I really do not think they need to add flying to Shadowlands. It is easy enough to travel around the Shadowlands via Transports. If anything make the maw a mount up zone, and I am dissapointed in the content this exapansion. I do not want to do the same Dailys/WQs and Mythic+/Raids/ and PVP everytime. I want quests, new zones, bigger zones. Adventure, this game hasn’t lost its touch, the developers have. To busy spending their money on systems and making this game feel like a Call of Duty MMORPG. Where is the social aspect of this game, where is it rewarding. No where because W.O.W is now considered a below teen game. Developers you have failed us players, and you may be losing my subscription soon after seeing 9.1 update. Not even considered a patch, just an update.
You go to your room and think about what you’ve said. You can come out when you’ve learned your lesson.
The truth is blizzard wanted to remove flying long ago. It didnt achieve what they wanted it to do because combat in flight was doomed from the get go. And no, pressing 1 and aiming a reticle at the ground is not combat in flight.
So you’re right they are going ro continue holding back flight every expansion. And no amount of these threads will ever change that.
Good, I like everyone being grounded.
Well - at least until the Game Director is replaced? Then a different philosophy on the game might take hold.
And you had to use foul necromancy to let us all know huh.
Ohh happy day if this happens!
We should all pray for the day.
I personally do not have any personal issues with the man but from a customer perspective, under his leadership, the game has completely changed for the worse. If it was not for Classic, I would not even be here. I like looking at my characters I started back in 2007 and remembering the history with them but Ion’s game design has left me completely uninterested in retail. I will remake those feelings in Classic versions I guess.
Only to find out that once we replace Ion we get someone much for much worse.
We used to have Tom Chilton before Ion. And before Chilton we had Rob Pardo.
The cycle never ends.
Someone worse and worse each time?
Sounds like my boss
No, Blizzard made it a problem because they wanted to stretch time played metrics. $$$
No one complained about flying other than PVPers who couldnt stand up to someone 30 levels below them.
Wrong - the devs also complained about flying because they spent too much time on maps that people would just skip over.
The devs had been brought in from Diablo and were used to cutting corners and cheating, which doesn’t work if people can view your work from all sides. We don’t pay AAA prices for devs to be lazy.
never let this thread die
You know what, I hate how believable this is. Why is everything about profit and loss statements, stock earnings, CEO’s raking it in big time and all the while the company is so chronically understaffed that they need to take short cuts like pathfinder and small zone developments.
Why is this something they’re allowing to happen?
That isn’t true at all. An “issue” is something that has to be fixed.
Several years ago, Blizzard changed the flying rules in Blizzard’s game. Many players disliked the new rules. But any rule that Blizzard makes has players that dislike it. Blizzard can’t please everyone. So that was not an issue for Blizzard. They didn’t need to fix anything.
They still use those rules. They still don’t need to fix anything. So it still isn’t an issue to Blizzard. It is only “an issue” to players that imagine they have the right to dictate the rules of the game.
Do quitting players mean lost money for Blizzard? Yes.
Is that the only financial impact the flying rule has on Blizzard? No.
This poor horse.