Flying... Here's the truth

But I wouldnt go get a part time job like you are suggesting… it is kind of silly.

I mean would you go get a part time job to ut flying? Where would you find a job to give you 2 hours for one week, lol

I was using an example of minimum wage because you can literally be payed the least amount of money legally possible and still afford flying on all of your characters after two hours of labor.

IF you have an actual job and make a salary then the stupidity of pathfinder is exponential

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I think the loss in strategic elements to flying is my biggest concern, though secondary is how much fun I have with farming while flying. Rather than simply make flying irrelevant in current content, I think they should add more strategic elements to ground mounts. They’ve started to do that with mount equipment but I think they should go further. Stealth on cat mounts, for example, the ability to climb near vertical surfaces on insect mounts, faster speed in terrains native to your mount, stun proof elephants, the ability to glide with flying mounts, that sort of thing.

I’m that annoying Panda Priest, btw, I just ran out of likes so I switched characters.

You have a 300 count post complaining about flying, even though it isn’t a requirement…

What a joke.

All I said was that I probably won’t even unlock it, because it’s of no use to me. Don’t get your panties in a bunch champ.

I have an actual job, with a salary probably larger than your average player BUT I also have two kids (working on a third), a wife, a house payment, a car payment, credit card payments (sadly :frowning: ) , plus regular bills. I do zero point budgetting so that $20 comes from somewhere.

I dont have time to play the things in the game I want to play (which largely conensides with pathfinder requirements) and farm gold for flying.

But that is just me, you do you. If you want to spend real money on flying then thats cool, but dont lobby to remove pathfinder which lets me (and many others) get it on all my characters at some point.


I think the ultimate resolution to the concerns would involve pathfinder for some and another solution for others be it gold, choices in questing, or something similar.

I really did? Are you sure? Dude, do you even know how to read character names? You call me a child and pathetic but you’re sitting here unable to read single words LOL

Hmmm, are you sure?

That seems like you’re “simply stating” to people how to do something…

Yeaaaaa, you certainly don’t know how to read lmao. I’m glad I got the chance to quote your ignorance and stupidity.

But since you replied to me TWICE, I’ll say to you twice…you didn’t simply say you probably won’t unlock it. See the above quote lol…

I have done more since unlocking flying than I have in months. I had all the reps done by September. I would log out, do something else, or level an alt. Since I got flying on Thursday I have been going back into old content, completing those world quest as well because I no longer have to be chained to a whistle or a flight path. I did suffer from a little Munchausen Syndrome when going back to the older zones and running along the ground just because it was the norm.

You may get bored, I find the world to be so much bigger now and I am more excited to finish different trades on alts.

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well said!

O you’re right, I said to stop crying about things you don’t need. Same advice I’d give to a child.

I know unlocking flying is sooooo hard for you, having someone say it is useless is probably hard for you.

You’re first post is all about how Blizzard took you’re fun away with flying being so hard…lmao

Never understood why Blizz can’t find a compromise.

I would do:
-Make it available on a trainer per character, something expensive like 300k gold.
-Make pathfinder available at the same time, and it’s account-wide.

Therefore if you’re rich, just buy it for all your characters. If you want, buy it for one character and grind it out with flying for your alts.

Okay, since you seem like a special kind of moronic, I’m going to hold your hand through this one.

Go read the name of the OP. Then come read mine.

Do you spot any differences? All I did was “simply state” (as you like to say) how Blizz wasn’t going to read this and wouldn’t change anything because they’re too big to fail. How was I talking about how Blizz took away my fun?

Btw, its “your” and not “you’re”. Seems like YOU’RE the child here, princess.


There’s a good portion of the population that’s only playing to unlock flying and they know that.

I was all ready to grind out flying. Did 3 days of all dailies and rares…done. Haven’t logged back in.

Between jumping on jellyfish, Bejeweled and Candy Crush I have to say I ended up bored…and it took way toooo much of my time. Hours and hours…seems way drawn out compared to daily hubs back in the day but maybe I am just exhausted at this point.

Yes, rewards are a bit enticing, mounts, pets etc…but it just isn’t enough for me anymore. I’ll play Classic…at least I feel a slow progression without the rush. I realize it isn’t for everyone though. I’ll just be glad to not have to play 6 hours a day to feel any sort of progression towards a reward we used to get with gold.


Lol… What just happened?

Reading comprehension and common sense is lost of a lot of folks and the internet is a wonderful platform for them to show it off :smiley:


Dear Mr MVP:

Blizzard thought what was best for the game in TBC was to introduce flying. Nothing has changed except Blizzard wants to do expansions on the cheap.


Very good observation.

People were not complaining about problem unless you count the dev staff who didn’t like it.

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Yea you’re right, you just replied to my comment calling me a sad apathetic little creature…

My bad you’re just an ugly angry little troll.