Flying... Here's the truth

Here’s my two cents: area content loses its character when you can hop from one spot to another. I think that flying should be locked up until you hit Loremaster for a given expansion. I DO NOT think it should be time gated behind rep grinds except for maybe a one or two week freeze at the start of the expansion. Not a perfect solution i realize but better than waiting a year.

However i have yet to reconcile this with war mode. I do not like flying with WPVP, but i don’t think that flying for all should suffer as a result.

So yeah i dont have all the answers but that’s why two cents.


Take some of that food off their table and they will get the hint, or suffer because they are hard headed.

It really is very simple, unsubscribe! Let it be known why and be done with it.


This has been my issue since Draenor. I actually liked the questing and combat pacing in Draenor, but the flying issue became a nuance. I have played on and off since it the original release, and always thought the game made progression up to that point. While this is opinion, I loved Pandaria’s theme and setup, and it helped me kill time.

I stopped halfway through Draenor due to the flying issue, and as a result I never really accomplished any of the pathfinder goals. I have begun to go back for the sake of alts and begin the process, but I will say it feels beyond burdensome. Because I am grounded, what would seem like a menial task, actually piles up on time. While I wouldn’t say it is horrid or difficult, it actually bores me to a large extent.

The factions for WOD were all released with pathfinder, and as a result I was starting fresh. I found out that 2/3 are gated behind daily quests. (which for pathfinder is normal), but this results in a minimum of 14 days of Dailies to accomplish the achievement. Saberfang almost seems more tolerable as you can just repeatedly kill mobs to move forward.

Likewise in Legion pathfinder wore me out quickly, just as I felt compelled to push for the achievement goals, draining my will from anything else.

As I have stated before, I am not against the idea of pathfinder or working to a goal, it has always been the time gating and how it is done. I loved leveling 110-120, but as I play alts, now my drive for flying comes more so forward.

If anything, I personally would like to see the dailies as a supplement and not a requirement for things like this. Make certain mobs allocate reputation, and become more valuable. Because as it stands, especially for Legion and Draenor, the grind really lacked a punch because nothing else really came out of it.

Saberfang faction grind should be the model for others, not the exception. Even in the past expansions, mobs would allocate reputation, even if by little amounts. It just drains me to know that I am essentially logging on to accomplish my set of quests for reputation, and then I have nothing else I can do to push forward after that.

To add on, I fervently believe flying shouldn’t be released 8 months after a expansions launch, but rather the start. I would love to see flying available since day one of a expansion, even if I had to work for it. This time gating is becoming burdensome for me.


It wasnt a issue until Blizzard started giving it to players for nothing.
This in turn caused players to expect it to be just handed to them
from then on.

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Exactly. 66 minutes left here. Counting it down like New years eve lol. Well counting it down while playing other games like Neverwinter Nights, and Command & Conquer Generals. haha.


Don’t go… Don’t let Blizzvision push you away!

Work on loremaster!

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Already have loremaster lol. And the diplomat, the exalted, Beloved etc. And soon the gone title hahaha.

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Pretty much, that’s why I don’t understand why people consider it good content. Achieving something, only for it to be taken away later to have to achieve it again, isn’t good content.


I very much like doing an achieve to earn flying for all my alts, present and future. I definitely prefer it over having to pay gold for each and every character.

I truly don’t think having a two-part Pathfinder is the best way to implement the concept.

Even when we could buy flying, we had to buy it for each expansion.

Case in point.

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I doubt my mounts care about my reputation with factions.

Its job is to fly me around the world no wonder how my reputation is.


While I was waiting that arbitrary amount of time for the pathfinder 2 achieves… I was just wandering around having fun getting into archaeology touring old content. And caught up those legion battle pet quests to get my pet limit to 1500. The only time I felt I had to go out of my way for pathfinder in legion or bfa was to spend time finding my way into some lost temple in legion to get the last explore checkmark or up on a glacier in bfa to get the last explore checkmark for bfa. Actually, that leyline bling achievement in legion made me feel like I was being punked, but wowhead had coords for those to make it speedy.

I’m guessing you finished exploring mechagon and nazjatal and are upset at the extra week or two of rep grind it’ll take to hit revered, but it’ll be over a lot faster than pathfinder 1 or the arbitrary wait between 8.1.5 and 8.2 though. Hang in there!

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this almost made me spit my coffee onto my monitor.

god, i needed a good laugh; thanks!

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I need not explain further to you.

Good day sir we uh… Ma’am.

Just knowing I will get flying made the game better for me
I finally finished the war campaign today I was not working on it with this chamber on my herbalist Warlock I started to finish up zuldazar today so I’m actually excited to play the game again knowing I will be able to fly.

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wow’s always been casual friendly until legion, eh? one whole expansion ago? lol, i hope you see how ridiculous you sound- from the looks, you can’t possibly be serious and only be trolling.

as far as dailies taking too long, you can get the entire daily set done in under 20min. wanna know how long it takes me with wm on? 6 hrs. every… damn… day.

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Turn WM off?

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you turn it off.

That’s what I thought.

I’m done with you for the day.

that’s fine. your arguments never amounted much anyways…