Instead, we will just quit playing the content.
it wasn’t an issue until specifically Ion made it one.
he has been 100% antagonistic towards the player base regarding flying since the day he took over lead.
in WoD he outright tried to say it wasn’t coming back for good. The player base revolted and we saw the greatest drop in player subscriptions to date.
Ion had to relent and bring it back but gated it behind a grind.
Every expansion he’s been in charge of has started without flying and with Ion being completely anti-player regarding flying.
He has been 100%, compeltely. utterly out of touch with reality in regards to flying. The only reason why I can see him continuously doubling down on it, is if he’s being motivated by other means to remove flying.
Or he’s just an insufferable out of touch dev who thinks he knows better than the millions of players playing that game.
That kind of ‘grind to get’ was what made me leave retail 4 or 5 years ago and inevitably drop my subscription. The expansion that came out at that point was chock full of intended hiccoughs that stopped me from flying, crafting, gathering etc. I left the game instead. I’m back on classic. Pandemic need for activity, I guess. Who can say how long I 'll be around, but, playing since Vanilla for many years, I finally just got tired of doing that grind again. Now my old level 70 raiding mage is level 45. and my beloved guild is almost empty and the game has changed so much I opened my bags and didn’t even recognize what was in them. I’ll hang in Classic a bit. Was nice to get on her at 45 and level to 50 in a blink of an eye though.
It’s about the devs perception of retention. They think hard locking a beloved feature like fyling behind doing a load of “content” that is drawn out and impossible to skip will somehow keep people engaged. Problem is flying makes the game more fun and keeps people around. Their time gate burns people out so that when they get to fly they just don’t care anymore. Kind of like this BS anima gaffe they have going on right now… who cares that the just finally buffed it a tiny bit. It’s still gated behind over priced upgrades to the covenants and is way too little, far too late. Blizz is just lost and the devs are a joke.
Its kind of like playing a maze game. You need to get over a mountain and see several paths, but most are dead ends. This is crappy content. Traveling around shouldn’t be how you spend 50 percent of your time. Queueable instance content lets you skip right to where you want to be. Flying somewhere takes more time than queues.
Delaying 6 months is good in my opinion, and requiring some quests to be done, but don’t make us run across the map to climb a mountain so we can glide down to a branch half way across the zone because that is how you access a treasure chest. This is only for OCD completionists, and most players don’t want to waste that much time unless the loot is at least a pet or something. Requiring rep for flight is terrible design, because that means you need to do tedious repetition of world quests, which isn’t ideal for repetitive content.
Says the dude with 7675 achievements. Go away.
Even once it’s unlocked flying is going to feel very different from how it has felt in every other expansion since we aren’t going to be allowed to fly between zones. Sure you can flutter around and do dailies, but you will still be using flight masters to go from zone to zone.
Shadowlands seems to be claustrophobic and restrictive by design, and it’s not just Blizzard’s insistence on linking everything to one of their systems or another that’s doing it all. It seems like they are intentionally giving back player the smallest possible doses of player freedom incrementally as a way to cultivate good will (a dumb expectation) and hide that they are avoiding fixing obvious problems with the game.
They was no reason to as you say “change the rules”. It was an agenda. Because the devs hate flying.
It was broken. But they broke it. Only to try and fix it.
Got to love some of these devs. First it’s everyone is going through the content to quickly, or skipping things, so we must figure out a way to slow them down. Ok let’s blame flying, and either try, and remove it, or gate it with this thing, and we will call it pathfinder. That will stop them! Oh btw we are adding timers to dungeons,and this thing we call visions, Torghast, etc, so you have to go as fast as possible to get through it
Greatest thread of all time.
War on flying is the greatest mistake of all time.
I was thinking about this and yeah you are right.
Why not play they way they want and leave the rest of us to enjoy flying?
Yeah the buff to anima isn’t going to motivate me to navigate between the disjointed zones. In fact the gold rewards from world quests isn’t enough of a pull factor. I rather just go do older raids and dungeons fir gold while also having fun seeing older content and stories.
I remember that announcement. That was NOT a good day nor a good decision.
Memorial day weekend we will never forget.
I’m sure the plummet of subs was a contribution to why we still have flying.
I’m a returning player. I love this game. But I suck at it. I love the variety, from fishing to getting laughed at by the Zandalari Rasta Angel when I die. It’s such a beautiful rich game. And what I loved most was flying. Before I had to stop (because life), I recruited people telling them “Dude, you get to fly! And they’ve built this amazing world just for human joy.” Sometimes I like to do nothing, and listen to the music while I fly over mountains and villages with all kinds of life going on below me. I love the Kul Tiras music, so I want to play in this new world that they built just for me, with the orchestra and classical choir playing just for me. So ok, I have to do stuff to get to fly. Except I don’t know what I have to do. There are no real guides. Wowhead was the best. Now it’s a mess. You tube influencers are not talking to me. I don’t know to whom they are talking, but it’s not me. I just want to get through this by doing just the required quests, so I can have something to do when I can actually fly. But I’m all over the place. I’ve done the same quests with 4 different creatures and I still don’t know what I’m doing. Can anyone recommend a real coherent guide (book?) that might be a bit more instinctive? Concise? I didn’t even know what my subscription was until I hit 50 and had to buy Shadowlands. I thought my subscription was already Shadowlands. Why does this wonderful game now feel like homework?
Sorry to go on… but I could really use some help.
Try the Pathfinder tool on Wowhead specifically. Each thing should be linked to a reputation or achievement that you need.
It can become tedious, especially if you are right at the beginning, but if you chip away a little at a time, you’ll eventually get there. Also, one of the things I did, to break the monotony of reputations, is use a separate character, if you can, to work on reputations. I had a Dwarf Shaman work on Kul Tiras, a Kul Tiran Druid work on Mechagon (Deluxe-Expansion boosted, after unlock, obviously), and my Undead Warlock on Zuldazar/Nazjatar.
Thank you for this. I don’t quite understand the way it works yet, but at least it’s something. I’m still not sure if I have to do all of the quests, or if there’s some “either/or” thing going on.
Also, I have to figure out what part of these quests or achievements are account-based and what part are character-based, which I will do by playing and checking my progress.
Either way, I do appreciate this. I will fly through Kul Tiras listening to Derek Duke’s music, with the wind through my feathers (my mains are mostly druid), if it takes me all year and 50 characters to get their.
(I mention Derek Duke because “Stormsong Valley” is truly music for flight; souring and gliding and trying not to get ganked by enemy factions. But Jason Hayes’ original scores and all the the music of the other remarkable composers raise this wonderful game to another level.)
That’s why it’s called memorial day lol
Flying didn’t need fixed, my homie.
its almost like youv been forced to do dailies every expansion since vanilla
welcome to MMO’s