I wouldn’t suggest making the same mistake I made by starting with that little gremlin (if you go back and read, you’ll see).
If you do, make sure you have a lot of time and patience as he is awfully needy and requires a great deal of both. I had nothing but time today due to being ill so I could sit here and expose his boundless stupidity.
Luckily it was win-win. He showed the world his true colors and I helped someone less fortunate feel like they accomplished something.
Playable? Yes of course. Fun? Absolutely not. That’s what flying is to me. Freedom and fun. Freedom to go wherever I want and see the world from the best perspective.
Blizz benchmarked Timeless Isle and/or Isle of Thunder on making Nazjatar and Mechagon.
Were we flying during Timeless Isle and/or Isle of Thunder? I remember it was fun doing those expansions becoz we were on foot or land mount. Flying could have killed those expansions. And I think flying would make Nazjatar and Mechagon boring. We will see.
Compare this. Someone announced on general chat that a rare boss just popped out.
A. So you stopped what youre doing, use your flying mount… fly from point A to point B. You came early so you waited for more people to come. Then people came but you just relaxed while hovering in the sky. When the boss is on 10% hp, you land and drop your mount, tag the boss and get the kill.
B. So you stopped what youre doing, then you analyzed your map and figure a route how to get to the rare boss which includes climbing to the highest cliff then glide using your goblin glider kit… then you mount up then glide. Then use your landmount when you land which has coarse leather barding or equivalent. Then you dodge mobs speed rushing towards the rare boss. Then you realized that youre on star blip on the minimap but you cant see the boss coz youre on a wrong level. So you look around to figure out how to go to a different level… Then when you are about to reach the rare boss, you aggro’d a lot of mobs that you passed. So you engage the boss with tons of trash chasing you. Mayhem.
What is more fun to you? I would go for B, anytime of the day.
Dont ask me if I am struggling on Mechagon and Nazjatar. I already have flying… imagine, revered on first week? And I was not in a hurry.
You mean…by instituting a time gate which was previously unprecedented in every expansion before it?
That still makes it an issue because it changed the way flying is acquired and when it is acquired. Now you receive flying near the end of the expansion which is not exactly healthy.
At that point, the things you would want to use flying for, have been completed. Unless you’re on an alt, and even then you still need to grind reps for things like essences and the like. So it isn’t as if you’re exactly rewarded fully.
Which makes this different from coming in using your ground mount and sitting to watch how?
You intentionally created a situation to make it sound poorly.
Who is to say you don’t agro a ton of flying mobs on the way and have to play a game of dodge before they daze you off your mount?
Oh wait, you’re on the wrong level, you have to go ground floor not top floor!
You can frame it however you like. Ultimately, flight is just another means of transportation.
Some people prefer water walking and may not possess it.
Alternatively, if you’re in PvP mode, you may get net-o-maticed.
My point was you can frame the situation anyway you like to make one sound more exciting than the other. it is all based on what your perspective is, so its better to take a step back and be more objective.
Neither is more fun than the other. One does allow faster means of travel and that is about it.
Edit: Furthermore, i don’t believe anyone would complain if Bl.izzard had offered a compromise of 300% ground mounts
You mean back when they were released?
Oh yeah, here is how it goes.
Rather than running around in a circle camping mobs based on their respawn timers, we fly around in circles camping mobs based on their respawn timers.
Same for isle of thunder.
Flight is basically faster access and nothing more.
We all enjoy the game in our own ways. Wading through impossibly placed mobs, jumping puzzles, simple and repetitive content, mindless grinds, scripted encounters, quests requiring me to pick up pixelated poop; it’s not what I find enjoyable.
I found things I did enjoy with the game. Farming mats and working on professions, casual PvP, choosing quests that were more fun. But pathfinder says I must pick up that pixelated poop if I want to fly, I must wade through those mobs and stupid puzzles. It says they don’t have to actually focus on making the content fun, they just need this here carrot to make me to do these terrible activities if I want to do things I enjoy.
I suppose that’s the failure of pathfinder, it exposes just how bad this game really is when I’m compelled to complete everything. It’s OK if you find these mindless tasks enjoyable, if you’re still of an age where pixelated poop is fun and compelling content, but I don’t think we’d have much in common if we were to meet in real life.
He isn’t even the person that made the statement, let alone everyone’s trials are their own, don’t mock them. I bet the things I do would make you weep, I wouldn’t mock you for it it.
You’re trying too hard to troll. Remove the lmao and people may take you seriously.
the way i would do it is you have to do all quests in a zone to unlock flying for that zone and then must do all quests in all zones to unlock wq’s. both unlocks would be account wide. that way your next in line leveling toons would already have wq’s unlocked while questing for a added bonus to rep and xp with scaling rewards.