Flying... Here's the truth

Isn’t classic wow going back to how things were? A lot of people find that an improvement. Not me really but a lot do.

Yeah a lot of those people have rose-tinted goggles jammed so hard into their heads that removing them would require surgery.

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I’m having fun in my own way. /shrugs/ Is everything perfect? No. Are there issues? Yes. One good thing about pathfinder and probably is the only thing good about it. Is that it unlocks flying across your account as a whole. No need to keep spending gold for flying across all toons. It does have it’s bad points. I personally not effected by it mainly cause I do the stuff anywhere. Cause I like to go after achieves,etc. And don’t get me wrong I do understand why folks dont like it,etc. (hugs those who hate the rep part)

I do find it funny also it got someone to cuss me out in spanish. Since I have BFA flying and they don’t. lol

Considering I only have about 60k between all my characters and dont even have max flying skill unlocked for each due to cost, yeah that 30k would hurt a lot.

Pathfinder > than buying with gold

Did we wait to long to get part 2? Diffenetly. Does that mean the system is bad? No. Needs to come sooner or be made a little easier if it comes this late, or preferably not come this late at all, lol, and follow the same pattern it did in legion and bfa.

That would make even less sense than how it’s currently working but I’ll take it over BFA’s implementation any day.

Your last point, if they continue the way they did in bfa, no doubt the game as a whole will continue to decline.

People think it makes content “trivial” as somehow if you fly over these places magical dust will fall from your mount and make the quest auto complete without landing and doing quest.

Also people complained it made world pvp die… when in fact world pvp was never that big other than tarren mill, southshore


Not at all, I pretty much only pvp, BGs mainly.

Flying is useless to me. You seem like a sad whiny little creature, crying about something that you “want”. Pathetic.

a fact is something that can be physically proven to be correct… so [until] you physically poll every single player in the game for their opinion, it’s all assumption-based and opinions.

never said i was leaving the thread. i just left for the evening to go play. once again, you failed to understand what was written and just assumed what you wanted as fact… why else would you be so concerned that i hadn’t left the thread? seems a bit juvenile anyways that you felt so insistent to point that out… :thinking:

Point out where I was crying, por favor :smiley:

If you REALLY want pathetic, how about telling people what they should or should not voice concern over! (i.e. you)


Beautiful response 10/10

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As much as I’ve always been a believer that adding flying to the game was a mistake … I also believe today that since it ‘IS’ in the game now, they should embrace it more than they do and design around the idea of gaining access to it earlier in each expansion.

What I’d do? Have flying in the game from day 1 of the expansion launch, but give it a depthy unlock process. Let those who want it work to getting it. But have it in the expac and ready to go from day 1.

Lengthy? Pathfinder is lengthy.

This game used to be casual friendly.

No longer lol.

12 hours to level is just 100% false. Go listen to world of warcast and pay attention to their naked and afraid (lvl contests) it still takes about 2 days to lvl played if you are racing torward it

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When was the game more casual friendly?

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When!?! Ha!

We can start with Legion! There was so much to do! Even hardcore completionists had a rough time. In BfA there’s nothing but WQ’s and dailies to do. And you have to get through those to get to anything good. People who play casual don’t have enough time to devote to spend their life doing dailies.

You made a long post about it’s requirements and how it’s so hard for you. You’re nothing but a whiny child. Pathetic

I’m not telling anyone how to do anything, I simply stated it wasn’t for me, fml

I play pretty casual, spend little time in dungeons or raids and I have found basically the same thungs to do in BFA as I did in legion.

What hardcore completionist completes doesnt effect what more casual player would do

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I will spend 20$ on a WoW token and get 120k gold and buy you flying on every character after literally 2 hours of labor at minimum wage.

Or you could wait a year and save 20$


I would like to keep my $20 bucks thank you.

Edit: sorry more dismissive than I intended. I get what you are saying I just would nit have gold to get my guys flying and I dont want to spend real money on flying :confused:

… 20$ vs. literally hundreds of dollars lost due to you not being productive while unlocking pathfinder… makes absolutely no sense at all.

It’s okay… August 27th… never again will I have to see a void elf.

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