Flying... Here's the truth

Someone who can’t even write a full sentence, shouldn’t talk about reading comprehension. Yikes. Try learning how to punctuate champ.

Nope, I was spot on and you proved it to us all lol.

Because reading what people say and typing curtly are the same thing, amirite? lol. I’ll take missing a period, comma, or colon over not knowing the difference between “you’re” and “your” lol


So you’re an ocd angry little troll, got it.
And yes it’s really sad that I don’t care about something I don’t use. Solid logic, please tell me more.

Coming from the one that literally just brought up punctuation.

I suspect this thread will be closed soon. Ms. Kindwolf has seen to that lol

Because you were trolling about reading comprehension…try to keep up champ.

Certainly wasn’t a troll. You really don’t comprehend that well.

You randomly trolled my non controversial statement… Then when I mistook you’re post for the OP, who I replied to, you continued to douche it up.

I understand you’re probably jealous and upset that I don’t HAVE to have flying. But there’s no need to be such a troglodyte.

You told people what they should and should not voice concern over. You don’t get that choice. It really isn’t that complicated.

I didn’t continue to “douche it up”. I tried to show it to you but you were too slow to figure it out. It’s clear in the replies lol. Nice try, though! Maybe next time, kiddo.

I said stop whining about something that isn’t required…
And sorry buddy, I can say whatever I want, it really isn’t that complicated. You’re the triggered one who needed to respond.

You’re right champ, you’re douche bag level is barely over 9000, my bad.

Funny Acti- Blizz hasn’t learned after losing millions of subs that the time played metric is a failure

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Pointing out potential flaws in a system is whining about something that isn’t required? You do realize that people have different thoughts and opinions on things, right? Just because you don’t see a problem with something doesn’t mean other people don’t.

If I’m triggered for responding, that makes you just as triggered lol. At least I’m not a complete moron.

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I like not having flight for a while when a new expansion hits. But, I do not like having to grind to unlock it. Much prefer it was just time gated for x months, and maybe leave the exploration part in. But reps? nahhh

I thought … there is only Zuul.

I just don’t like whiners, so I call them out whenever I can. It’s an optional system, if you’re whining about it, it’s shouldn’t be worth your time.

The only moron here is the troll starting an argument over nothing. Thanks for the laughs champ, you are a good joke.

So…you’re whining about whiners? Do you not see the irony? I’m sure you don’t lol

The ENTIRE game is optional, so does that mean no one should give any negative feedback whatsoever?

I didn’t start an argument. I called you apathetic, which you clearly are, and you responded. You didn’t need to. And don’t worry, I’m sure everyone that has slogged through the nonsense got a great laugh out of you a) being impossibly ignorant and b) not being able to read lol


Sure you didn’t start an argument by responding to a harmless post. I’m sure nothing is ever you’re fault.

The only irony I see here is someone like you who thinks they are anything but a horrible person.

Next time someone triggerplows you on a forum, keep your low brow opinions to yourself, and save humanity the embarrassment.

My post was just has harmless, sweetheart. Lay off the double standards, they’re going to your thighs.

Awww, you think I’m a horrible person? Who’s triggered now?

Big talk coming from, as I’ve said before, someone who can’t differentiate between “your” and “you’re” lol.

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So calling someone sad and apathetic because a part of the game isn’t for them isn’t, at the least trolling and toxic?

Sure sure champ, please tell me more. And it doesn’t trigger me at all that you’ve a horrible person, I just feel sorry for you.

Lol at your spelling OCD.

I called you apathetic because you believe that just because you don’t feel a certain way, no one else is allowed to either.

Apparently it does since I’m horrible for calling you apathetic lol

Again, big talk coming from someone throwing around insults like “low brow” and “child”

I think perhaps the best part of all is how you whine about me “trolling” you and adding a “troll reply”…yet you posted in another thread nothing but calling merc players trash. So you’re ignorant, moronic, AND hypocritical.

Yet I’m the horrible person…LOL. Well done!


Me too! Oh it felt so good. I have a high tolerance for repeatable content (did the 10k WQ achievement during Legion) but not having flying in BfA was a huge downer.

If Blizz wants my timeplayed, I need flying and a reasonable pvp honor progression schedule.