Lol see my above warning about getting into it with it.
And watch, I guarantee he will reply to me even though I’m not even talking to him. I gave him attention and like a lost duckling he has clung to my leg and will never let go. I made the mistake of acknowledging his existence, don’t make the same mistake!
Welcome back Gore lol. Sorry I contributing the derailing of your thread
I’m playing LESS because I can’t fly. I’m about half way to having the new reps where they need to be and until I do I’ve benched my other toons. Only a couple are at 120, the rest I just stopped and parked them about seven months ago and let my sub go.
If we had been able to buy flying when we hit max level like usual I’d have played them all up and been subbed this whole time. As it is I still don’t even have Honorbound or Zandalari achieves finished for the new races, and I would have by now and would have been leveling them for the heritage armor. Instead, yeah unsubbed for most of the year, waiting.
So go fly in the zones where flying was enabled to satisfy that itch until you achieve flying in the new zones.
Much of the game would have been pointless with flying released right away in this expansion.
I thought it was fun while the content was newer, and now that it became stale flying is a good way to reinvigorate people to go back. Nothing wrong with that.
If you didn’t quit before flying came out, clearly the game was enough to keep you. Now that it is out, go get it and have your fun. There’s no point doing all this complaining.
Flying should have been out at most a few months after release of bfa. The only real purpose is to get through the wq grind quicker so the player can do something more enjoyable with the time they have in the game.
What would be pointless? I think people forget that by completing pathfinder part 1 we have:
Explored all zones
Completed the story for each zone
Done 100 WQ (for some reason)
Gain all available reps to revered (ridiculous time game)
So what exactly would have been pointless. We’ve already seen all of the content. After that it’s just on repeat. Absolutely no reason to hold flying past that. None at all.
Okay, I finished Pathfinder, Part 2 on my main this morning. That’s 2 weeks and 3 days. I played a little more than usual because of this goal, but now I’m glad I did. I’ve played wow since the summer of 2006 and I’ve quit several times, but I always came back because I like flying.
I have a slightly different perspective because I have been a developer/programmer for close to 30 years. When you tell me blizz wants to drop flying because the devs think it’s too hard to do, I think about projects I’ve worked on and when your customer asks for a feature, and unless it’s illegal or possibly dangerous in some way, as a professional, you just bite the bullet and do it. Or find another job.
You don’t add something to a piece of software that lots of people like and then say, “Oh, we’re not going to do that any more, because our devs don’t want to.” Well, you can, but probably you’re going to go out of business. And after all is said and done, this is about business.
First, I’m going to pretend you aren’t trying to troll me.
The anti-flyers like to say that they’re the majority and a few vocal people are keeping flying in the game. If flying wasn’t popular then why are so many people doing it? Even at this point when blizz has put up a grind wall you still have lots of people doing the grind because they want to fly.
Basically, the only argument the anti-flyers have ever put forth is they don’t like flying because it makes it harder to gank people. That really didn’t sway many people, so now you have this “Well, the devs don’t like it, too.” That also seems kind of contrived.
Life lesson: When you have an activity that you can either do or not do, but that isn’t enough, you want to prevent other people from being able to do it, too, just cause you want it that way, you’re going to have a hard time getting your way.
Final point, if you don’t like flying, don’t do it. But I do. And I will.
Completely agree. The grind this time is absolutely unbearable too. Naz is just designed to be painful in every single way possible. Mech I kinda like, but all the enjoyment is sucked out of it when I see how little my reputation has gone up after doing all the dailies. Why they always put you through absolute hell right before unlocking flying is beyond me. This one has been the worst by far, taking over two hours typically to finish each day ( I’m sure some people are faster or slower). I haven’t unsubbed since I started playing on release, but these latest zones and rep grinds have honestly made me question why I’m torturing myself with this game still.
I do as well, just not as much as I dislike pathfinder in its current state. There are any number of issues with the game in its current form, the decision is not one of do I like flight more than I dislike pathfinder it’s whether the game is good enough to support my investment. I’ve said my piece, I’m at 2 days before my sub expires and I’m not one of those who can post without an active sub so I see it as the ball is in their court and I don’t think they’ll return my serve.