Flying... Here's the truth

:+1: :+1: :+1:


Look. Regardless of coding and how much time it takes, these decisions were made a long time ago. The decision to delay flying. The decision to make flight points far away from any of the world quests. The decision to create zones that are harder to get around in than any other expansion. The decision was made to try to make these world quests as painful as possible, and that’s why people have a problem with it. There’s no denying that this expansion is exceptional in its intent to waste time in comparison to any expansion in the past. If you don’t think that’s true, then I don’t know what to tell you.


I’m expecting an improvement . As you say there have been dailies since WotLK (not sure about earlier).

I didn’t find the dailies in BfA to be mindnumbingly boring as they were certainly varied: mini-games, kill one rare, and the usual clear a small zone. I enjoyed those for the most part.

The issue I have with them now is that - IMHO - they seem to be designed to increase MAUs and player enjoyement being only an afterthought.


Because before you could grind to get cool rewards like flying mounts.

Now you grind just so you can use that flying mount you got years ago .

Before you logged into the game and pick a race to play when it was new to the game .

Now you grind a race just so you can play it.

There are good grinds that are worth doing and then their are grinds they just put in to inflate the numbers for the investors and the grinds since Legion have been the latter and not the former.


Yes they have dug there grave with this one watch as they reverse it just to save subs they should have never done it in the first place ahahahahahahaha.

And before Wod you did both. You earned it by leveling to max level, then bought the flight license with the gold you earned. Pathfinder was, and is just a desperate attempt from these devs to slow people down, nothing more, nothing less. With all the realm first threads, for this, and that you see every two years not long after a expansions release, pathfinder it seems never has slowed people down, or prevented them from burning through content in this game anyways lol. Geez it’s a frickin videogame meant to be played for fun. If flying is part of that fun for people, then let em fly. Maybe, if they started designing the game again with flight in mind, and stopped trying to be gate, or time keepers constantly, then folks would probably start enjoying the game more again.


Poor dead horse, just keep beating on it.

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I’m pretty sure you have stated you started playing in Legion, so you didn’t experience MoP dailies that were required to grind to unlock more dailies and other rep factions.

That grind was a huge controversy at the time, to the point where they blew up the Golden Lotus daily quest hub in the center of the Vale in 5.4 and changed it so additional rep factions weren’t gated by Golden Lotus.

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Issues won’t resolve themselves if they are left alone.

I agree, OP. Blizz should have never introduced flying if they weren’t going to make it available all the time. And for the people who hate flying----I don’t get it, but whatever----Blizz should have made no-flying servers and free transfers for those folks.


why hasnt this thread been locked yet?

It doesn’t need locked if people like you stop bumping it 16 days later.


well said.


This would make even more sense if each level of flying certification gave you a new flying ability. dive bomb and enemy like Lothar from the Warcraft movie… Grapple from your mount to a multi-player mount… Auto-pilot (switch to flight path mode)… Maybe even auto-pilot to a map-pin and hover. Arial combat PVP mode…

Having to re-learn flying just because you are in a new expansion makes zero sense to me. If I can fly a plane in Los Angeles, I can fly a plane in Canada. It’s the same plane and ATC uses the same language, same maps, same ATIS, same ADS-B.


The real truth:

It’s not gameplay and it’s not fun. It’s a convenience that people use to reduce time spent traveling between the parts they call ‘chores’. Completing boring content faster does not make it fun content.

Warframe does flying a lot better than WoW does, but Blizzard is a small indie company embroiled in a lawsuit and can’t be expected to innovate.

The fact this post never got a response proves that the Devs don’t care about their players who post on their official forums that they pay for lol.


What a surprise. We knew that already.

Nope. Blizz made it an issue when they decided to totally go cheap on world building, and funnel you thru tunnel like areas filled with mobs to slow you down because time played became their only measure of success.

NO ONE complained about flying other than those who PVP ganked level 1s for epeen extension.


Sorry if I choose to fly over the same environment I’ve seen for the past 10 to 15 years.


Let’s do a comparison between what getting flying was like before and after the introduction of the Pathfinder-type method.

Pre-Pathfinder Era

Spend hours and hours doing quests, dailies and dungeons at max level to scrounge up enough gold to purchase flying on your main. Now repeat the exact same set of actions for each and every alt.

Pathfinder Era

Spend hours leveling your main and then doing max level content to meet the Pathfinder requirements. Sit back and enjoy having all your alts - current and future - get flying without having to repeat the grind over and over.

I’m an altoholic. I currently have 42 toons in retail. I can meet almost all of the Pathfinder requirements just be doing what I usually do when leveling my main and gearing up at max level. With Shadowlands, I met the Pathfinder requirements within hours of it becoming available. Now all my under 60 alts can fly in Shadowlands - making their leveling process faster and easier.

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