Flying... Here's the truth

the 5th time i run down that path, and hit that curb thats 1 inch tall yet stops all forward motion until i back away from it, is the last time i care to experience their idea of “actual content.”


Yeah, the whole idea that makes up for most of the stupidity that plagues our World, not only in games but IRL.

No matter how much people have that they can reach, there are always those who will strive to want what they cant get.

The moment you have flight everywhere from lvl 1 and never locked it behind completion, it is the moment the same people will start complaining they cant “go to space”, or “dive in the ocean”, or any of the myriad of things they cant do, based on the sole principle that they whine about the things they cant do whatever that is.

And that is really what made this game go this way. Other games, the devs really put a stop on it when they want to, and people on the other hand go do something else they can do.
Blizzard has made people get used to this nonsense, and now cant put the snake back on the box.

High price to pay for satisfying a demographic that eventually leaves the game as quick as they came.

No one asked for that. Completing the top level of the expac, then training flying, was all anyone wanted.


I doubted you would get the point anyways.

No matter. There wont be a next time.

Completely asinine take.


Flying is fun, specially as a druid.
I’m basically the king of Azeroth according to npcs, why shouldn’t I fly?


Yeah, a whole lot of things are fun to some. Others simply dont care.
However when it brings consequences to everyone, it is damn good neither have the power to make their wishes happen.

The thing is: When they start favoring a certain demographic in detriment of others, these others have the stay or leave choices.

And I see a bright future in WoW when they make flight never subject to locks or restrictions. Not a long, or fun future, but a bright future.

And now that I am leaving, among other things, because of all the problems abiding to flight design brings, among other things, I wish they do all the things people mindlessly ask, as to end this game hold on what people perceive as “popular” and the games I still play stop trying to look up to it, and instead follow up on their own, and get better.

Well bananas to them.


Ion hates flying, there I corrected that for you.


They’ll never do it. To much money per person using their time played metric, nevermind they they’d make more if they did what players wanted and the subs doubled.


I took a break from WoW when Ion waged war on flying so if you can give me the quote of what exactly he said…

They’re doing a bang up job running off the remainder of their players :joy:


Thing is, to me, flying was always like an end-of-journey reward. After playing through the respective content (either by completing the expansion’s storyline, hitting the level cap, reaching friendly reps etc.), unlocking flying was both a reward but it was also a way to reinvigorate the content and places you’d likely already visited.

Going back to places you already leveled/quested through and literally seeing them from a new perspective. Exploring, finding places maybe you had missed before - in a faster, more convenient way that cut down on tedium and getting you to the content you wanted to do with more freedom and scenic views.

But I can’t have that. Because I have to earn whatever the heck they decide will be required for Pathfinder this time round, wait an undisclosed length of time for required parts to unlock, then wait another arbitrary length of time for them to give me the actual ability to fly.

Only to have to do it again, all while being grounded on the same, bland ground for years at a time.

This is supposed to be a game y’all. Not a human time-mine.


It’s all about showing stockholders how many hours each player can put into the game so they don’t lose their investment.


You must be fairly new to wow…


My thoughts exactly lol

I like the sentiment, though, and I’ve been here since Jan '05.

The thing they don’t realize, though, is that some people play more when they have the freedom to move around efficiently. I still haven’t unlocked SL flying, because I spend more time on alts who can fly, rather than trudge my way to their finish line. I don’t look forward to getting alts to 50, because that means they will be grounded until I can get one of them to 40 Renown. I know it’s easier than when SL launched, but I just don’t like continuing a character once they hit the level cap, especially on the ground. There are so many other things to do, than grind endlessly on max-level characters, whether it’s rep, limited-time currency, gear, alternate XP, or any other single-expansion progress.

I also know that some people disagree with me on some of this, whether for lore reasons, immersion, or whatever, but I feel like the more account-wide things you can give me, the more I enjoy the game. Making me choose a max-level character for the majority of the expansion, just makes me not want to log in. It gives me the feeling that I am either neglecting progress or neglecting having fun. So I hop off the treadmill, and go play something else.


Then you know, it’s not a “end of journey” type reward.

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It always was, until Ion got mad at the players for enjoying it.