Flying... Here's the truth

Pathfinder is busy work “content” just to pad out sub time. It’s honestly insulting to the players that they have to jump through these asinine hoops every single expansion just to “”"“earn”""" something they’ve had right at max level for years.


The World of Warcraft monetization strategy has always been about finding ways to take things that require almost no development time and charging for them via a subscription. Flying is too popular a pastime in this game for blizzard not to use it against the playerbase.


I think I meant epic flying, sorry friend!

Nah they clearly states just gain flying. And that it was a privilege yeah right.

The vocabulary used suits Pathfinder, and yes flying is a privilege after you’ve completed that.

When I got Pathfinder I didn’t feel privileged, I felt like I had to meet an unnecessary criteria to gain flying. By the time I got it, everybody else had it so yeah.


I enjoy reading things like this. Then following it by reading threads about how “boring/ easy the open world is.” Like ones about the pre-patch. How players complain how boring it is to just fly from one place to the next, then afk for 10-20 minutes only to 60 man zerg a 5 man boss.

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I’ll just say that if Daybreak Games hadn’t utterly ruined EQ2, I’d still be playing it, because until about 4-5 years ago I firmly believed it was the best MMORPG available. But the one thing they HADN’T ruined, last time I played it, was making players do lengthy, time-consuming quest lines in order to fly.

If you think being able to fly ruins your game, then don’t fly. But this nonsense claim that it ruins MY game is pure nonsense, & I’m just as sick of hearing it from players who pretend they know, better than I do, what’s fun for me & what isn’t as I am hearing it from Blizz.

Seriously, speak for yourselves, leave me out of your opinions, kthnxbye. NB: this isn’t aimed at the OP, with whom I agree. It’s just easier to reply using the OP’s post than otherwise.


the modern games…

No PF info.

Systemlands is going to be a train wreck.

:surfing_woman:t2: :surfing_man:t2:


Nothing data mined on it yet , you mean? That does seem peculiar.

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Well, I guess I’ll be spending the bare minimum of time required in the Maw for whatever you’re supposed to do in that zone.


Epic flying in TBC was a total of 5000g plus 200g for the mount. This was not cheap for most people and took some planning depending on how soon you wished to get it. It is basically on a par with the top riding in Vanilla.

God I remember grinding for it in legion

It is not an accident.

2020 is not done being a trainwreck.

Be prepared for the worst.

:surfing_woman:t2: :surfing_man:t2:

Flying doesn’t make your character stronger. Flying just eliminates the tedium of travel. Gear trivializes the open world more than flying ever could.


Plenty of modern games are fun. More fun than wow, that’s for sure. I’ve been absolutely losing myself in Dragon Quest XI and BotW (again).


Man, I was just having this conversation with a pal the other day. We both despise rep grinding but were willing to do one or two an expansion to get an item or recipe etc. We found it ‘funny’ that Bliz always seems to make you do the most hated things the most to get the thing you want the most.

Same with leveling… Now you ALWAYS get dismounted and stunned/slowed. It happens to me nearly every time I come within 15 yards of any mob even while traveling down a designated path.

On the flip side all of us that DID do all the requirements for every flight area since WOD just got the shaft for doing all that BS by Bliz giving all of the past areas for doing nothing now.

They should have created a new epic mount for each area you completed all the pathfinders in. Call it a badge of honor.

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All may not be lost. My understanding is, if you did the full Pathfinders from previous zones, your flying mount is now a little faster than those who didn’t. I know that in Icecrown right now, with everyone flying hither and thither from rare to rare, some players are noticeably faster than I am. Hopefully that gives some satisfaction.

Boo Hoo

I earned a water walking mount by grinding for it. Blizzard not only broke my specific mount, but gave water walking to everyone.

I had to walk for 40 levels on most of my retail characters. In Cata Blizzard let level 20s ride. Now in SL you can ride at 10.

Pathfinger should never be required in this game. The dev’s love affair with it drove players away in droves. I’m glad they finally got rid of it. I won’t play BfA or SL till it’s gone either.


not to mention they can show the investors huge numbers logged in on any given day without having to make any extra content, so they can get more money out of the ones with the wallet