it sure as heck didn’t help lol. Crz when it went full implantation, and destroyed realm identities in mop is when my friends list started going grey. Flight gate ran more off, and then mob item level scaling finally put that final nail in the coffin for the others. Out of 8 in real life friends that I used to play with since the early TBC days, only 1 still plays since these devs started all their bs listed.


The whole thing is just hatred and spite


Whiskey of course. :sunglasses:

Semper Fi! :us:

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Between the Colonel’s daughter and the Sgt Major’s daughter which one would you smash first?