Shadowlands NPCS have surface to air “magic” missles which are used to counter the maw worm issue, unfortunately their targeting systems are basic and will take you out mid flight. You are tasked with taking down the portals these maw worms use to infiltrate the SL. Each one you take down allows you to fly in the area. You could fly from the start just would get one shot fairly frequently from the maw worm defense system the NPCs had to deploy.
Some of the maw worm portals you can solo shut, some need help, the final ones are dungeons and maybe a raid verson.
There i just made flight available and also tied into content and also something that will take time to unlock, unless you are very motivate, and if you are that motivated to fly you should be able to fly after doing the requirements.
The end.
There just think of some stupid fun content people can do to slowly unlock flight in areas.
You can call it content and also brag how flight is available right from the start, for a price. but with ofc issues unless you do the content.
Why is something like this so difficult? Why the arbitrary “are yall done with all the content so we can make you jump through more hoops and unlock flight now that its not needed for anything?”
If you didn’t already know that, one can only wonder why.
Obviously you can access a lot more real estate through the air. The “immersion” and “content skipping” arguments are and always have been utter bollocks.
If you’re a rogue or druid you can just stealth by them.
If you’re a caster, or hunter, you can just pull the “boss” kite him till his “henchmen” lose interest; or you can fly right to him, kill him, job done.
The amount of ground clutter has increased by orders of magnitude since Pandaria. This is another symptom of bad design; ground clutter and “hazards” as a substitute for content.
This topic has been brought up a million times. Blizz is going to do what they are going to do. The millionth thread about the subject is not going to do any good, i’m sorry.
I get that, and I think most people would agree we should be grounded during the first character we work to max-level but where people get really ticked off is when we have to wait A YEAR OR MORE to just start to earn flying!
It wouldn’t be so bad if they had the requirements for Pathfinder disclosed at the start of the expansion and let us earn Pathfinder right away - I think then people would stop complaining. However, this dribble dribble drag-it-out-till-your-eye-balls-bleed clearly is not working!!!
I think people who say that flying shouldn’t be an option should be forced to have no mounts - just walking, not running, everywhere in the game to show how dumb that opinion is. Fair is fair. Just have a server where mounts and running isn’t allowed.
After the fiasco that was BFA, I’m never doing the requirements for flying again. It’s not fun. It’s not enjoyable. They should just do like wrath. Make it a level requirement and a basic rep gate and then you pay gold.
here is the thing, when you design a game, you have something called level design, the whole thing would be a cave if they would let you fly around, as you need to design castles, labyrinths, lairs, tree cities, and its complicated to do when players can just fly around, dont get me wrong its comfortable as duck, but boring as a play mechanic, some people just want to be comfy and then leave the game cause its too easy, as soon as you finish the game, they let you fly, this is pathfinder
Blizzard made a decision about game design. Many players didn’t like that decision. That isn’t an issue for Blizzard. It never has been. It still isn’t. It’s only an “issue” to SOME OF the disagreeing players – those that demand the right to design the game, and call it an “issue” when they cannot.
Blizzard (like me) doesn’t think that being a good player makes you a good game designer. Maybe that’s why WoW isn’t player-designed. On the bright side, it’s the most successful MMO in history.
Naturally players can have good ideas about game design. Like the ideas in this thread.
I disagree with Blizzard game design a lot. About flying. About other things. That isn’t an issue for me, because it’s not my game.
Its a way to prolong subscriptions. Put out 2 months of actual gameplay and then force people to take 2 years playing through it. All in the name of ------insert bs reason here-------