the pyramid of zuldazar was a nightmare until flying was released
It’s not easy, it’s LAZY. They managed to do it just fine back when we had a real dev team, and while people say nonsense like “it’s harder with more details” most of the trees and content are pre generated models that don’t really add much time to place. The terrain is usually created with a terrain generating tool that takes one guy about a day to rough map. There is no real excuse for their stance besides being lazy and inept.
Fetch and kill quests are tedious and not even fun. Doing the same crap over and over. Same thing…different expansion.
Cant wait for Diablo 4 to be released! Just sayin…
Flying is one of the best things they’ve ever added to the game. Right along with personal loot.
Love flying; don’t mind personal loot as an option, but taking away other loot distribution options was a very bad idea.
They are now dailies anymore…they are chores!!
Not gonna do it!
Blizzard opened that Pandora’s Box.
If it is still is being developed
Came back after 4 years, picked Legion over BFA because I could fly. Guess I’ll let BFA rot another 2 years to do any of it.
It was a crap X-Pac. You won’t be missing anything.
I guess that means I won’t farm anymore, or do my dailies. On foot / mount is awful. Enemies always attacking you, slow… having to navigate terrain. Listen, I’ve been farm flying since you brought it out with TBC when I hit 70. Suppose that means I’ll do a lot less in this game then. Which sux cause I know WHY you did this. To slow us down because you have less content for us. Happens when you cut the dev team and have record profits.
Exactly bro. Easier and cheaper to drag a expansion out rather than pack it full of fun content.
Should be unlocked at 6 months in and maybe just add an alternative method to the meta achievement.
Maybe just require the storyline be complete, covenant campaign, and then you can either pay gold at that point or finish the other achievements for the rest of the meta achievement to earn it without gold. Maybe just add an expansion themed mount to the meta for those that grind it out, like Draenor meta for flying. I think Legion did as well?
Just make no flying servers.
Blizzard wouldn’t do that. They know exactly how popular flying is, how every single anti-flying player is a hypocrite, and the server(s) would flop harder than Magikarp.
That metaphor is epic lol.
But I see your truth.
Which makes their hostility to flight and holding it for ransom till you slog through their boring “content,” all the more shameful.
Why worry about a thread from 2019?
Silaena , absolutely my experience every expac. i finally earn my wings and for a split second im hyped! then from that very moment to the next I come to the same conclusion everytime…now that i can fly …its…back to exactly what ive benn doing . you nailed it! boom