Flying... Here's the truth

They seem to really like their multi dimensional maps with a lot more verticality and layering, therefore i think a valid proposal would be in the next expansion to make flying automatic or easy to achieve and necessary to map exploration or functioning on the map.

An example would be Heart of Thorns esque maps from Guild Wars 2, you needed gliders to travel the layered map therefore a similar system but maybe more free involving flying would remove the issue of making a grind wall to get flying in place of maybe adding new flying mechanics that are semi difficult (but only applicable in the new areas otherwise it would be too much of a nuisance) but are necessary to navigate newer maps.

Artificial extension of played time. And hate for flying too, but mostly the first.

I have Pathfinder for all 3 expansions.

For WoD I got it because I had just started playing and I was having a crap ton of fun (though I did hate the rep grind).

For Legion I didn’t mind doing it, because the content of the expansion (for me) was fun as hell, even grinding the rep this time.

And then comes BfA, oh how I hated it. I lost count how many Goblin Gliders I had to buy before getting part 2. I hate Mechagon as an area (dungeon is fun tho, hard, but fun).

Other than M+ and AP WQs, I really don’t do much else in the game these days. So much so that I’m using my time to learn how to tank properly.

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That seems slow. Were you even trying?

Some people have life’s

Flying for me personally made my experience in bfa better and knocking people out of the sky with the net o matic is fun lol

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It wasn’t exactly the most popular opinion. But it took only a couple minutes to find a handful of posts.

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This, from Kesnal, a thousand times over. The devs wanted to remove flying, the game bled subs, and this “compromise” of Pathfinder was born in a desperate effort to get at least some of those subs back.

Flying was never an issue – until Blizzard made it into one.


I’d go for that.

Until 9.0 and you’re grounded again.


Which is yet again… Rediculous.

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You’ve been arguing about this for 2 weeks. Aren’t you done yet? Once you unlock flying, your arguments and protestations are just white noise.

This is the game. You play it the way it’s set up to be played. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. It’s simple.

Most of us are fine with Pathfinder and the account wide flying. It’s much cheaper than buying flying licenses for all my alts. If you’re going to play this game, you do whatever is set in front of you to do.

Really not a big deal nor anything to get mad at devs and their intentions…6 years ago. There’s nothing you can do except play or quit.


I’m going to need a source on that. Doesn’t really matter, your point about it’s what Blizzard does (and will likely continue doing) is valid and people should leave if it’s that big of an issue. The only authority anyone has with this is to continue paying a sub or not.


The source is me. And all the other people who are flying in the game. They went thru the process and unlocked flying. Maybe they complained about it but they got it done. A lot of people are happy that their alts can fly the instant after the main got it done, for free.


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Blood elf arrogance.

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Im about to get flying tonight, and because of rl issues I’m super casual, i could’ve done it 2 nights ago but I did feel burnt out and just didn’t care that much about it.
After I get it I’m taking a break for a bit but then I’ll be leveling toons to reach max for next Expansion soon enough cause it’ll be awhile till we see it, and imo flying will make the journey faster and easier for said alts.

As a casual though I think once a new patch drops and you’re toon who’s done all the required achieves for Pathfinder pt1 moves onto the next zones, the previous tier zones should be allowed flying immediately so one can enjoy the game in more ways than the strict Pathfinder grind. ok the next areas are restricted is fine till the following patch then open with no hoops to jump again for alts.

Hold up, I know it is not your intention, but you’re essentially saying “Your complaint is only valid when you don’t unlock it.”. Which is not true in the least. I can earn something and dislike it the entire way, that does not make my complaint invalid.
Pathfinder, in its current iteration, is very unenjoyable though I do like SOME aspects.


Flying definitely made BfA better.


You and I seem to remember patches like Firelands and Isle of Thunder very differently.

It was actually implemented because the dev team lied in WoD and said there would be flying and then released the xpac without flying and had to add pathfinder to the game to give us our flying back.


Just to…

Fear :squid:
The :squid:
Squid :squid: