I easily earned the cost of flight for 40 of my 50 retail toons before 2015. The other ten are lowbies
I totally AGREE!!! we pay real money for flying mounts we can’t even use to fly until we jump through all of some idiot sitting behind a desk trying to make the game last longer idea. Here is a thought! put flying in both ways, one where you have to jump through hoops and waste a few months, and where you just have to reach a new level like 2/3 of the way through the game. Then if people want to take their time with flying, they can.
Now with dragonflight… if we can even play it, we’ll have flying!
This thread is going places.
So I have read most of this thread and I just gotta say, to those who keep comparing this game to FFXIV , this isnt final fantasy quit comparing it to wow. Secondly, Blizz added flying in BC and it was such a hit that they added it to the Vanilla zones also. WoTLK was the largest release Blizz has ever had and flying was a total success. Since then Blizz has fought the flying thing tooth and nail, adding pathfinder achievements due to the fact they lost so many subs. I cant say for sure that they lost those subs due to lack of flying but in my guild that was definitely the case. Now we get Dragonflight with flying that is total trash, on an island with every major toon having wings and we cant fly like normal, we have to do some trash that wont even fly over a mountain. I understand that this is Blizz’s game and they make the rules, but do they make this game for fun or make it for money?If they make it for money then I would suggest they dont listen to most of these asshats in this thread but listen to the people that arent subbed anymore or those who keep unsubbing for specific reasons,( not because they dont like the game but because Blizz keeps doing this silly trash), just over flying. We like to fly, we like to drop outta the sky and kill some sh-t and fly back up and do it agian, its why we play wow. The Dragonflight flying is worse then having to get a pathfinder achievement, and its torture cause we have the opportunity to fly with the rest of the dragons in this isle, but we can only glide till that runs out.
Blizzard bolluxed up the game when they tried removing flight. Blizzard’s "acquiescence to players after they lost 5 million subs in 2015 was graceless. Instead of just restoring flight. That’s how we got Pathfinger.
Although I have played every beta, I haven’t bought an xpac since 2015. If it wasn’t for Classic era and wrath, I wouldn’t be playing at all.
You were never able to mount while in combat on either PvE or PvP servers.
If you’re not in combat and you mount up, ground or air, you can avoid combat and obstacles. That was always true.
Flying is and always was part of the game since 2007. Using it as intended is not a “cheat.”
So it’s been a decent amount of time since launch and I still love dragon riding. Get from point a to point b quickly - I hate going back to the old world and using regular flying though.
Strong Agree
This thread getting a reboot lol. I remember when op made this thread. Was carried over from the old forum. I wonder if op even plays wow anymore?
Sadly, Pathfinder STILL exists.
Blizzard is so stubborn when they’re wrong.
You can easily earn the cost of flight by questing. I have 48 toons in retail and they were all flying before the kaboom in 2015.
This doesn’t apply to me. I’m over 150 characters across four accounts, on only a couple hours a week of game time. Granted, not all of them will get to current content, but making blanket statements about how others can do something, because you can, is missing the point. Options should be available for those who want to buy it, and for those who would like to earn an account-wide unlock.
Not only that, but it is way better than it was when the thread was started. We at least have a form of flying right away, and it applies to every character, once unlocked.
Saw this post about flying thinking its from the recent Pathfinder announcement for DF normal flying. Turns out it was for BfA. Flying am I right?
This corpse has more lives than a cat.
We can systematically kill every flightmaster and keep them dead.
If we cant fly, No one can!
evil belf laugh
It wasn’t an issue until Blizzard made it one.
I disagree, it always has been since TBC, but at the time it was new, shiny, and incredibly convenient, so most overlooked it’s impact on a macro scale. The game was not designed with flying in mind, which is why it needs to be disabled in BGs, dungeons, raids, and leveling when an expansion is new. It was a TBC gimmick not unlike garrisons in WoD or vehicles in Wrath, but it was popular so it was kept. It has been a thorn in the developers side ever since and they have admitted adding it was a mistake in the past. They tried to remove it in WoD and it understandably ended in disaster, because once Pandora’s Box is opened, you aren’t closing it. Dragonflight is their next attempt to deal with the problem and they have this time taken the “embrace it and design around it” route, which has been more successful. I doubt flight will be going anywhere, the question if dragonflight will become the new norm.
I personally don’t see why anyone wants the old air-swimming model. Dragonflight is considerably faster, and even if you like air-swimming it so you can AFK while going from A to B, flight points still exist and are liberally sprinkled throughout zones these days, it’s not vanilla with one flight point per zone.
This has all been argued to death. I’ve advocated for flying since the beginning of this stupidity and I still will.
What I will advise Blz on this one: keep both versions in the game here on forth. If you must INSIST on DR having a pathfinder requirement next expac: no more laundry lists just two reqs: questing and exploring. And no dungeon requirements on that one because people seem to not want to do those especially since we generally don’t get to fly in raids (though this one I’m curious about).
But we also get regular flight from the get go.
It’s never made sense why my FLYING mounts can’t fly even at max level after I’ve done all of the quests and explored the map.
I want DR to be a standard at least as long as you did the storyline quests and explored the zone.
And I can use it the day I get those achievements.
I remember this thread when it was made. It was not long before the new forum started. Op copy pasted it to the new forum. Guessing op stopped playing a long time ago. He was one of the better forum regulars back then.
It is fair game!