i just got it yesterday morning as well- just doing dailies… and with WM ON mind you. mecha took me 2 days longer because of horde; good lawd it was even more painful once they got flying before me too.
Fly all you want, when you land BFA still sucks.
laughs in Mag’har
I haven’t had flying the last theee or so expansions. Why not? The grind mostly. people can summon me for mythics or a raid. Time investment to grind it isn’t time worth investing in I guess.
You still have to pay gold for each alt to get each level of flying though, that hasn’t changed as far as I know. I don’t mind the idea of Pathfinder once, but each DLC is ridiculous, especially for people like me who returned after some DLCs. I have to grind 3 pathfinders? When I left this was not a thing, I don’t like it, and it makes me question my return if this is what they consider content. I’d much rather pay gold, then have NEW content to farm for with achieves.
Like I said in the OP. It was never a issue to begin with.
I wan’t to do a lot of things in this game besides rep/WQ grind every day.
The game makes me feel I have to play one specific character, every day doing the same world quests, which got boring after the first few times, only to unlock something everyone has already paid for with gold; only for a few months until we have to do it all over again.
This game has killed alts for me. Killed professions for me. Killed pvp for me. Killed my enthusiasm for doing anything else besides the mandatory rep/WQ grind.
If you don’t believe me, Blizzard, check out my /played for every expansion minus the last 2 or 3.
I will get my flying unlocked (again) and then either be burned out from the grind (again) and quit until next xpac/story (again) or by the sheer luck it up, be convinced by my dwindling list of friends on here that they want me to stick it out with them for a month or more until they get bored too.
I want to keep playing your game. I want to play my alts, level their professions. I want to have alts only pvp and still be able to compete with other pve’ers deciding to pvp for the day.
Having us on the ground for the first month or three is not a bad idea at all. Keeping us there until the end of an expansion’s life is absolutely pointless.
Wrong. Doing dailies and WQ for the whole time I have to play, just to grind rep so I can fly, Is not how I prefer to spend my playing time. Just playing the game won’t get you what you need to unlock flying if say your idea of playing is to spam BGs, arena, M+, or raid. Just because all “you” do Is WQ and dailies. Doesn’t mean that’s everyones.
Shut up and ride your pony in that terrible landscape. They need another 2 mins added to daily playtime so they can shill it to the shareholders.
Careful lol. You’ll end up with a forum vacation by telling the truth bruh
Restrict flying is all about increasing played time.
That is the only reason.
Ya may be a smelly orc…but yer a gentleman and a scholar.
Honestly I think the game’s better off if they just took flying out of any current expansion and saved it for old xpacks only.
i like to fly so i can see ally DOGS easy to kill them from the sky n they just run away like scared kids ! for the HORDE
and how many of the horde friend that goes with you does it take to give you enough balls to attack a lone aliance down below?
And what would this do? Other than infuriate over half the player base?
i can go by myself since ALLY DOGS are to scared to go in war mode even so for the HORDE
I logged into 8.2 twice. Said F it and let my sub lapse. They suck and their game sucks.
In its current form.
I’m still not seeing the argument that makes running a necessity. Everyone should have to RP walk everywhere. /s
It actually is a necessity for some to play WoW. Maybe not for you, but your opinion is noted.
Semper Fi!