Flying... Here's the truth

Well yeah, if it actually only took a half hour to do them… More like two hours per zone.

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Pretty quick as a Blood DK considering I can AoE down 8-10 mobs at once. Even quicker when a DPS comes along and joins in for the tag.

Get over yourself. It wasn’t an issue at all.


So, is it an issue? Or isn’t it an issue? I’m confused.

You said it wasn’t an issue until Blizzard made it one, which, you’re right, they did make it one, in WoD, but then they fixed it and it stopped being an issue.

Now the only people making it an issue are the knuckleheads who want things to go back how they were before, but that’s never going to happen.

Definitely leveling alts.

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Not asking for that…asking for an alternative that fits into RP/story/lore rather than a bunch of meaningless tasks/grinds. Not the same thing.

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Everything and then some

They know. That’s why they won’t remove it entirely. They’ll keep that carrot dangling as long as they think they can get away with it.


It’s still an issue so long as we have to wait close to a year into an expansion before we can unlock flying there.


Except yeah, no, it’s really not. You are not entitled to flight, if Blizzard wanted to remove it, they could, completely and you’d just have to put up with it, or find another game to play.

Can the system be improved? Sure. Start suggesting improvements, rather than trying to get Blizzard to go back to how things were. And no, going back to how things were is not an improvement. Going backwards never is.

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How about the people who hate flying go find another game. Yet they’re never the ones who should “go find another game”. They’ll just sit and shout that at anyone who dares to ask Blizzard to make flying available much earlier.

I didn’t say that they should go back to how things were. Pathfinder is fine, it’s the year long delay that needs to be reconsidered, and I have given suggestions on that before.


He’s a Blizz employee on one of his alts trying to justify their horrible decision making.


By saying it can be improved you acknowledge that it has issues which is the whole issue. It isn’t cut and dry as you’d like it to be


Which he won’t admit to.

Same thing I’ve been doing all this time only more of it. Flying allows me to get places I want to go faster and avoid tedium of doing so. This gives me more time to get objectives, goals, whatever done that I want to get done. This gives me more time to also do so on my alts.

Not everyone has all day to play to get the vast amount of daily chores done. Flying allows people with a short amount of time to get more done then they would have without it.


What makes me sad is how none of this will be read by anyone with any pull in Blizzard and go entirely unheeded. They’ll remain entirely oblivious and think they’re doing a passable job.

Even if it is read, I have a feeling they won’t do anything because they feel too big to fail.


Blizzard does not need you to “earn” flying. Their only goal is to slow people down and stretch out content. The big thing about Pathfinder now is not the difficulty, but the time gating. With each new release, the time gating gets increased. That is the “compromise” that the devs settled on. If they cannot completely get rid of flying, they will time gate it as much as possible.

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I doubt I’ll unlock it, I never end up getting it until after the expansion is well over, if I even do.

No need, especially in Naz, you can glide through 2/3 of the zone.

Stop crying about things you don’t need

No, not at all. Although I wish I was. Sadly their Australian office isn’t hiring. Also if I was a Blizzard employee? I’d be posting under my Blizzard employee tag. I’d be allowed to do that. Granted I’d have to watch what I say, can’t give the company a bad rep, but I wouldn’t be posting annonymously under an alt.

I literally did acknowledge that.

Yes, the system can be improved. Nothing is made perfect. That doesn’t mean that what is currently available isn’t working or isn’t fine. One of the suggestions I have for Pathfinder, which, again I posted in this thread, was that each stage of Pathfinder unlocks flying in specific areas of an expansion. Meaning if you wanted to fly in Kul Tiras/Zandalar, all you need is Pathfinder Part 1. Want to fly in Mechagon/Naz’jatar? Unlock Pathfinder Part 2. Will the game break if Blizzard keeps things as they are? No, it won’t, but would it be nice if they implemented my suggestion? Yes, it would be. I think everyone would benefit from that.

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You seem like one sad, apathetic little creature.