Flying... Here's the truth

I thought he just hated me personally. Huh.

Unpopular opinion: I halfway agree with Blizzard on this one.

They think flying should never have been put in the game. I think it should, but at only about half the speed it is at right now (from 300% to 150)

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Disagree with you on this one. I NEVER agreed with Pathfinder, I was just forced to go along with it to keep playing. Up until Shadowlands I found enough interest in the content (although in WoD is was just the garrison farm) that I kept paying. Not going to this time. And the only reason Pathfinder is still in the game is that it allows the devs to cheap out and not fully develop the content until later. If it didn’t save Daddy Blizz enough money to offset the sub losses during the spitegate then we all know it wouldn’t be implemented. Now I’m going to unsub on launch and do my part to make it less profitable. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


Don’t mean pointing out stupid ideas like crawling lol I just might happen

Well, he was a lawyer, wasn’t he? Isn’t that kind of the job description?


That isn’t lying… That’s word manipulation.

Immediately after typing that I thought “ohh God… what have I done” :smiley:

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We have some seriously amazing addin developers in the community. How about a questing addin (modified existing or otherwise) that provides pathing for difficult to traverse or confusing terrain, specifically leading to a quest area. No worries about flight paths or other travel modes, it should go from quest giver to the objective area (which is not necessarily the exact target, but close enough to not stress about traveling)

Flying was a mistake. Crucify me.

I guess your guild name roasted you enough :stuck_out_tongue:

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I hear in TBC it was a privilege to gain flying.

Now it seems like an insult.

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Burn lol! .

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Um, I think you might have given them ideas.

Currently the plan is to not allow mounts at all in the Maw , it will be an entire zone on foot so it feels more dangerous. While regular mounts might eventually get introduced, flying will probably never become available. The zone is large so there might be lots of flights paths in there. If they do allow mounts, it will somehow play into the Eye of the Jailer mechanic.

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You heard wrong, you got it cheap. Epic flying was a privilege though.


Boy oh boy times change…

Flying wasn’t an issue when the Devs weren’t lazy and made enough content (at launch) to incorporate flying.
Warlords is when flying went away. It was the expansion with the least amount of content and zones at launch. No new races, and no new classes. Everything was gated behind long rep grinds, and even the rep grinds gave you crappy gear rewards.


I’ve been playing since vanilla. I was broke when BC launched but was still able to afford flying the second I hit 70 in BC.


There are questing addons that guide you through the whole process. There are even some that will optimize flight paths by auto-selecting where to fly next, and inform you of the shortest routes to the next quest hub or turn-in.

I have no idea where you heard this, but it’s objectively not true. Slow flying was cheap and accessible to EVERYONE since there were several level 70 areas that you NEEDED flying to access. Grinding gold for epic flying was a different story.

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It’s now what Blizzard calls content for the lack of content and using the excuse people don’t want flying. Yeah Yeah Yeah (NOT)