Must be nice lol. Im so far behind.
You will get there eventually and you will love it too.
As of this morning I am 200 points away from flying in BFA. I’ll get it today once servers are back online after maintenance.
If I take out my 5 days of vacation, it took me 2 weeks to get. And in that time, my brain wasn’t just focused on grinding dailies, but also paying attention to new achieves, leveling “helpers”, and creating some really cool stuff in Mechagon.
Sometimes I think the pain of “the grind” has more to do with personal outlook/mindset than it does anything else. I know we waited nearly a year for Pathfinder Part 2 - that sucked and I wish Blizz would stop that. But once available, 2 weeks for Part II isn’t that bad.
And as I said in another post, it would be awesome if Blizz made flying available for purchase for past expansions. During the expansion, most of us paid in time to get flying. If others pay money to get it for a past expansion, that seems fair. Money or time, it’s a payment.
Wait wait, because you don’t like the grind necessary to fly, you will play classic instead?
Dude that’s a whole lot of nonsense you just said…
Some opinions need to be kept to themselves lol
yeah I saw the revered again for 2 factions,so I return after 7-8 months unsubbed and still find myself just doing pet battles because I can fly.
Anti flight sentiment existed before WoD. Starting off any criticism or argument with an outright falsehood doesn’t help anything you say.
And you speak for everyone, right? Of course you do because you’re omnipotent, right? Since you clearly do not speak for everyone and are not omnipotent, you are wrong. For some people, flying is required for them to play WoW. I know that is a fact.
Semper Fi!
Boom, this person gets it.
I like to grind, but Pathfinder Pt. 2 is too much. Just 1 was enough, and yeah, flying makes the game infinitely better, and this is coming from someone who is enjoying BfA. It could be MoP levels of good, I say, if Blizzard commits. They’re already making good changes, but the big ones for me are the GCD change and the Pathfinder 2.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
I’ve never once heard anything anti flying pre-WoD
You are “laboring under a misapprehension”.
It’s true that Blizzard gets to make any game they want.
But the players get to decide what kind of game they want to play.
If Blizzard wants to lock flying behind something, they have every right to do so. But the players, who are also customers, get to complain; if the situation gets bad enough, they get to walk away.
I remember people complaining about it, but only in very specific, PVP-server instances… or when there was stiff competition for rare spawning mobs.
The change with mob and node tapping, and the War Mode change, solve both those issues better than Pathfinder ever did.
i don’t have to speak for everyone. if you’re playing the game, the fact is you are doing everything by running around… WITHOUT flying… therefore making it a fact.
the opinion IS that people NEED flying in order to play the game.
what you think you know is NOT fact but an opinion.
It is a fact that some people need flying to play WoW, I have a friend list of people that has been near completely grayed out since WoD. Why? Because flying has been made too much of a hassle for them and without it, WoW is not fun for them. Every one of them has stated that to play WoW, they will need to be able to fly. Some people need flying to play WoW. That is a fact.
Semper Fi!
I just hate rep grinding for things that have nothing to do with the faction I’m grinding rep with. Like…how does this group of sea goblins liking me have anything to do with my ability to use a flying mount? There should be rewards for raising rep with each faction but I want it to be unique and specific to that faction. Like a mount, pet, toy, transmog set…you get the picture. And many do have those things. Maybe throw in a title for some of them or unlock a quest chain or even subzone related to that faction. Lots of possibilities. But why basic flying?
I wouldn’t mind this whole achievement thing if it was less rep grinding and more…path finding.
In PvP it’s understandable.
Flying shouldn’t be allowed in Warmode.
Only required a week and half to unlock flying.
That’s incredible considering most people currently with flying took almost a year to unlock it.