Okay, but did you need to dredge up a thread that was originally started in 2019?
I thought this felt familiar.
How’d you even find that!?
This is the most liked thing I’ve seen on the forums.
Yet blizzard is going to ignore it.
There community council is going to be filled with blizz fanboys to the point where it’s just a echo chamber for the devs.
“Most liked” thing you’ve seen on the forum… lol
1.5k characters “liked” it, minus prolly a solid 600 alts. 900 to 1k “likes” do not represent much at all. 1/3 of the posts in this thread are by the same 5 people. Numbers on this forum don’t mean squat.
Already predicting them to be like “well according to our commmuntiy council the flying timegating is good”
Where is ur evidence that 600 is from Alts? I’d like to see it.
And in forums terms 1000 likes is a lot.
I hope the devs look at the forums and take not on what gets a lot of likes.
Flying in SL is fine
This thread is literally outdated lol
That’s why we need a roster of all new developers
Hard to believe it’s been two years already, since this thread was made. You actually copied, and pasted to the new forum from the old one right after they added the new forum, if remembering correctly. Good thread though
As much as I don’t want that to be the case, it is Blizzard, and I can’t help but feel like that will end up being the case. If that happens, nothing will change, the game will continue to slowly die, and Blizz will wonder why. If they truly want to have this work, they need to ensure the council is a fairly even mix of people with numerous playstyles.
Oh, you mean like how we both have active subs here? What a clown.
You say this, then you say this -
How do you unlock flying in Korthia?
When Ion announced no flying in WOD it caused the single biggest drop in sub numbers in wow history (around 2.5 million subs gone overnight).
It is the event that caused blizzard to have to stop reporting sub numbers because they have gotten so low.
And since flying was literally forced upon blizzard if they wanted to stay in business, Ion came up with pathfinder to make it as absurdly grindy as possible just to get back at players.
This is the only MMO I have ever seen that actually tries to have an adversarial relationship with it’s players.
do the story and your cov has to be level 40 i think and it will be a long chain
So you’re saying ion and his ideas is this problem?
Ya think?
This thread brings back fond memories of the dungeon xp nerf thread to lol.
I love the “unlock flying” movement.
It is the quintessential self destructive feedback WoW is known for lately.
As I am leaving it, I am loving it.
EVERYTHING wrong with level in WoW has its roots in a map being designed for flight in a game that ill affords that design.
It is like IRL buildings.
Idiots say Big buildings are the solution for crowding, and to have cheap and quality housing for low price, because it can put more people per sqi and has a lesser cost per people.
While that is true, making big buildings which BECAUSE it allows for more people to live in the same place also implies that services and commerce must feed, support and care for more people in a smaller space. So when you make a big building to house the people in one building that would otherwise be housed in a couple blocks, you also taking away the ability of the “next door small grocery shop” to be enough for that community, you are asking that a lot of services like gas, water, energy need bigger and more efficient installations at the place. And a whole bunch of problems that comes with it.
Well, when you “just unlock flight” you are not “just unlocking flight”, you are demanding that a zone must be big, it must have rendering in the entirety of it, and it must present image for you to see long beyond what you would from the ground, and you demand that it must be have something to it, no matter if you will always pass by it flying without using it.
And then the same “smart people” come to complain the world feels empty and the content is short and small.
Well, it is not. They just need to do a TON OF WORK to satisfy the ability to fly, which otherwise could be used to make ACTUAL CONTENT YOU CONSUME while not flying.