No you called me apathetic sad and a moron…on a forum… because you’re a angry person with nothing to bring to the table but insults. That’s why you’re horrible.
And Horde Merc players are trash. They throw games, mess up my Q times and are generally horrible. All because they can’t hack playing the fotm populist faction.
I’m sure to you that’s a troll post, to most Alliance players that’s just how it is.
I think the best part is how you think you’re slick, but you’re just as ignorant, moronic and hypocritical as anyone I have seen on the forums.
You’re not white knighting for Horde mercs? O sorry it seems like the type of people you could get behind.
Yea there are hundreds of threads about how bad Merc mode is. No one even replied to that other thread, because what I said is a known problem for many.
And yeah I insulted you, pretty easy to do, after you called me moronic among other things. Just responding in kind.
Wow, back 'round to this again, I see. Did you forget I said I wasn’t trolling and meant it? Like you said, “try to keep up, champ.”
Huh? Many people don’t like flying and don’t use it?
Again with the trolling accusations. Can you not understand that I’m simply pointing out how dumb you are?
Jeez, I should’t have let myself be sucked into such a discussion with someone who probably can’t even figure out how to tie their own shoes. Silly me. Should’ve just left the degenerate alone.
Hmmm, who’s the toxic one now? Jeez, you let a LOT get to you LOL.
Sadly, this is how I feel too. Couldn’t have said it better.
Using reps to mitigate our progress just ends up burning me out, especially when they don’t entail any stories. Only rep I enjoyed this xpac was 7th Legion, because of it’s ongoing story (reminded me of MoP reps).
I preferred when reps were mostly optional. Yes, there were one or two reps every xpac that were required for things like shoulder enchants, but it’s nothing like today, where reps unlock most of the features and travel systems in BFA. They’re being used for gating way too much, imo.
Whelp, can’t argue with someone so delusional lol. You’ll always be completely oblivious and ignorant, you poor soul. I feel terrible for anyone that knows you personally and put up with you.
Right because…
Shows you really RIPPING me up, right?
You really ARE a child! “He did it first so I have to do it back!!”
Lmao. Yep, I think I’m done. I’ll let the world see how stupid you are. You certainly did a wonderful job putting on display all by yourself! I’m so proud!
LOL you think you stood up for yourself and had a backbone by posting something on a video game forum?
Yea, you’re like, 14 years old max. Protip: finish puberty before you make a fool of yourself on the internet again. That way it allows your brain to finish developing, which seems like a long way off for you.
Not surprising a simpleton like you would get such enjoyment out of this. Doesn’t take much for mental stimulation, does it.
inb4 “i ThOuGhT yOu WeRe LeAvInG!?!” Leaving this on such a mind numbing post as yours was impossible.
It really is lol. Especially on a video game forum, as I said. The fact that you equate stuff online with real life so heavily really tells a LOT, though not surprising in the least.
Nope, don’t think I did.
Calm down and head back to your Logan Paul and whatever you children are into nowadays. Keep thinking you have a backbone because you “stood up for yourself online” LOL Must’ve taken a lot!
Shall we go back to calling merc players trash? Probably not because you have no concept of what a double standard is lol. “I say it because its true but when other people toss insults its because they’re trolls!” Again, you really are a child lol.
There you go with being completely delusional again…
You cannot possibly be lost on the fact you said this literally lines below you called me a bully…then again history shows you probably are and won’t be able to grasp it.
My, I was hoping you would eventually put a thought or two into your replies but it never happened. Because you stayed insufferable is my cue to actually leave now. I’m sorry, I know this was the most excitement you typically see, but the levels of stupid you’ve reached really are too much to deal with.
We both know you’re going to reply to this just so you can assert that “backbone” of yours (LOL) and because you’re the type to LOVE getting the last word. You’re just that predictable. Congrats! Biggest accomplishment of the year for you, I’m sure! I’d say go out with some friends to celebrate but lets be honest, probably not a soul in the world that would wish to be seen in public with you.
Everyone’s allowed their opinion, no one posting here was in on the flying debacle. It’s a shame it’s turned us against one another.
I think the truth is that flying is a symptom more than the disease. Since WoD Bliz has taken a rather severe turn in design philosophy, going towards cost savings and trying to tell us how unpopular ideas are for our benefit when they’re obviously not. Apparently, for example,we’re too dumb to have PvP vendors.
I guess it is their ball, they have the right to take it and go home if they choose. When that happens it’s probably best to find another game.