Before I got married you mean? Both at the same time, of course, save time that way, sort of.
Semper Fi!
Before I got married you mean? Both at the same time, of course, save time that way, sort of.
Semper Fi!
Last question.
Have you had a job since you’ve been out?
Since I retired, I’ve had a couple of jobs. Gotta put my youngest through college.
Semper Fi!
I think I had it after a week and a half? I didn’t even hurry.
So if you are playing that little, what do you need flying for?
You’re forgetting the 60 or so hours of game time needed for pathfinder part 1. For anyone that’s new to BFA, seeing other people flying and being unable to access that without spending 4 days or so of in game time spread across 2-6 weeks just grinding would be a pretty big turnoff.
Pathfinder part 1 gets ignored because the reward didn’t matter enough for people to complain about, and the time between PF 1 and 2 was so long, meaning anyone that had been playing the expansion for more than a month or two before 8.2 would have already completed it.
If it was so easy and quick, why didn’t you have it six months ago?
Yeah, which people had a year plus to do or something?
People always parade out the “…but for anyone NEW…”, but they are really talking about themselves and they are not new. As you say, it has been so long now that even people who only live in dungeons kind of have no excuse.
I don’t really think Wow has “new” players anymore? I don’t think Blizzard even counts on that, their best hope is to get back some “returning” players. Yes, it would seem daunting starting at zero on it.
100% agreed
100% absolutely
the thing that gets me is that all the waiting for flying and the grinding so you get flying for few months until next expansion, and then I will never go back to that zone because I will be in the new expansion grinding again to fly in that new zone lol
Blizz may hate flying (or not) but IDK if there has been a zone less playable for ground mounts than Nazjatar. Maybe Deepholm would have been w/o flying?
I have never felt that way about any zone in any xpac that i have played.
So where do we stop at convenience for the player? We want portals to every quest hub in the game, instant 300% speed flying, we want to never get ganked, we want our gear to roll sockets and stats we need, we want instant groups with instant teleports to instances, we want more gold faster and easier, we want faster azerite necklace levels.
Where does it stop? Why are people so determined to appeal to developers to get everything instantly for little to no work or time investment? Putting in time to progress your character is literally the entire objective of an MMORPG. Why do so many people want to bypass that?
Ironically with the WoW classic beta, players lament that everything in retail is too easy and too convenient, and that WoW classic is better.
I don’t understand how the vocal playerbase can have these two seemingly contradictory opinions.
You can’t fly in Classic. And the grinding is worst.
How about we don’t want any of the conveniences we already have deleted from the game? No need to go further, that’s the argument for flying/portals/waterwalking/any of the hostile decisions the dev team has made.
My point is that not everyone will have that year to do it… if someone is new to the expansion, something that may as well not have even been a grind for someone that started the expansion earlier would be a pretty intensive grind.
If subs are declining, and blizzard wants to increase subs, requiring that sort of grind for gameplay isn’t a good thing.
The grinding is also, for the most part, not actually required outside of the normal leveling process unless you’re a high end raider in a more competitive guild. You can play casually and only do BGs and normal dungeons and not be too far behind or missing out on basic gameplay like having a mount and all of your abilities. If you decide to spend most of your time on professions, you can use the gold you make to buy some high quality BoE gear on the AH to compensate for doing less of the other content that gives better gear.
The complaint that people have about pathfinder is not that there is a grind. It’s that basic gameplay that players have had access to since the first expansion is locked behind that grind, that that grind is time gated, and that there is no in game reason given for removing access to flight or putting it behind such a grind.
Nazjatar and deepholm are tied. Unfriendly.
And THIS comment is one of the best comments yet. I have been playing since Vanilla and USED to love this game. Flying used to be like receiving a reward by leveling to max level of the expansion and saving your gold to unlock it.
To me by hitting max level and getting flying is when the adventure truly began! I began to re-explore zones from the air, worked with my crafting and fishing, and working on better gear to raid with my guild.
Now with all this gating of World Quests and a year of rep grinding has killed my enjoyment of this game. It has become more of a chore or a job, than sitting down after a long day/week of work and enjoying a game for relaxation. This saddens me.
To me World Quests should be a way of earning better gear toward raiding and gold rather than making it a gate to doing what many enjoy, taking to the air.
I didn’t mind having to ground mount to get max level or go to zones like in the past that did not allow flying to do daily quests. But to gate flying for nearly a year into the game and working on the rep to force you to repeat that again for two more factions… I JUST CANNOT DO IT ANYMORE
I find myself logging on less and less. I find I am no longer enjoying a game I have loved since vanilla and contemplate how much longer I can stay. I find I am not the only one in a group of game friends and guildies that are feeling the same way I am feeling, many are leaving one by one due to disappointment and dissatisfaction.
In my opinion, maybe it is time that Blizz rethinks their gameplay.
Pathfinder part 1 should unlock flying immediately. Period.
If they want to add some “buffer” for those that don’t go ham leveling/grinding rep … fair … maybe 8.1.5 or when first raid unlocks … but almost a year is just stupid.
Pathfinder part 2 is fine if they want to lock flight in new zones behind that, but not in original zones.
As far as reps - personally I wouldn’t include them or make them “honored” (which you can more or less get through the quests).
Fact is “experiencing the game from the ground” … once you complete the zone story line - WQ day 1 is no different than WQ day 15 and WQ day 30.
You are correct it. It is their game and their rules. If people don’t like it they can leave. All 100% true. Blizzard also is in a customer service industry. If they feel that their product and service is above listening to what a majority of their customers want then they lose. Customer service graveyard is filled with arrogant companies that felt that they knew better then their customers what their customers wanted. The grave yard is filled with companies that felt it was their product, their rules and too bad if the customer didn’t like it.